
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Some Guy

*starts to refresh at the front page in hopes of being the first one to see the update*

[04/09/2008 18:57:23]

Ian of the Plusle

I used the Zodiac-thingy and got the festival of shadow Moltres. what is a Shadow Moltres?

[04/09/2008 11:17:50]

Ian of the Plusle

Yup, computers will do that to you

[04/09/2008 11:07:25]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Argh, I have an update ready but for some reason I can't access the server to upload it. <_<

[04/09/2008 00:32:50]

Ian of the Plusle

i finally found my DS! -plays- =D

[03/09/2008 19:31:13]


Oh yeah sry I thought it was on this site.

[03/09/2008 13:31:14]

Commenting on: 08-27-08

Now if only you woul put up that Fanfiction: Writing Guide

[03/09/2008 05:14:48]

Pikachu Goddess

How about Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life? Gee, every single "life" I've had on other Harvest Moon games have been wonderful… and that game I mentioned isn't wonderful at all! Everything costs too much… and star bulls? Gimme a normal cow!

My dad used to play my Yellow Version when I was little. My siblings and I would gather around him so that we could watch him play… XD Recently he played a bit of my Red Version.

[02/09/2008 23:58:19]

Some Guy

Tribute to Hyper? You mean the one at Absol's Moonlit Cave?

[02/09/2008 20:37:55]


I read the story of Hyper Long ago and Want to read it again so could you plz give me a link Dragonfree.

PS: Awesome Site!!

[02/09/2008 19:25:18]

Emerald Espeon

Well. I just beat Explorers of Time again even though I was underlevelled. And I thought I wouldn't be playing it…

Anyways, mmhmm, I used to obsess over Piloswine. I have no idea why.

Pfft. The lamest subtitle ever MUST go to Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness. If I ever get it, I'll just call it Harvest Moon Island :P

Pelipper for the spammifier.

[02/09/2008 18:21:30]

Ian of the Plusle

Wow, i like this place. i found the pokemon generator and started to explore and just… wow. everything is so organized xD

[02/09/2008 15:27:49]


Do you know what's weird? In battles, NO ONE nicknames their Pokemon, but in Contests, EVERYONE nicknames their Pokemon!

[02/09/2008 14:55:07]


Anyone mind me randomly joining in?

I seem to remember wanting to sell / throw away / otherwise get rid of my Game Boy Colo(u)r, only to have my dad protest telling me to keep it so he could play Pokémon Pinball on it. Now, considering he might have only played it once or twice when I got it and certainly showed no great love of it (and still to this day doesn't), that confused me slightly. Any families here with multi-generational Pokémon obsessions?

Let's see… my first handheld was an original yellow Game Boy, which came with Super Mario Land and Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins (Lamest Subtitle Ever award, anybody?) and packed up quite a while ago. The aforementioned GBC is purple and translucent, and still works (just, the sound is virtually nonexistent). Then came a GBA SP and normal DS, both of which are scratched and faded as anything (anyone who owns Elite Beat Agents will sympathise) but seem to work fine.

Porygon-Z for the spammifier. Seriously, that eye is freaking me out.

[02/09/2008 10:55:09]

Pikachu Goddess

*raises hand* I'm a Zelda fan, but not a major one.

I still have my DS Lite intact. My top screen is in perfect working order (no hinges damaged), but the bottom is scratched up a bit from making Poffins. It doesn't read really well when I have to go clockwise to stir, so maybe that's why.

My little sister's DS's hinges are breaking from God knows what.

My first handheld console was a turquoise Game Boy Colour. It used to have a Pikachu sticker on it - until my brother peeled it off not too long ago. Stupid Pikachu-hating siblings… Anyways, my second was an SP, coloured silver and with tattoo designs on the top, with two by the speaker and another by the main buttons. None of my consoles broke. :D

[01/09/2008 22:55:59]


… Pilowswine?

Anyways, Greenumbreon lent me his Legend of Zelda Collectors Edition!!! It comes with Legend of Zelda, Zelda 2: Adventure of Link, Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask!!!

I was just wondering, is there any Legend of Zelda fans on this guestbook?

Last day before school!!!

[01/09/2008 21:27:27]

Emerald Espeon

So I'm not the only one with the randomly whitening DS top screen and broken hinge :O But yeah, the hinge broke when I dropped it. The DS I mean, not the hinge.

My first game console was a Game Boy Advance. I think the color was called Glacier? And then a few years ago when Piloswine was my favorite Pokémon I printed out some small pictures of it and used double-sided tape to stick them to my GBA, so now instead of the Nintendo symbol at the top it says "Number 221" and on the handles of my weird charger thing it was random peeling bits of tape and Piloswine pictures xD

Trapinch for the spammifier.

[01/09/2008 16:16:41]

Some Guy

My first was a Gameboy Advance, which, other than a slightly broken battery holder…thing…works just fine. My sister gave me hers, so use them to trade Pokemon/mix records/etc.

[01/09/2008 14:16:06]


Yay! I finally beat The Legend of Zelda! (Not that anyone cares probably!)

My first console was a Gameboy Color, which I got when I was, like, four. I ended up losing it when I was 8, when it got lost when we were moving. And when I was 10, I got my Nintendo DS, and have had it ever since! (Though the lava stickers have worn away, and the bottom screen's scratched from Ranger!)

[01/09/2008 00:32:24]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

o.O I have one (regular) DS and have only ever had one. Same with my Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance and Game Boy Advance SP. They all work fine and have never broken. My DS's touch screen is pretty scratched up from Trozei, so it has a very visible checkerboard pattern on the right side, but otherwise it's fine.

Of course, I take unnaturally good care of my game consoles and Pokémon games, so I've never lost, broken or otherwise destroyed one.

[01/09/2008 00:19:35]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC