Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Blodh Arget
…Only two DS?
Well, I win. Let's see… I've had:
Gray regular DS - Hinge Broke
Blue PokéPark DS - LCD Screen Broke
Onyx DS Lite - Hinge Broke, and screen fades to white.
Crimson Black DS Lite (#1) - LCD Screen smashed
Now, I have two working ones. I had my PokéPark one fixed, and I had my Crimson Black one replaced, with Crimson Black DS Lite (#2).
Don't I have bad luck? Out of five, two work.[31/08/2008 22:16:20]
I know a guy who has a DS Lite. He's had it for about 2 and a half years. Most of the top is broken off, and the screen makes everything pink.
[31/08/2008 16:39:02]
Some Guy
My DS breaking may have more to do with the fact I've dropped it fifty billion times, though.
[31/08/2008 16:08:10]
Some Guy
Bwahaha! Now you shall all have to get used to my new name! >:D
My DS is about a year and a half old. The top screen turns white when it's at certain angles to the bottom screen. At least the sound works.
Ooh, Jirachi for spammifier. :3[31/08/2008 16:05:04]
MY DS Lite screen isn't broken. It's just covered with dust. (Which, by the way, is pieces of dead skin that floated down there while you were playing) Also, what with all the training I've done in the past few months, I've discovered that the Hall of Fame PC can only hold 30 records. After it exceeds 30, it starts to delete the old records.
[31/08/2008 15:38:10]
The guy with no username
Okay, somebody post to tell me how old your DS Lite gets before the top screen starts to break. I just got a new DS Lite to replace my old DS (Because some idiot sat on it and broke the top screen). [randomness] Ursaring spammifryer (As in, it fries spam. Not the edible kind though.) [/randomness]
[31/08/2008 14:11:44]
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! You can't change your name, Bob/Some Guy! The entire guestbook's known you as Bob for,l like, a long time!
Also, it seems that all the DS Lites screens are breaking. But not mine, since I have the bigger, bulkier older version![31/08/2008 13:33:30]
Do you know what's weird? Everyone captures Pokemon in Pokeballs. It's like, you use Great Balls, Ultra Balls, and even Master Balls, but everyone else only uses Pokeballs. Palmer must be a really good trainer (or have a really powerful False Swiper) to be able to capture Regigigas with that Pokeball.
[30/08/2008 22:51:42]
Do you know what's weird? Everyone captures Pokemon in Pokeballs. It's like, you use Great Balls, Ultra Balls, and even Master Balls, but everyone else only uses Pokeballs. Palmer must be a really good trainer (or have a really powerful False Swiper) to be able to capture Regigigas with that Pokeball.
[30/08/2008 22:51:42]
Emerald Espeon
I hate science labs. I'd rather just sit there and tune everything out take very very good notes.
I've been playing Explorers of Time more than I thought I would…I'm on the night before the expedition members are chosen now.
Feebas for the spammifier.[30/08/2008 21:34:46]
Some Guy (name change lol)
Decided to change my name from 'Bob' to 'Some Guy'. It's the name I use when filling out surveys & stuff (email is (not really) when that's required. I personally think it's very clever. :D)
School hasn't started yet for me. :P *dances*
Also, my DS's top screen is breaking. :(
Geez, my posts are getting really random.[30/08/2008 19:15:30]
Yay! i wasnt sure if you were still writing that.
[30/08/2008 16:04:18]
Is there anything wrong about the styleswitcher page? I can't switch the style for this moment.
[30/08/2008 11:48:34]
I go back to school after labor day.
[30/08/2008 11:10:52]
Finally! I've been waiting YEARS for your HTML guide! =D
Thanks, Butterfree.
^_^;[30/08/2008 10:54:32]
I've been back for a week and a half already. Quick rundown:
History: first class of the day, obviously impossible to stay awake in.
Thelology: see above
Stats: This has been fun because aboutt half of my friends from the XC team are in it and we just goof off.
ELA: I have a crazy teacher (in a good way though, she is actually kinda funny, unlike a certain biology teacher I ranted about at least five times last year)
Chemistry: A bit boring so far, but its just been the required safety rules and stuff that is really common sense but the school makes us do anyway because of laws and crap. Anyway, teacher said the cool stuff should start on tuesday (also, WAHOO three-day weekend)
Algebra: Its been mostly review from Algebra 1 (this is Algebra 2, obviously)
Latin: Awesome as usual :)[30/08/2008 07:19:31]
I love you forever for making the torkoal skin<3
[30/08/2008 06:30:05]
Pikachu Goddess
School started for me a couple of days ago. Ahh… I can find my classes easier than last year. I had to keep on checking the room number. And my crush's locker is directly behind mine! :3
I… quit playing my MD2 for a bit. I restarted my file quite a lot since I didn't really get the right feel for the new one until I was a Chikorita with a Pikachu partner. I miss my old file… ;_; Ah, well.[30/08/2008 01:22:09]
I just realized that Sableye has a Ruby, a Sapphire, and an Emerald on it's back. That's totally random and has nothing to do with anything, but yeah.
Also, my Sapphire deleted itself. T.T Just when I was going to actually challenge the Elite Four (I had challenged them before, but my levels were ridiculously low). ;_;
My new all-purpose curseword is 'Schnitzel'. :D
[/Random post][29/08/2008 19:39:46]
Emerald Espeon
I started a new game in Explorers of Time today :D But I don't think I'll be playing it that often at the moment, I've gotten readdicted to Harvest Moon DS and school starts very soon so…T.T
Latias for the spammifier.[29/08/2008 16:40:36]
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