Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Blodh Arget
He said update, not post.
[24/08/2008 20:39:16]
[24/08/2008 18:40:24]
No, this is the shortest post ever, Furrtwo!
[24/08/2008 18:38:20]
Website: Tev's Ultra Sprite Shopargh! i linked it to the homepage! THIS THIS is the real URL. Spammifier Carnivine thinks so anyway.
[24/08/2008 14:37:10]
Website: Tev's Ultra Sprite ShopNo problem Butterfree, your sprites are too awesome, so I had to report him. OK, my site is just opened today so I'd appreciate it if you'd request some sprites in the guestbook but I'm not pushing you.
If the link doesn't work please click here for the URL.[24/08/2008 14:35:13]
Commenting on: 08-23-08Uh, shortest update ever? =P
*goes to read Morphic*[24/08/2008 04:12:15]
emerald pokedex nearing compleation i wish
[24/08/2008 03:29:02]
Blodh Arget
Speaking of Fakemon, I need to revise the names of mine, which I'll do… Eventually.
[24/08/2008 03:04:42]
i was just going around the site today
but in the process i was intrigued to draw my Fake pokemon in paint
Hint: my name is it's name DIALGIX![24/08/2008 01:21:34]
the 3rd temporal master is in the house!!!!![24/08/2008 01:19:02]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesTev: Sorry, I was just in a bit of a hurry when I originally read your mail and wasn't sure what to say other than just "Thanks for telling me."
[24/08/2008 01:03:47]
I just love your site. I visit it very often. =D And your layouts are awesome. I especially love the "Hellfire" one. Keep up the great work!
[23/08/2008 20:23:48]
Um, I was the one who reported ShuggerPkmn, but did I even get a "thanks"? NO! No offense Butterfree, but you could have e-mailed me back!
[23/08/2008 19:17:15]
The guy with no username
Website: I don't have oneSpeaking of the Marquee of Doom, I'm disturbed that I made it through without becoming disturbed…. Also, could someone E-Mail me with a hint to The Secret Link's location? Don't think I'm lazy, I found all the clues, and the old secret links, but I'm having trouble finding the current one.
[23/08/2008 18:54:28]
Don't worry, Typhloise- you didn't miss anything.
[23/08/2008 11:03:46]
Blodh Arget
Why is Butterfree's lack of updates a good thing? As I see it, it's a bad thing.
[22/08/2008 23:43:38]
I'm back! Did you miss me? Wait, before you answer that…
I've been away for awhile, in a place that inconveniently did not have internet. So, I've been internetless for two whole weeks. I guess I'm going to have to look up allllllllllll the stuff I missed on Serebii about Platinum. At least Butterfree only updated once![22/08/2008 23:02:40]
Question about the link game while we're on the subject: when you click on the secret link, it actually tells you that its the link, correct?
[22/08/2008 19:28:45]
Zeta Reticuli
Commenting on: 08-18-08Stop TORTURING me and get this game up already. :0
[22/08/2008 16:52:23]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesForget about the clue. The clues are all ridiculously cryptic and I should reemphasize that they do not point to one another in the manner of a treasure hunt; they just give general tips for the search and are independently hidden. If the clue isn't telling you anything, don't be surprised; just keep looking.
[22/08/2008 16:04:54]
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