Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Website: The Cave of Dragonflies…uh, last time I checked, the whole point of my AAP articles was that people are entitled to their own opinions and that people are not better or worse just because they like or dislike a video game. Where do you see me trying to convince anybody that Pokémon rocks?
[19/08/2008 01:25:39]
heyy… signing for the sake of signing.. nice site i guess. you're articles seem just a bit biased, especially the one about the anti-anti-pokemon… i think everyone is entitled to their decisions (yours included) and it's rather a worthless cause to convince people that pokemon rock/suck if you catch my gist. good job, keep up the good work
[19/08/2008 00:05:20]
Believe it or not, but there's a pokemon more pathetic than Magikarp.
A male Combee!!!
Spammifier: Cranidos
(Don't you just love covering the word "Head" part of its pokedex entry on the screen that says it's the "Head Butt Pokemon?"
On a sadder note…
One of my friends from preschool's dad died.
So did one of my teachers that helped me a lot.[18/08/2008 23:59:18]
Believe it or not, but there's a pokemon more pathetic than Magikarp.
A male Combee!!!
Spammifier: Cranidos
(Don't you just love covering the word "Head" part of its pokedex entry on the screen that says it's the "Head Butt Pokemon?"
On a sadder note…
One of my friends from preschool's dad died.
So did one of my teachers that helped me a lot.[18/08/2008 23:59:17]
Thank you EvilPenguin for saving me from actually explaining it.
Though Phelps is actually Aquaman. :p
*Phelps suddenly comes up from a puddle*
O.k O.o
Raticate for spammifier. I re-did FireRed this morning and evolved my Rattata about 3 hrs ago. :D[18/08/2008 20:33:27]
Phelps is Aquaman an American swimmer who just set a record for most number of Olympic gold medals won, both in a single Olympics (prev. record was seven, he got eight) and lifetime (i think prev. was nine or something, he has fourteen). And yeah, he is amazing, but he had better be thanking jason lezak on benede knee for saving his ass in both the 4x100 Freestyle relay AND the 4x100 Medley relay
[18/08/2008 05:43:39]
Who's Michael Phelps?
[18/08/2008 00:30:18]
yea just logged in now and noticed the newest signing (the one called WoW lover).
Random much
Sorry I haven't been active on the guestbook much, been in Beijing for a week and before that, like a month in Florida. (That sunburn still hasn't gone away, using factor 30 as well. :p)
Anyway, long story short, Michael Phelps rules and Butterfree, keep up the great site-making skills. :D
Nidoqueen for spammifier.[17/08/2008 19:10:22]
WoW lover
[17/08/2008 19:06:39]
Ooh! An RPG! I wanna play! *bounces up and down*
*calms down after a few hours*
Now then, where did I put that Nintendo DS of mine…[17/08/2008 02:03:42]
Um, Coro-Teen, in the FAQ Butterfree has given that answer to that question :x
[16/08/2008 22:30:55]
Hey Butterfree!
I am working on an RPG and was wondering if we could use some of your scratch sprites? I didn't know how to contact you any other any other way. so…[16/08/2008 21:59:34]
Hihi, Butterfree!! I LOVE YOUR SITE, MAN!!!!! I've been checkin' it out for years, dude! I rarely stick to a site so long (other than ones for Online RPGs)! CoD IS ULTIMATE PWNAGE ON THE 'NET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hehe…. Overexcited and sleep-deprived (for now)…..
[16/08/2008 09:30:05]
ur site ishh nice! continue to add stuff! ^_^ hehe! btw, everyday i read this web, wanting to see gt any updates! but 1st time signing guestbook! =X
[16/08/2008 06:04:40]
Website: echo cavern - fire versionhi your site rocks!
[16/08/2008 03:54:23]
Blodh Arget
Maybe it'll have special text saying met somewhere, like the familiar place and all that related text.
[16/08/2008 00:55:36]
Oops, I meant if an EGG is hatched in any other new location, too.
[15/08/2008 14:53:26]
Hey, if Giratina is caught in the Torn World, or any other new location in Platinum, if it's traded to an English D/P, there won't be data there of where it was caught, but in Generation III, they could escape that problem because it was always in English. But do the programmers realize that?
[15/08/2008 14:52:35]
In a double battle, with Altaria and Wobbuffet together, I could switch out both of them in the last turn.
[15/08/2008 11:39:37]
My Perish Trap only works on those Battle Tower guys. I guess it won't work in competitive battling.
[15/08/2008 10:48:19]
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