
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Pikachu Goddess


Wow. Perfect timing you put up that section, Butterfree. I've started the feat of completing my National Dex, too! xD

[22/08/2008 01:21:22]


Rayquaza Rules!!!

[22/08/2008 00:29:47]

Blodh Arget

Butterfree is a she.

There is a prize. It tells you to click on the thting at the bottom, and if you do, fill out a form, your name will be added to Ruler of The Universe list.

[21/08/2008 21:09:41]

Commenting on: 08-18-08

This website is awesome! Hellfire background is awesome! Woo-hoo! Go baby!

[21/08/2008 17:38:23]

Commenting on: 08-18-08

The Marquee of Doom… i got disturbed but believe, i made it to the end. The host of this website, i don't know whats his/her name, he said there was an award at the end. Please, you should have showed it at the end.

[21/08/2008 17:36:23]

Blodh Arget

Who has Wi-fi? If you do, E-mail me. I'll explain what I want then, which is not to battle.

[21/08/2008 01:37:49]



Give a Mankey Gooey Mulch, and teach it Fling. If it uses Fling, it's a POOP FLINGING MONKEY!!!

[21/08/2008 00:49:33]

Website: Buizel's Island

Never mind. I used a validator to fix it.

[20/08/2008 15:24:09]

Ross Epling (aka NiGHtsBeta09)
Website: The Darkness, Home of NiGHtsBeta09
Commenting on: 08-18-08

Oh, yeah! Yes on the checklist, I remembered! It sounds like a good idea, and good luck on the 'Dex!!

I looked at the post under me, or signature, or whatever it's called!

[20/08/2008 05:38:58]

Ross Epling (aka NiGHtsBeta09)
Website: The Darkness, Home of NiGHtsBeta09
Commenting on: 08-18-08

I have no idea why I am writing this, but I like the styles you have! Bring back Shiny Umbreon!!!!! Please!!!!!

Sorry. Anyway, Butterfree, check out my site! Some of my sprites are there, inspired by your spriting guide!! Anyway, I don't know if I wanted to comment for a reason or not… I'm tired…. Anyway, bye, and yes, I know I'm weird! ;-P

[20/08/2008 05:37:17]

Website: Buizel's Island

I'm back with another little layout problem. I made a new layout that looks perfectly fine in Firefox, but is horribly stretched in Internet Explorer to the point where it's hard to read the content and the background shows through. Can you look at the css- and tell me what I should do?

[20/08/2008 01:18:45]

Commenting on: 08-18-08

Yes on the check list. Right now I've been using a poster for a checklist.

[19/08/2008 20:33:56]

Commenting on: 08-18-08

Wow, this is a big update =D I think the checklist is an awesome idea. It would help those lazy people too lazy to do it themselves, aka me xD

Whoo, Arceus for spammifier ^^

[19/08/2008 18:33:52]



Sorry Butterfree…

And I saw your rainbow coloured Groudon sprite you gave to zolo1243, it's awesome :D

[19/08/2008 17:41:52]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

The thing is that Pokémon are not animals and are clearly implied to enjoy battling, hence that section.

[19/08/2008 16:09:32]


Plain and simple, Pokemon haters are biased to pokemon lovers, neither is right.

Catching animals and making them battle is wrong, and laughing and promoting it is wrong as well

*talks to spammifier Torchic*

I would never capture you , oh no i wouldn't,

*Torchic coughs*



[19/08/2008 15:17:09]

Commenting on: 08-18-08

I think that checklist thing would be a really good idea. Go for it!

[19/08/2008 15:13:18]

Dragon Tamer
Commenting on: 08-18-08

Good luck with the Dex where abouts guide. It's an awesome idea. x3

[19/08/2008 04:42:36]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

The main point, though, is less about how trainers treat their Pokémon and more about the concept of Pokémon training itself. The anti-Pokémon argument is that the franchise promotes animal cruelty simply because it involves capturing "animals" and making them fight one another; whether the trainer in question is nice or not to the Pokémon otherwise is ultimately irrelevant since the protagonists are obviously the ones who treat their Pokémon as friends and those who are less kind are portrayed as villains.

[19/08/2008 01:56:04]


I'm not trying to be bossy, but a good point to put in the "Animal Cruelty?" section is that some trainers actually ARE bad to their Pokemon, like Paul, Damien, (Ash's Charmander's old trainer) and to a point, Silver.

[19/08/2008 01:50:59]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC