
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


I noticed that last night when training Altaria. BUT… What if I did it so the opponent would switch and so I could switch to someone else without trouble? It could be a lure towards switching!!!!

But should I keep Perish Song or should I forget it for Draco Meteor?

I just completed my team by getting Banette on the GTS.

Should Banette know Psychic or Trick? I already have counters for all types, so Banette wouldn't learn Psychic for that sake.

GROUDON for the spammifier.

[15/08/2008 10:46:46]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Your Perish trapping strategy doesn't work for the simple reason that the opponent will switch on the turn that you switch Wobbuffet in. :/

And sorry, but I've been spending the past few days trying to finish chapter 43 of my fic and then there's that game I need to make. The Cave of Speculative Theories has no excuse; I'm just lazy.

[15/08/2008 08:58:15]


The board game Othello, that is.

[14/08/2008 22:53:53]


I know two people: one who says Othello is racist and one who says the last name 'White' is.

[14/08/2008 22:52:58]

Blodh Arget

I think this site, and COST, needs an update. But, updates came when she makes something to update about.

[14/08/2008 22:02:41]


You know what I was talking about earlier, the Wobb-Altaria strategy? I think I reinvented the Perish Trap.

[14/08/2008 00:40:17]


Oops, I accidentally called myself Jynx in that last one.

[14/08/2008 00:38:05]


It's just wrong that people have to change people's skin color when they do something good, like help Santa.

[14/08/2008 00:37:29]


How could Carole Boston Weatherford do such a horrible thing!??? (She was the guy who made Jynx purple) I mean, I'm not saying I hate Jynx's new look, I actually like it, but what if one Pokemon player LIKED Jynx because she was based on a human and was black, because it being black represented human diversity to him? It's like she got Nintendo to say, "You can't be in this show OR the video game because you're black." Or, "I got an idea! Let's paint Jynx's skin purple!" And Jynx's trainers said, "NO!!! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO MY JYNX!???" And then they said, "Hey, I got an idea! Let's make more Jynx episodes, but NEVER SHOW THEM!!!! And make Jynx worked up for nothing, FOR NO PAY!!!!! All because she's black! And don't show them until we get a million bucks for the Pokeymon show!"

[14/08/2008 00:36:05]


HA! I go back the day after labor day. Suckers! >:D

Gosh I haven't posted here in a while. *waves*

[13/08/2008 23:25:24]

Pikachu Goddess

Congrats on getting your permit, EP. :)

I go back on the twenty-seventh. I have been looking so forward to this year, there's such a good feeling about it.

Oh, and by the way, I'm gone for the week. Apparently my family wants to go to our cabin again, so see you guys later.

[13/08/2008 22:37:05]


I go back in a week, haha. Sophmore year is gonna be awesome :)

[13/08/2008 13:06:41]

Luxray Village HQ
Website: Luxray Village

Really? In the US, Georgia to be precise, Village Montessori School starts in about 5 days. We get out later, but school starts later too.

[13/08/2008 12:03:05]

Blodh Arget

School starts back in… Nine hours for me.

[13/08/2008 03:04:50]


The reason for consecutive posting is that people suddenly come up with stuff to say AFTER they hit the post button.

[12/08/2008 18:19:11]

Commenting on: 07-30-08

I really like the Dialga style. It is my new favorite one. =D

[12/08/2008 16:17:36]


lol septuple-posting


[12/08/2008 16:14:25]


But if the opponent wakes up, Wobby can try to counter it.

[12/08/2008 12:15:38]


I figured it out while trying my team out in the Battle Tower.

[12/08/2008 12:14:38]


And the opponent CAN'T switch out because of Wobbuffet's Shadow Tag.

[12/08/2008 12:13:49]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC