
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Website: Ezpero, made by the creator of A Land called Ages
Commenting on: 07-30-08

You should totally make a Palkia version! Oh, and a Giratina/Darkrai.

[07/08/2008 22:28:24]


Yeah, I noticed that, but the internet wasn't working for some reason.

The pictures kind of look like Rotom. It wouldn't surprise me if they were just another form of some Pokemon.

In my opinion, I think it would be better for for Nintendo to stop inventing new Pokemon games, and remake some! *cough* gold and silver remakes *cough*.

Of course, this could all be some sort of cruel prank.

You know, it would be really great if Serebii would continue their comic.

[07/08/2008 17:03:06]


And I would now like to direct everybody's attention to Serebii who has posted something about some supposed new pokemon/forms of old pokemon that are going to appear as shadows in the new CoroCoro magazine.

Personally, I'm thinking alternate forms of Rotom, since three of them have that spike on top. If so, then it would make sense that they change form based on whatever you connect rotom to (like, the normal is a TV, the green one is a radio, the blue is a lawn mower, etc.) :P

[07/08/2008 15:22:13]


The Valley of Nightmares was another pokemon fansite that the owner eventualy lost interest in (nearly a year ago, I'm suprised it was there as long as it was) and… now the website is gone.

And there's no need to yell, Typhloise. Spammifier Huntail finds it's prey by echolocation, but yelling will help it find you then… It EATS you.

[07/08/2008 14:20:21]

Luxray Village HQ
Website: Luxray Village

What's Valley of Nightmares? (Yeah, I don't know anything. :P)

[07/08/2008 12:18:16]


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Valley of Nightmares is GONE!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!

[06/08/2008 22:01:25]

Commenting on: 07-29-08

AWESOME, somebody agrees with me

[06/08/2008 17:17:33]


I like Luxray! I had one on my team!

Also, I liked the old Pokemon pages on Wikipedia, instead of the newer more awful ones.

[06/08/2008 14:48:34]

Luxray Village HQ
Website: Luxray Village

Thanks dragontamer! Yeah, it's not completed yet but I'm working hard! Soon the link under my name will have a real url, not the 'not completed yet' junk. That's exactly what it says, so I guess I should warn people not to click it yet. I'll tell the world when it's finished, I'll probably be screaming happy! Well, technicaly (I hope I spelled that right) it is ready to be published, but I'm having some problems connecting with the server, so yeah. It might take a while!

Wow, long post. :D

[06/08/2008 11:43:23]

Dragon Tamer
Website: Twilight Effect
Commenting on: 07-29-08

I love this style. But I agree with Jirachi on this one - a Spacial Rend theme would be great. *ownspearl*

Oh, and Luxray, good luck with your site buddy, I'm sure it'll be awesome, as long as you put effort into it.


[06/08/2008 04:39:03]


I'm going to draw a EeveeCabbage! picture now, it's much too hard to resist.

I often misread things, such as I am on a couch is I'm a couch at first glance x3

[06/08/2008 02:17:54]


Why does the style I have set keep changing to Voice of the Forest? *kicks computer* keep it Minimal Dewgong, will ya?

[06/08/2008 02:07:54]


Trapinch is based on an antlion. The larvae digs pits in the sand to catch small living things including ants. The adult antlion looks almost exactly like a dragonfly.

Eh? My spammifier is flygon! Yay!


Gorebyss=Long-nosed Chimaera

This page explains a few other commonly misunderstood pokemon.

-.- Eevee is a fox. And I think Garchomp is some kind of land shark that lives in dune seas (instead of normal sharks in oceans). A good idea for a pokemon if you ask me.

[06/08/2008 01:56:15]

Pikachu Goddess

When I first read that, I thought you said "cabbage". XD

EvilPenguin: Well, Ariados looks a lot like an ant. Ah, yes, forgot about Trapinch.

YamiiDenryuu: Garchomp is a cross between a lizard and a jet plane. Even says in the Pokédex entry that it looks like one when it flies. Speaking of Garchomp… doesn't it look similar to Sharpedo? Distant cousins, maybe?

[06/08/2008 01:53:08]


Eevee's based off the wonderous animal, known as the Fennec Fox, though some could argue Eevee's a cabbit.

[06/08/2008 01:46:59]


Eevee is a fox/rabbit thing…. And Garchomp is…. A shark lizard. Or something.

[06/08/2008 01:32:12]

Luxray Village HQ
Website: Luxray Village

Hmm… Is Eevee like anything? Is it another rabbit? And what about Garchomp?

Yeah, I'm full of QUESTIONS and I know it. Like, for instance, why do they tend to call it a plot when the bad guy thinks of it, and a plan when the good guy does?

[05/08/2008 20:21:53]


The nidos are based on rabbits (its easier to see if you look at the nidogenders than their evolutions). And I know Combee isn't actually a bee, that was a joke.

[05/08/2008 15:16:48]


*checks* Blah, I think I looked at the guy below him :3

[05/08/2008 14:53:14]


Combee is based more off a honeycomb than a bee….

[05/08/2008 14:13:39]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC