
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.



[01/08/2008 01:45:45]

Pikachu Goddess

Speaking of finding things out, I found that Rhyhorn and Charizard have the same cry. Oh, and that Kanto's cities are named after colours (Pallet Town as in colour pallet) and that Johto's all have something to do with plants. If you knew this from a long time ago, don't get me wrong and think that I just found this out.

[31/07/2008 22:40:22]

Commenting on: 07-30-08

xD what a coincidence!

[31/07/2008 22:30:08]


I have some interesting news! Greenumbreon and I were talking, and we found out something interesting!

You know the museum in Lilycove in the Hoenn region? Well, on the first artifact that you see, there's a small marking on the slab that looks like Lucario! It probably just a coincidence, but still!

[31/07/2008 18:47:07]


…. 'Flashlight'? I don't think I've heard of that.

[31/07/2008 18:38:40]


Love the roar of time style (I don't shorten it because it would turn into ROT, which it doesn't) but you should take out the site poll.

[31/07/2008 17:35:53]



It's weird that you can breed a Zangoose and Seviper and they'll still love you. Also, I've heard about the "flashlight" thing. Wouldn't that totally defeat the purpose of Flash?

[31/07/2008 17:32:18]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Luxray, get your own ideas. Originality does not mean getting other people to think of ideas for you.

[31/07/2008 16:22:57]


What exactly are you going for with the website? Maybe if you give us more details (if you did I'm too lazy to check) we can help more.

[31/07/2008 16:16:37]

Luxray Village HQ
Website: Luxray Village


[31/07/2008 15:58:35]

Luxray Village HQ
Website: Luxray Village

No really I havent got more then tow comments so PLEASE HELP ME

I need website Ideas!

[31/07/2008 15:57:29]

Commenting on: 07-30-08

But if I switch to 7, then it becomes more difficult to get sprites. Besides, it is a little too complex for me: I mean, I can handle complex things, but I like it when they aren't.

[31/07/2008 15:23:26]

Commenting on: 07-30-08

This style is too dark for my eyes lol. :p

[31/07/2008 14:25:15]


I'm not talking about him; I'm talking about the people who would use it for something malicious. I searched 'cutenews hacked' and saw one site that had all the content deleted.

I don't care much about Cutenews and VN was lucky not to have gotten worse if the security hole has been there since they stopped updating. It's the people out there who do more than post 'l2security' that bother me.

[31/07/2008 13:47:48]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Honestly, I don't really mind the person who's hacking CuteNews. He's not destroying anything the webmasters created, and thus I wouldn't really call it malicious; he's just taking drastic measures to draw attention to the fact that CuteNews has a critical security vulnerability and it is irresponsible for using that version. If there were a vulnerability in my guestbook or something, I'd be glad if somebody demonstrated it without doing any actual harm. :/

That and I can't stand CuteNews. Not just because it's apparently a piece of crap as software goes, but also because of the very fact so irritatingly many people feel the need to use a third-party script to post news of all things. I mean, sure, news comments are nice, but easily unnecessary enough to make it one of those things you try to code yourself when you're bored sometime.

But eh, that's just me and my I'd-rather-not-have-any-third-party-scripts-on-my-site-unless-absolutely-necessary.

[31/07/2008 13:12:41]


We're not going to respond to you 20 minutes after you post.

[31/07/2008 12:55:03]

Luxray Village HQ
Website: Luxray Village


[31/07/2008 12:52:11]

Luxray Village HQ
Website: Luxray Village

Hello? Anyone home?

[31/07/2008 12:51:38]

Luxray Village HQ
Website: Luxray Village
Commenting on: 07-30-08

You got any ideas for a website, anyone? I'm open!

[31/07/2008 12:28:06]


I wonder what happened to the host… But just like Silverwing, maybe the site will start updating again!!!

[31/07/2008 11:16:08]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC