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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Commenting on: 07-29-08I am using spectrum style because I don't have anything against Dialga, but it would be nice to see a Spacial Rend style, I luvs Palkia!
[29/07/2008 19:25:32]
Website: Igloos and Dumbbells
Commenting on: 07-29-08Whoa! The new layout is awesome! I like this better than the Torkoal style or the Articuno style (I used to use those).
[29/07/2008 18:57:59]
Commenting on: 07-25-08Wow. Great job on the new style, I love it. I think I'll be using this instead of Shiny Umbreon from now on!
[29/07/2008 18:42:02]
Commenting on: 07-29-08It looks really cool ^.^ (Though the Featured Section box is kinda hard to read).
[29/07/2008 18:20:05]
I likes the new style. :3
And just after I got used to Axe-Murderer, too…[29/07/2008 16:34:13]
Website: Torterragonal
Commenting on: 07-29-08I love this new layout. It rocks. I had the Celebi one, but the Dialga one is now what shall be used by me.
[29/07/2008 16:04:18]
Website: Genetic-Anomaly
Commenting on: 07-29-08I like the new layout :) I am a Diamond fan (can't…defeat…elite…) but I'm fond of the lighter colors in your layouts.
[29/07/2008 15:42:15]
Commenting on: 07-29-08Meh, I'm actually not to fond of this one *cough* not a Diamond fan *cough* Though it looks okay, I'd still rather use Spectrum Style ^w^
[29/07/2008 15:29:06]
To pet a Regice, you need an extremely warm Antarctic-Winter suit with super-heated water running through it (something like an astronaught's suit). And then you need an oven big enough to fit Regice and yourself in. Turn the oven on MAXIMUM heat, then you can pet Regice safely.
And the Dialga style is awesome. But I'm gonna keep Minimal Dewgong on. :P
Breloom for the spammifier. Mmmm… mushrooms for dinner….[29/07/2008 14:11:48]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 07-29-08Zomg. New style, everybody! :o
[29/07/2008 13:32:10]
Pikachu Goddess
Luxray, what's your website about? That way I might be able to help.
I don't mind Pokémon hentai. It doesn't really bother me much.[29/07/2008 02:38:29]
Actually, Dittos might go through fission…. I mean, you can't get one by mating, so where would they come from? And the look like amoebas anyway. All blobbly and stuff.
But yea. Other than that….[28/07/2008 21:45:27]
Website: Genetic-Anomaly
Commenting on: 07-25-08Okay, so…I'm new to this site, there are several things I have to say. First of all, I love-love-love it. Thanks so much, Butterfree, for your perfectly-named sprite downloads. (I was wondering if you had the icons, or knew where I can get them? The only good place I know is Pe2k, and for some reason parental controls won't let me in.)
Two, I never read the fan theories, but for you people being angry about them being taken down, Butterfree didn't even necessarily have to put a poll. She could have just taken them down. So at least she gave people the option, even though it was technically her choice in the first place!
Third…without genitals, how would Pokemon reproduce? Honestly. They don't go through binary fission and just split, and hey, there's another! So don't be so immature about the discussion.[28/07/2008 18:56:49]
Luxray Village HQ
Website: Luxray Villagethanks, greenumbreon. Btw, how can you pet a Regice? With a glove?
[28/07/2008 15:40:55]
The only reason nobody's ever seen a pokemon lay an egg is that the only place they ever actually lay eggs is in a secluded den in the wild (if the pokemon is wild), or (if the pokemon has been caught) all the 'Day-Care' people are near blind and completely brain-dead.
Ooh, Luxray Village! Make an article about how great green umbreons are! Or you could write an article about how the pokemon in the legendary trio in GSC are obviously FISH.
And don't forget to add a guestbook! A page with all the sprites you made, or one telling the secret on how to pet Regice without your hand having to be amputated afterward due to extreme frostbite! And a page about the benefits of using live mice instead of those plastic ones for you computer! And why cube shaped watermelons are great!
Suicune for the spammifier.[28/07/2008 13:57:47]
Luxray Village HQ
Website: Luxray VillageK. So this is really random. I'm in the middle of making a website called Luxray Village. Does anyone have any ideas?
[28/07/2008 11:40:45]
Commenting on: 07-25-08*does not appreciate being called a sick fuck* *whistles nonchalantly *
[28/07/2008 01:32:51]
Yay, new theory :) You should add a bit about why certain pokemon evolve based on gender though (for Instance, why female Burmy become Wormadam while males become Mothim, or why only female snorunt become froslass, etc.)
[28/07/2008 01:17:56]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 07-25-08I'm sorry, but I really can't see what is so terribly wrong with assuming that Pokémon reproduce sexually for the purposes of theorizing about their genetics, particularly since we do know that two sexes exist (why would they otherwise?).
You know nothing about whether Pokémon have genitals. It is quite an obvious fact that if they have genitals, they would not be drawn on in the official art, so saying you can't see them there proves nothing. You're welcome to just think of Pokémon as reproducing through some mystical phenomenon or whatever if you feel like it, but the thing is that that view isn't very open to intelligent theorizing about anything. Since I'm creating a theory to begin with, I must assume they reproduce by some sensible and scientifically explainable means.
(Also, I know a lot of nice people who look at Pokémon hentai who would not appreciate being called sick fucks.)[28/07/2008 01:09:53]
Commenting on: 07-25-08Pokémon don't have genitals. In fact, nobody has ever seen a pokémon lay an egg, so you can also assume that nobody has seen pokémon having sex. Therefore, the purpose of genders is unknown, ja? Whilst pokémon can breed, nobody knows how. Unless you look at pokémon hentai, you sick fuck.
[27/07/2008 22:32:16]
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