Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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I need to know your friend code, EP! I reeeeaaaally need Hippopotas. What would you like? I have practicaly every starter there is (except for Chickorita), I have every Hoenn Pokemon, and I have every Kanto Pokemon, except for Tauros and Kangaskan. (Stupid safari zone!!!)
Porygon Z for spammifier! I have a Porygon Z for competitive battling!
WHAT??? HOW DID I SPELL PORYGON Z WRONG??? Oh well. Nosepass![22/07/2008 12:59:45]
Website: ThundershockSpammfier Monferno.
Peoplez- Harry Potter is evil. Ya know why? Becuz of what he does and the songs he sings. Harry Potter Puppet Pals forever! He even swears- Voldemorts Nipple is his favourite, and Dragon Bogeys is Ron's! Muahahaha! Also- I have three Shiny Ponytas.[22/07/2008 11:18:39]
Typhloise, I could get you a Hippopotas for you, I have one sitting in my box right now from a breeding project.
Speaking of trading, if anyone wants shiny Blaziken (adamant, if you care), let me know so we can negotiate - im on the tcod and psypoke forums as evilpenguin. I have a virtually unlimited supply (hooray emerald cloning glitch).
[/shamelessadvertising][22/07/2008 03:12:17]
Great, EP! And getting a Hippowdon would be even harder, since the person wants a level 90 Celebi.
[22/07/2008 00:43:36]
I saw a shiny Gloom :D!
granted i just hit refresh till i got one but who cares :o[22/07/2008 00:39:40]
Why not just breed a hippowdon?
[21/07/2008 23:18:33]
Yay! I just got WiFi! I need a Hippopotas, but he stupid person wants a male Milotic! I have a female Milotic, so I'm trading it for another Milotic that's male, but I need to train my Milotic to level 30.
Rotom for psmiammifier![21/07/2008 21:01:35]
Mike the Foxhog
@Terry: No to both. -_; I'm severely unlucky.
[21/07/2008 19:38:28]
PAMMIFIER? Typhoise, you should really think before you say spammifier! YOu forgot the S!
And I wanna DS. Not lite, just the normal DS. My black DS Lite's broken at the part that shows if it's on or not so the screen sorta hangs off. The A button wore out, too. So did the down button on the directional pad. I'm rather sure that the buttons don't wear out on the normal DS. And you can't turn the screen light off on the DS lite. So that makes it nearly impossibe to see the screen when outside. X(
Shiny pokemon: I caught a shiny gyarados! (in Pokemon Crystal) And a shiny HootHoot! And I almost caught a shiny unown. But then my crystal file was deleted. I ALMOST caught a shiny skarmory in Saphire, but the darn thing broke out of every pokeball I had. ;-; I'll never get over it… I also caught a shiny caterpie once! Then I evolved it into metapod then butterfree! Then the file I had it on was deleted.
No shiny spammifiers yet, though I've spent about an hour refreshing this page before, though.
Now I'm bored.
Not-shiny Pidgeot for the spammifier.[21/07/2008 18:51:30]
Good news and bad news!
Good news is, I'm probably getting a WiFi today!
Bad news is, my brothers DS broke, and now I'm going to have to share my DS with him.
Illumise for pammifier! At least, I think that's how it's spelt![21/07/2008 17:54:52]
Website: Tex's Pokémon forums!Hey, has anyone got a shiny in either
a) Spam verification
b) on a Pokémon game
Just wanted to know.
I'd also like to tell you about my forums, if it's not spam. Click here to go there.
Anyway, I'll be orgainsing a tournament at:
a) my forums
b) this guestbook
c) The Cave of Dragonflies forums
I'll love to see you there, and GOOD LUCK BUTTERFREE! That's if you're entered the competition. I'm in Y5 out of Y6, and have the highest grades in school. LOVE MATHS!
And here's an Eevee poem:
Eevee, Eevee, you're so cute,
Stronger that Exeggcute
But eggs aren't cute!
Anyway, Eevee so owns
Every Starmie that they see!
Sorry about not rhyming on the last bit.
Terry out![21/07/2008 17:42:35]
hiya all..
any1 knows good WiFi chats ?
( not trying to spam.. )
btw, i breed phione, munchlax and some others… if ya want, mail me offer ;)[21/07/2008 14:01:44]
That website also said that YOGA was BAD.
Exact quote:
"ENCHANTER - A magician; or sorcerer. One who casts spells; or bewitches. (2 Kings 17:17, Jer. 27:9). Avoid anything that has to do with magic. Remember, it doesn't matter if it appears good, magic is something God hates.
Beware of: yoga, meditation, mantras, hypnotism, subliminal tapes, New Age Medicine; etc."
I seriously can't see why God would hate people doing yoga. Or what in the heck it has to do with enchanters.
And try to fit the stuff you have to say into at most two posts in a row, please, Budew.
And if satan created everything that God hates, then…
Satan created yoga?
Rayquaza for the spammifier![21/07/2008 13:28:08]
I love your site,Dragonfree!!
Keep working on it!![21/07/2008 12:26:35]
It says that Satan invented everything that doesn't comply with God's word, and that people who aren't Christian will go to hell.
[21/07/2008 10:33:42]
It said that Charles Darwin is EVIL!!!!!
[21/07/2008 10:30:49]
1. No one can actually BE a wizard, so how can Harry Potter books TEACH HOW???
2. Because of God's word forbidding wizards, a lot of innocent people were killed, so BANNING SOMETHING THAT DOESN'T EXIST seems more Satanic.
3. Harry only communicated with the dead in the fourth and seventh book, so how can people say he spends his time doing it? And the only familiar spirits he communicates with are his friends and the visible ghosts that you can't help but talk to.
4. Harry Potter is not a Christian because the Dursleys wouldn't let him.
5. Harry Potter is not a Bible.[21/07/2008 10:16:57]
I find it weird that they say that Harry Potter is bad. Also they said that the evolution theory sprouted from Satan.
lol me
Commenting on: 07-13-08I love you Dragonfree!!!
[21/07/2008 04:30:23]
And really good job on the annotation, Budew!
[21/07/2008 00:49:38]
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