Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Typhloise can't spell! HA-HA!!!
*is hit with frying pan* I mean,
It's spelled MARSHTOMP!
Spammifier darkrai… I wanna spammifier Arceus. Is that thing even in the spammifier? I'm sure I've seen every legendary pokemon other than Arceus in the spammifier….[18/07/2008 14:29:15]
Here's how to be evil on the internet: go around telling people that male anime characters can't be moe.
Or not.[18/07/2008 13:45:59]
I want to get WiFi soon, but until then I'm going to try to beat all the Master Ranks for every contest. Once I get WiFi, I think I'm going to use the forums to make some tournys. That would be awesome! And I'll be able to complete my national dex! And it'll be good for when Platinum comes out!
Marshstomp for spammifier! It's the next form of Mudkip, the starter I chose in Ruby! (Of course, that was when I didn't level up my Pokemon equally, so I ended up with one level 100 Swampert and a level 15 Tailow. *sweat drop*)
How did I get that wrong? Gastly![18/07/2008 13:00:13]
How were the other dragonairs you got unevolvable?
[18/07/2008 12:21:39]
To be evil, you need to do this: ^w^ and say "MWAHAHAHAHAHA" all the time.
[18/07/2008 11:20:11]
I finally got an evolvable (apparently it's a word, 'cause there were no red lines under it when I typed it) Dragonair on the GTS!!! I just evolved it and my Sentret at the Elite Four. All I need besides the legendary beasts and the Johto starters to get all the Johtos is Magby and Tyranitar. Speaking of hard-to-evolve Dragon-type Pokemon, Gabite for the spammy.
[18/07/2008 11:16:41]
My random quote from the day i've had.
"What happened to all the Giraffes?"[18/07/2008 02:44:26]
Yes, PG, I just started reading Twilight not too long ago (About two weeks ago…?) but now, because of summer reading lists, I must wait to finish the series. D:
In the meantime, PG CHOOSE MEOWTH!!! Seriously. Pay Day will help you greatly.
No, wait, it helps you greatly in MD1. Never mind.[18/07/2008 02:15:22]
Random: How do I type that e with the right facing accent mark in the middle of the word pokemon?
[18/07/2008 01:26:29]
Aren't you listening? I said, send me the blueprints for the GWMDE! I did give them to you when I devised that ingenious plan to rule the world, did I not?
Pink… kitten… spammifier…
MEW!!![18/07/2008 01:23:38]
That would be great, if I knew how to hack computers!
Okay, I need to find a way to be EVIL on the net, without hurting anyone, and without the possibility of being arrested. Not hard, is it?[18/07/2008 01:02:05]
Or you can always send me the blueprints for the GWMDE (Greatest Weapon of Mass Destruction Ever). Then I could build it and- MWUHUHAHAHAHAHhahahahehehehhehehehhh…
That would be evil and not-mean at the same time![17/07/2008 21:55:35]
I know! [evil]Using a super-cool-high-tech computer, hack into the government's bank accounts! Yay![/evil] [really good] Then give me $500 to buy an Xbox360![/really good]
Ralts for the spammifier.[17/07/2008 21:51:34]
Mike the Foxhog
Being evil on the net… there must be some way… think, Mike, think…
[17/07/2008 21:18:28]
Yes, but I need ways to be EVIL on the net. Without posting baaaad things on forums or creating viruses. That's mean. I want to be EVIL, not mean. MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Larvitar for spammifier! It's the base form for my favorite pokemon![17/07/2008 21:15:01]
Mike the Foxhog
[17/07/2008 20:35:56]
I got Time because I like Celebi more than Mewtwo.
Who couldn't love that little flying clump of psychic grass?
And this might help you, Typhloise.
What's a foxhog?
Mareep for the spammifier.[17/07/2008 20:21:18]
Mike the Foxhog
Yes, I got Time. I heard Riolu was Time exclusive and that Mewtwo was only in Darkness, so you can guess which version I plumped for XD
Thanks Greenumbreon.[17/07/2008 19:43:30]
Riolu is found in that crystal passage place, but only in Time. Not Darkness. I forgot where abra is.
You can use this wonder mail generator to make a mission where the client joins you at the end.
For an example:
30-1 SNYH @K+9
S#6P 4-%2 =QT9
This wonderful code will get you an umbreon really easily.
I should get paid for this kind of advertising.[17/07/2008 19:31:13]
Go for Meowth, Pikachu Goddess, it rules. I got it myself, albeit only through five or six attempts. You need to have a Sassy nature. If you say you're a guy. Dunno what it is for a girl, which, I assume you are, being called Pikachu Goddess. XD
Anyone know which dungeon you find Riolu and Abra in? I was hoping to make a team of Meowth, Lucario, and Alakazam, my three favourites.[17/07/2008 18:29:14]
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