Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Website: Hear MiiI wish I could go see Iron Man. No money :'(
[12/07/2008 18:04:36]
Things are giong well, My sister from washington is here for a couple of weeks. We're going to the water park and movies a lot.
Hey, has anyone else seen Iron man?
Raikou for spammifer, again.[12/07/2008 17:54:40]
Mr. Toon (i STILL dont know how 2 post sprites)
WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!!!!!??????????
[12/07/2008 16:46:49]
This computer is so slow… It's annoying!
[12/07/2008 15:35:00]
Can anyone tell me a list of Smeargle's flags in Mystery Dungeon 1?
Speaking of MD, I quit playing MD2 a while ago after I beat it completely because of the depressing dungeon music (unlike MD's music, which is fresh and new and happy and hard to depress you)[12/07/2008 13:43:08]
Mr. Toon (i STILL dont know how 2 post sprites)
hey guys i think there might be an entery for the wall of shame. why? well this guy called Caasi11 stole umbersol also Caasi11 is a member of pokechow and used it as an avatar! (((O_o
[12/07/2008 13:39:42]
It's dew.
[11/07/2008 23:36:33]
I'm going to be using a different computer for two weeks now.
[11/07/2008 23:35:39]
Pikachu Goddess
Wow, that's some great news for Platinum, Typhloise! Thanks for posting it. You see, I'm too lazy to check Serebii myself. XD
A pleasant surprise indeed, Blaziking! It was quite easy, me being a Bulbasaur and all. Although that Petal Dance got to my partner… >_>
On the topic of MD2, I've zoomed through the exam and right up to getting Phione Dew (or Drops, don't murder me if I'm wrong) for Manaphy. Eek! He's just like the Manaphy from the movie! <3 *huggles to death*
Hey, Charizard Morph. It's been a while. :D How are things?
Well well, I'm back to my long posting habits. XD[11/07/2008 22:55:57]
Mr. Toon (i STILL dont know how 2 post sprites)
I MUST NOT MAKE DOTS. I MUST NOT MAKE DOTS. I MUST NOT MAKE DOTS. I MUST NOT MAKE DO…… oh sorry i made dots on my sprite *wanders what to do* i made loadz. btw blazking hows ya hack team comin along?
[11/07/2008 20:40:57]
Website: Hear MiiI hope Genius Sonority creates a better Pokemon Wii game, Battle Revolution was a bit of a disappointment.
Maybe they can include the Origin Forme and Sky Forme of Giratina and Shaymin respectavely…[11/07/2008 16:58:37]
Hi everyone, I haven't posted in a while, I've been busy lately, and i haven't been here in a while.
I found a place where I can buy Pokemon Silver offline. So i plan to get it soon.
Raikou for spammifer.[11/07/2008 13:29:03]
Great job! I have bronze.
[11/07/2008 12:04:01]
Oh, sorry I haven't been here in a while. It looks like only the regulars of the guestbook still post.
I adored MD2 more than the original. I liked Chapters 15-20 the best <333[11/07/2008 02:30:57]
I now have a Silver TC in Emerald! *hugs contest-winning Lunatone* That's as far as I'm ever going to go, though. I suck at the Battle Frontier. D:
Wow, I really never post here…[11/07/2008 00:23:38]
OMG!!! I just checked out Serebii, and there's more Platinum news!!! This is what it said:
-Release date is September 13th in Japan.
-Team Galactic's plans have been stepped up.
-The Battle Frontier returns and takes place in the Fight Area.
-WiFi has been enhanced.
-Poffin has stepped up wit hnew machines such as the Swalot machine, where you place berries in Swalots mouth.
-You can record battles and watch them over again.
-Giratinas Origin Forme is only available in the Torn World AS RELEASED SO FAR
-Shaymins Sky Formes ability is Serene Grace.
-Giratinas Origin Formes ability is Levitate.
-New sprites for some or all Pokemon.
-Confirmation of new characters, such as a new member of Team Galactic and a police force hunting Team Galactic.
Great, don't you think so spammifier Groudon?[10/07/2008 19:57:28]
The "Grand Master of All Things Bad" might be hard, depending on what types you have. Bring a couple reviver seeds, just in case. Ranger's good, if you'd like a change from the same old button mashing.
Yay! I finally beat every coliseum! I traded over the Pikachu that I got for an award. The hardest coliseum was Sunset, since you had to get rentals. Gereenumbreon and I beat it yesterday, though.
Nosepass for spammifier! Nosepass is the ugliest pokemon in my opinion.[10/07/2008 15:25:23]
Blaziking (V&SL)
Ha! XD Pikachu, you're going to get a pleasant surprise at the "Grand Master of All Things Bad"!
[10/07/2008 14:40:22]
Pikachu Goddess
Yeah, I was on vacation. No, I didn't disappear into oblivion for a week, unless you count residing in a cabin by a lake as that.
I beat MD2. Four days after getting it. Mwee hee hee. >3 But now, I'm running low on Reviver Seeds, so the Mystifying Forest's so-called "master of all things bad" (I'm just assuming that it won't be much - the game tends to exaggerate these things XD) might make me waste them. Hmm… I think that I'll need two more.
Is Ranger fun? I'm thinking of buying it after I buy my own DS, so I want to know if I'd be wasting my money on it or not.[10/07/2008 02:25:41]
In Ranger, I completed my Ranger Dex the same day Greenumbreon completed his. And I've checked Serebii, and, no, I don't think your able to evolve in Batonnage.
[09/07/2008 22:49:30]
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