Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Random: Bulbapedia says that the chances of a pokemon getting the Pokerus is 1 in 21 845. @_@ I never realized how rare it really was.
Spammifier Cloyster! Yay![08/07/2008 18:30:44]
I remember when I got Pokemon Ranger. I beat it before Typhloise, even though he had gotten it months before me. :P
I had been wondering where Pikachu went too.
Oddish for the spammifier. If oddish is an odd radish, will it taste like an apple? *eats oddish* Ick! No! that tastes worse than swinub bacon! Or beldum pie![08/07/2008 17:57:08]
Sorry for the double post, but I just realized that, within the next month, it will have been the 1 year anniversary of when I started posting here! Ah, the naive days of being Blaziken & Scizor Luver.
Speaking of which, Torchic for spammifier.[08/07/2008 16:58:01]
Wow, I was wondering where Pikachu Goddess was.
I'm missing my FireRed and MD games. I wonder if I'll ever get them back? In the meantime, I'm scheming to get a certain game called Pokemon Ranger. Or I'll wait for Battonnage. Or I won't. We'll see. We'll all see…MWAHAHAHAHA!![08/07/2008 16:47:14]
But Typhloise is too impatient and overreactive. That, or I should be Greenwobbuffet (as wobbuffets are supposed to be really patient) and I'm underreactive.
Wobbuffets are green when they're shiny. I think. But no shiny spammifiers yet. Just a normal coloured croagunk.[08/07/2008 13:44:48]
Pokechow said he was going to make new comics on Tuesdays and Thursdays, which he did for about two weeks. Then he stopped in September, and didn't post until January. In his post he said:
So, it's been a very long time, and I thought I'd let you all know that my corpse is not rotting away somewhere. I'm very much alive, and obviously very much inactive with the comic. I feel like it's something I really want to return to. But I need to prioritize and get my schoolwork done and get a pesky, annoying job. I'll keep you posted.
I'm not sure of that anymore…[08/07/2008 13:38:51]
Pikachu Goddess
I'm back.
My birthday was on July the fifth, and guess what I got as a gift? MYSTERY DUNGEON EXPLORERS OF DARKNESS!!! I am so. Effing. Happy. I'm already in the future. :D It is soo fun! I'm a Bulbasaur with a Pikachu partner, and so far we kick ass. Oh, and an Aerodactyl that I happened to recruit helps out a lot with Thunder and Fire Fang.
(Wewt! Primal Dialga! ^^)
Typhloise: As for that, I chose Fighter Girl. I mean, who would want to be a Lady? Or a Socialite? *shudders* Oh, and I think Psychic was one of the choices.
Oh, and Pokéchow has some pretty good comics… but the lack of updating drove me away from it. I check occasionally, though.[08/07/2008 03:41:54]
Yeah, I have that site on my favorites. It's really good for action replay codes. I wish Pokechow would update, though. He hasn't made a new comic since September, and hasn't posted since January.
[08/07/2008 00:18:15]
Pokechow isn't down. Just hasn't been updated since Ancient Times. Silverwing lost interest in pokemon (I think) and the webmaster of The Valley of Nightmares lost their motovation.
But I don't know what happened to Shinkirou Tenshi. Or Pokemon Chibi.
So now I'm confused.
this is a nice site. It's been around for quite some time. And it's not down. Yay!
Butterfree for the spammifier.[07/07/2008 22:33:34]
Yay fellow roughnecks! It would have been nice if Silverwing hadn't just left, though… It seems that all the Pookemon fansites just stopped getting updates. Lugia's Island, Valley of Nightmares, Pokechow… At least Shinkirou Tenshi actually said he/she was leaving. It's just scary, how a webmaster could just just get up and leave. And since this is one of my favorite fansites, I'm scared that Butterfree might just one day get up and shut down the site.
[07/07/2008 21:24:48]
Whoa. This is so cool that I HAD to type this first:
Why did I just mimic a song that I forget the name of?
Let's see….
Okay, now for the reason I decided to post on this guestbook:
It's okay, Nostalgia. (I wish it was) At least you didn't get as far as me. (over 386 Pokemon) If I lost my Diamond Version I would quit playing video games altogether. Okay, scratch that last bit. At least you got Pearl as consolation.[07/07/2008 20:56:17]
The choices are based on your Trainer ID. If Psychic was on my list, I would have chosen it right away, but it wasn't, so I chose Roughneck.
PS. One of my choices was School Kid! Who would choose that?
PSS. Mawile for the spammy-wammer.[07/07/2008 20:46:23]
@Typhloise: Nobody really knows. Silverwing just disappeared one day.
[07/07/2008 20:42:27]
I also want to know… You know how on D/P you can change how you appear to others in the communication room? What did all of you choose? I chose the roughneck, since everybody chooses the ace trainer.
[07/07/2008 13:06:12]
Just asking, what DID happen to Lugia's Island?
[07/07/2008 13:03:24]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesHuh? I'm here and have been here the whole time (if not finding much reason to post).
The reasons the site hasn't been updated:
1. I am currently obsessing over the Phoenix Wright games and spending way too much of my time posting in the Ace Attorney fanclub at my forums, playing the fourth game, reading fanfiction or writing my silly Godotfic.
2. I'm busy with math training on weekdays, and both this weekend and the last I spent mostly with my boyfriend because he's working way too much these days.
3. I've been in a painfully unproductive mood for the whole month of June, probably mostly thanks to the above two points.
4. Yesterday, when I finally did feel productive, I spent that time recreating Axe-Murderer style for the forums, which kind of need my attention more right now than the site (since the forums are still a bit crippled after the database crash).
I do not suddenly disappear on people unless I have a fatal accident.[07/07/2008 01:25:43]
I'm back! Mr. Toon, what happens is you have to download the pictures. In your gallery, you should have a direct link beside your picture or sprite.
Butterfree's still not back… What if the Cave of Dragonflies turns into the nest Lugia's Island? Or Pokechow?!
In the battle tower, I keep making it to Palmer, but losing there. All of his Pokemon are easy, except for his Milotic. Milotics have always been troublesome to me, anyway.
DON'T LEAVE, EP!!! NOOOOOOOO!!! Go get him, spammifier Jinx! Now!
How did I spell Jinx wrong? Ah! Machamp![07/07/2008 00:51:43]
Uh oh. If EP leaves again, the guestbook and forums will DIE again! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Oh well.
Flygon for the spammifier.[06/07/2008 15:30:54]
Oh, yea, I do that all the time. It's like, 'What else can I do on the computer?' and I start re-checking things I've already checked just a minute ago….
[06/07/2008 15:04:15]
NO!! DON'T GO EP!! Okay, I'm over it.
Have you ever found yourself trying to waste time on the computer so that you can stay on and listen to this song online that you know you won't here much anywhere else? That's how I feel right now. This song is made of pure awesomeness. :D[06/07/2008 14:46:19]
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