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Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


So I was messing around with Yellow and the ever-awesome Mew glitch, plus surfing YouTube, and came across this, and it works! I now am the proud owner of a level 100 Mew that knows nothing but Pound :)

[04/07/2008 02:26:12]


WOOT!! I beat the E4 in Diamond! And I got a Weepinbell! And I got a Regigigas! I am a happy, er, spammifier Corphish! :D

[04/07/2008 00:01:49]


The Wii version for Twilight Princess is all mirored to make Link right-handed. And since it's just a port of the GameCube version, it's graphics aren't very good compared to other Wii games. I suggest you get The legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for your Wii, Typhloise. Through that Virtual Console thing. You do have a Wi-Fi connector. So you could get it.

Swinub for the spammifier. It's been a while since I've had bacon….

Believe in ghosts? I don't know if I do. Weird. But does anyone believe in ALIENS?

[03/07/2008 23:05:55]


On my other post, I said, "I forgot about it." alot.

[03/07/2008 19:03:52]


Great trick, Master Rayquaza. And yes, I do believe in ghosts. Please don't hurt me.

[03/07/2008 18:51:26]


Ghosts…. I…. I want to believe! But, I haven't seen any evidence ;-;

[03/07/2008 17:22:49]


Yes. I played it for about a week, then forgot about it. I don't know why, but I just left it and forgot about it. I waited a loooooooooooooong time, then played it again for about as couple of days. Then, I forgot about it. After a while, I got Cockatiels (And they're soooo cute!) and a Wii. So I guess I just forgot about it, and then I lost my memory card. I've actually bee nthinking of getting it for Wii…

[03/07/2008 16:17:05]

Website: Ifrit's Cavern

Wow, this site is really great. Babelfish, lol. So…Does anyone here belive in ghosts? Just wondering, I'm not gonna yell at you if ya do or don't.

[03/07/2008 16:15:36]


Well, hello again everybody! I beat Twilight Princess *counts on fingers* three days ago. Isn't it odd that Typhloise got the same game more than half a year before I did, and he still hasn't beaten the third dungeon?

But enough about that. Anyone have some scrambled eggs? I'm hungry.

And has anyone gotten a shiny pokemon for the spammifier yet? I can't seem to remember anyone getting one…

Ekans for the spammifier.

[03/07/2008 13:48:45]


First off, that's a link to TCoD. Second, they've been out for months.

[03/07/2008 13:26:03]

Master Rayquaza

So… who knows anything about Giratina Origina Form and Shaymin Sky Form? If you don't know what it is, check

[03/07/2008 01:46:54]


I've been posting so much lately, since nothing is going on in my life. I haven't seen Butterfree hasn't been on, lately.

[02/07/2008 23:16:55]


lol, did you use a rock move like I said?

[02/07/2008 20:23:51]



[02/07/2008 16:47:04]


EP, it's really funny, you said I'd do horribly at the Elite Four in Emerald and pretty decent in the E4 in Diamond. Instead, it was the reverse. I easily defeated the E4 in Emerald, but in Diamond Aaron kept getting so freaking lucky that I almost died. So now I'm training everyone on my team!

[01/07/2008 22:15:24]



[01/07/2008 22:06:23]



[01/07/2008 20:08:45]


But don't you have to see a Pokemon to ask for it? So unless there's an in-game trainer with a Totodile (sp?) and Cyndaquil, I can't trade a Chicorita for one.

[01/07/2008 20:06:39]

Emerald Espeon

Bob, pick Chikorita <3

I've been playing XD a lot the past few days…now my team consists of Espeon, Nuzleaf, Hariyama, Ninetales, Sealeo and Ampharos. I taught Hariyama Earthquake to make up for my lack of Ground- type, but the problem now is that Earthquake would almost certainly KO any of my other Pokémon except Nuzleaf. Hmm…

Carvahna for the spammifier. Or is it Carvanha? I remember I got this once before but I still forget…:S

Apparently it's Carvanha. Well, Mamoswine for the spammifier now.

[01/07/2008 19:32:59]


Chickorita, if you have WiFi. Nobody ever gets Chickorita, instead they get Cyndaquil. That way you can clone Chickorita and trade him for Cyndaquil.

If you don't have WiFi, the nI would suggest Cyndaquil if you need a Sp. Attack on your team, or Tododile if you need an Attack on your team.

Personally, I chose Tododile. I needed a strong attacker, and I could get Cyndaquil from my friend Greenumbreon.

[01/07/2008 18:41:58]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC