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All female Pokemon fans crossdress in real life.
…. Okay, no.[28/06/2008 15:42:28]
*Sigh*… It still just doesn't feel like summer.
[28/06/2008 14:47:38]
They went into hiding…seriously maybe NOT!!! I don't know…
I want to get an event Deoxys soon (This weekend), but I don't know if I'll be near GameStop.[28/06/2008 14:27:47]
You know, I've never seen a female pokemon fan in the real world. But they're crawling all over the internet. Where did the female pokemon fans go???
[28/06/2008 13:18:34]
machop is blue
the sky is blue
planes fly in the sky
i went in a plane to holland
holland's dry
so is groudon'y ability drought
in spanish, drought is sequia
i named my groundon sequia
groudon is red
Red the Machop! LOL[28/06/2008 13:03:54]
Greenumbreon's green!
So is grass!
Grass grows!
So do carrots!
I like carrots!
I also like potatoes!
Potatoes can be made into chips!
Chips were first invented in a ski lodge!
I like to ski!
One time I crashed into a tree!
Trees are green!
Greenumbreon's green![28/06/2008 11:46:33]
Well, I certainly haven't posted for a long time.
Twilight Princess came in the mail about a week ago. It's so good, my play time is already over 42 hours. I'm in the seventh dungeon. That Ooca city place.
Girafarig for the spammifier.[28/06/2008 11:32:56]
^^ finally, people i know are here!!
I started ranger over (for reasons unknown to me)
and made it to the steelex. I hate catching steelex, it's harder than catching the three legendary….. thingies.
Well, I'm off to do random things!
*la lala lala*
OH!! and i gat an email adress!![28/06/2008 04:57:11]
princess angeli
Website: deathwolfthis is so cool!!
[27/06/2008 22:52:34]
I have XD! But I lost my memory card…
[27/06/2008 20:02:50]
OMG! Not only did I get my event Deoxys, but I found a shiny Carvana! *huggles and gets scratched* *still hugs*
[27/06/2008 19:17:34]
Emerald Espeon
I restarted my Pokémon XD and I'm getting obsessed with it :D Now my team consists of Espeon, Spheal, Houndour, Nuzleaf, Mareep, and Baltoy but I haven't purified them all yet.
…Does anyone else here have XD?
A Giratine DS Lite? That's cool. I think I like mine better, though. *huggles her red and black DS*
Meowth's a cat.
Baby cats are called kits.
Baby rabbits can be called kits.
Rabbits hop.
So do kangaroos.
Kangaskhan is a kangaroo.
Kangaskhan is a Pokémon.
And Meowth is a Pokémon xD[27/06/2008 16:42:51]
I'm officially obsessed with RPG's AND I'm obsessed with trying to beat the E4 on both my Emerald and Diamond soon. I've got to catch Dialga, so I'm going to wait until tonight to catch it though; I wish to utilize the 30 Dusk Balls I have.
[27/06/2008 15:33:47]
Oddish[27/06/2008 14:50:27]
I just looked it up and it's gonna have Giratina. It will be revealed this friday. Wait… Today is Friday!
[27/06/2008 14:49:07]
I saw the new Poketch on the official website. It looks cool. I can't read Japanese, but it looks like there's gonna be a deal with Platinum and a special edition DS lite. It doesn't show what it looks like.
[27/06/2008 14:46:32]
I believe you.
Volbeat is a bug.
Grasshoppers are bugs.
Grasshoppers hop.
I like to hop.
I am Typhloise.
Typhloise is a splice.
Blazario is a splice.
Blazario contains Blaziken.
Blaziken's a chicken.
I had chicken for dinner.
I like dinner.
And pie.
I have pies at picnics.
Picnics attract ants.
Ants are bugs.
Volbeat's a bug![27/06/2008 14:39:41]
Well, I think that ENTEI was the hardest, because it took me a while to realize that you had to do a couple of separate loops to do it normally. Other than that, Raikou, Suicune, Wailmer, and Steelix were the hardest. I also thought that getting Metagross was a little bit of a pain because you always had to get that Beldum into the screen too.
REGICE[27/06/2008 14:39:31]
I believe you.
Volbeat is a bug.
Grasshoppers are bugs.
Grasshoppers hop.
I like to hop.
I am Typhloise.
Typhloise is a splice.
Blazario is a splice.
Blazario contains Blaziken.
Blaziken's a chicken.
I had chicken for dinner.
I like dinner.
And pie.
I have pies at picnics.
Picnics attract ants.
Ants are bugs.
Volbeat's a bug![27/06/2008 14:39:31]
Check the Poketch if you don't believe me. BEAUTIFLYFORSPAM
[27/06/2008 13:14:59]
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