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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Pikachu Goddess: I can't tell you too much of the plot because otherwise it'll spoil most of the plot for you, but I can say this – yes, there are four Clans of cats that live in a forest. The first series centers around a kittypet (house cat) who's joined ThunderClan and has to prove his worth to the Clan cats who think that kittypet blood means nothing.
(It's actually not only that, there was a prophecy from StarClan – their warrior ancestors, it's explained better in the actual books – saying that "Fire alone can save our Clan", and the kittypet who joins the Clan gets the name Firepaw, so…)
The plot's really terrific, it's the sort of plot where absolutely everything and anything, even the simplest thing, can have meaning to the plot. And there's so much to like about the series, too – between the characters, the plot, and the general state of things, I think you're going to find this pretty hard to put down.[25/06/2008 02:27:11]
Flora and Ashes
Kyaah I wanna postie!!
Stupid rulies…[25/06/2008 02:22:16]
Pikachu Goddess
Everyone seems to like this Warriors series. I'm thinking about borrowing a few of them from my friend. But before I do… I'd like to know the plot. Like, what the whole quest is. See, all I know about the book is that there's a bunch of clans with warrior cats (correct me if I'm mistaken). So could someone please give me a brief description?
YamiiDenryuu: Why not? It is quite fun to join into the discussions held there. There's a lot of interesting ones, and before I first joined I felt like I was missing out. (Oh God it sounds like I'm advertising some type of cult!) XP But still, it's up to you. I'm just stating my point of view. Don't fall into peer pressure! XD[25/06/2008 02:21:56]
Zora of Termina
Crap, I PM'd her before I saw that post. ><
[25/06/2008 02:20:32]
If you want. They're an extremely awesome place to be, though. :D
[25/06/2008 02:15:37]
Ok, contacted Butterfree. So, I will tell you what is going on so she isn't swamped with pms, if any of you were thinking of pming her with the problem
[25/06/2008 02:15:36]
Hey, should I join the forums?
[25/06/2008 02:14:40]
And this problem is happening to me as well. Won't let me read the rules. Ah well, it'll be fixed sooner or later.
[25/06/2008 02:08:45]
*is going to to by Leaf on the guestbook from now on*
You can still PM me :o or Butterfree
(Eevee spammifier <3)[25/06/2008 02:08:21]
Zora of Termina
I wanna poooost… Haaaaaalp… *cries*
[25/06/2008 02:06:56]
I can't post or read the forum rules either…
Looks like everybody rushing Butterfree caused some bugs to slip by.[25/06/2008 01:58:02]
I made Warriors fanclub. :3
[25/06/2008 01:57:53]
Zora of Termina
WTF I registered but it won't let me read the rules and move on D:
I wanna pooooooost DD:[25/06/2008 01:56:24]
*posts really fast*[25/06/2008 01:48:54]
Zora of Termina
I'munna try that now.
OK, how about with Mesprit.
Mesprit has a red headpiece
Santa has a red headpiece (his hat)
Santa lives at the North Pole
Narwhals live at the North Pole
Narwhals have one horn
Unicorns have one horn
Unicorns are mythical
Dragons are mythical
Dragons lay eggs
Birds lay eggs
A robin is a bird
An ostrich is a bird
Ostriches cannot fly
Elephants cannot fly.
My Mesprit shall be named Elephant.[25/06/2008 01:48:09]
I'd always been considering reading the Warriors books, I guess I'll have to now. Cool. ^_^
Vulpix for spammifier! My new favorite hobby is making illogical nicknames for spammifiers! Let's see…
Vulpix has six tails
Six is a number
In the TV show "Monk" he is searching (and found) a man with six fingers
There is a wikipedia page for Monk
There is a small section on Charles Kroger
Charles Kroger is played by a guy (Forget his name) who died.
Many of my fish died.
Most of my fish that died often ate their own crap wastes
The sewer contains wastes
Most of the movie "Flushed away" takes place in a sewer
"Flushed Away" is a good movie
"Spirited Away" is also a good movie
Hayou Miyazaki directed them
Some dude directed Gigli, which is considered the worst movie ever
Gigli is pronounced "Jee-lee"
Gigli is spelled Gigli
AHA!! It's name is hereby GIGLI!!![25/06/2008 01:47:04]
(last comment in response to Blaziking)
Sisyphaean! Who be your favorite character? Mine should be fairly obvious, but…
… Cloudstar from Firestar's Quest. xD No, I'm just kidding. Leafy and Cloudstar are nearly tied, though.
Empoleon spammifier xD[25/06/2008 01:40:39]
Well, that is very illogical indeed. :D I love making up the most illogical names for Pokemon. von Karma the Gallade, anyone? Flamelo the Spearow (which is my spammifier and the reason I'm posting about Spearow)? :P
[25/06/2008 01:36:12]
I second Leafpool's comment about Warriors. I'm shamelessly hooked on it from the moment I picked up the first book, and not without good reason. It has a really deep plot and characters you can relate to, in a sense. I'm only up to Dark River, but I'm hoping to get the rest sometime soon.
You had better try to get those books. It's certainly worthwhile.
…I just realized that I've only read the books once each, and not in a while. Excuse me.
*hugs everyone on the way out*[25/06/2008 01:34:57]
O_O *shrugs and hugs everyone* Just going with the flow.
Hmm, Clefairy named Grandma? Let me try and find a good nickname for this Empoleon here…
Empoleon is named after Napoleon
Napoleon is French
The Eifel Tower is located in France
The Eifel Tower is a building
My house is a building
My house is in the USA
The USA is a country
A country is smaller than the continent
Every continent contains at least one tree
A tree can be made into paper
I use a pen to write on paper
Pens can be black or blue
A black and blue is another phrase for saying "a bruise"
A bruise is when your blood vessels are damaged
Your blood vessels contain blood
Blood is composed somewhat of blood cells
Blood cells are in no way related to cell phones
Cell phones have replaced the average phone booth
Get Smart involves a phone booth
Anne Hathaway stars in Get Smart
Anne Hathaway also starred in the Princess Diaries
AHA!! I will name it Princess Diaries! :D Hooray!!![25/06/2008 01:33:14]
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