
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 06-22-08

"You should make your next forum an imageboard like 4chan, 7chan, etc."

Why? o_O For one thing it's not as if I restart my forums from scratch regularly or intended to do so to begin with, so to start making suggestions for my "next forum" is rather bizarre; for another, imageboards are by definition mostly a collection of spam and macros and contain no intelligent discussion, which in my opinion quite defeats the point of having a forum to begin with; and thirdly, imageboards only work when they have the right userbase of the right size, which one connected to my site almost definitely would not. If you want an imageboard, 4chan is going to be superior anyway, so why even bother to use mine?

[01/07/2008 18:19:57]



plz :o

[01/07/2008 17:41:32]

Charizard Morph

I'm a girl, and i pretty much advertise the fact that i like pokemon.

Well, i decided that i'd start blue over because i was bored out of my mind. My team consists of a Charmander, NidoranF, Spearow, Sandshrew, Bellsprout, and Gyrados.

[01/07/2008 14:43:25]


Fwee, I got the entire Hoenn Dex! *dances* Which of the Jhoto starters should I choose?

[01/07/2008 14:04:35]


Pikachu Goddess: Lol. I got $30 today for essentially playing videogames with a couple of kids I'm babysitting. We started with Wii Sports, then I decided to try and teach them how to play SSBB. The older one is 8 and his favorite characters are Lucario, Pikachu, and Mr. Game&Watch, and he's actually pretty good for his first time playing - I had to concentrate a fair amount to win when I played him (I dont believe in letting the kids win all the time). His brother, on the other hand, is pretty bad (but again, first time playing) and likes "the big fighting robot dude!" (Samus, as if he knew about ROB). Well, he used to like Samus, until he got the Smash Ball and used it. The attack he loved, but the aftermath just made me lol:


Me: "Well, whats wrong with that?"


Me: *\o/*

Silly 7 year olds ;-)

But yeah, after a while they asked what the WiFi was for, so I showed them. I did 2 matches, used Ness and Jigglypuff, got a combined 12 KOs from them, with only one fall (and that was a self-desruct from Jiggly's Rollout), got to use Puff Up once and PEEEEEEKAAAAAYSSSSTTTTTAAAAAAARRRRSSSSSTTTTTTOOOOORRRRRRMMMMMM twice. Oh, and I showed them the finer points of a well timed PKFRASH :D.

In short, I basically got a solid job for at least a couple of years from the kids going to their mom saying they love Alex the babysitter who will turn them into professional SSBB players. Kekekeke.

[01/07/2008 05:38:26]

Commenting on: 06-22-08

You should make your next forum an imageboard like 4chan, 7chan, etc.

[01/07/2008 01:34:21]

Pikachu Goddess

I'm going to be gone for a week. My only vacation away from home this summer.

Heh. My siblings are playing Pokémon. >3 They borrowed my Red and Blue Version, and are paying me to help them! I got ten bucks from my brother for getting him three Pokémon he wanted. Never in my life have I thought that I would be paid for playing a video game.

[01/07/2008 00:35:00]


I've been playing Battle Revolution lately. I've made it to the Sunset Colosseum, but it's so hard!!! Normally my pokemon would demolish everyone, but in the Sunset Colosseum, you have to chose from 12 random Pokemon. I make it to the Leader, but he always beats me! It's so hard!

[30/06/2008 23:50:53]


But the last post was just my opinion.

[30/06/2008 21:00:25]


Also, Deoxys doesn't seem like the bad guy to me-it came from space, BUT I do see the link between it and Porygon. But Darkrai would be more likely to turn on Mew.

[30/06/2008 20:59:49]


Butterfree, you should change the zodiac a bit, because the mystery of Rayquaza (and Kyogre and Groudon, but mostly Rayquaza) inspired the creation of Castform.

[30/06/2008 20:52:30]


I missed Deoxys… :(


Oh, and one girl in school is a Pokemon fan.

[30/06/2008 20:48:21]


It took my brother over a year to beat he Elite Four in Sinnoh. Eventually I felt sorry for him, and traded him my Lvl. 100 Palkia.

[30/06/2008 19:48:09]


Hmm, good advice! I had taught my Infernape Sunny Day, Flamethrower, and Solarbeam, so he should kill Bertha (Hopefully), so I hope to finish that today, and then yes, I agree that I should train my Emerald team. I taught my Sceptile Dragon Claw (It's considered a Special attack in Emerald) so he should slightly help with Drake. My Tentacruel knows Ice Beam, so that should also be a help. I was going to capture Rayquaza as a backup, but I'm saving my Master Ball so that I can duplicate it and send some to Diamond.

[30/06/2008 14:43:31]


I'd level up a lot more in Emerald, since you get no STAB SE hits on Sidney and Pheobe, Minun and Sceptile are your best bets against Glacia and Wallace, and Drake is going to flat out rape you. Teach Ice beam to Tenta at least.

For Diamond, you are probably fine as long as you are able to heal completely between each battle. If you have a Stealth Rocker, use it on Aaron and Flint for some easy damage (especially on Vespiquen and Drifblim). Dont bother if you dont have one though, they are still easy. Just remember that Drapion isnt a bug type, Special-based Grass moves kill Bertha, Flint is a liar, Bronzong is a bitch, and Cynthia is a really cool dancer, Cynthia! etc. a diversity trainer, and you'll be fine.

…if you didn't get the dancer reference, you make me feel old :(

[30/06/2008 03:01:35]


Hmm, I think for the very first time ever, I'm at nearly the same spot in two games (Diamond I'm halfway through victory road; Emerald I just got the the Pokemon League) Now tell me, should I level up?


Lv 51 Sceptile

Lv 51 Tentacruel

Lv 51 Minun

Lv 50 Swellow

Lv 50 Torkoal


Lv 48 Vespiquen

Lv 49 Infernape

Lv 49 Honchkrow

Lv 49 Golduck

Lv 49 Girafarig

Heh, I'm working on a hack of Emerald. So far I added the ability to catch Chimecho on route 101, the Johto Starters on route 104, the Kanto starters in Littleroot, Bellsprout to a few routes, and Zangoose to route 104. Now, my team on the hack is:

Lv 10 Torchic

Lv 9 Bellsprout

Lv 6 Chimecho

[30/06/2008 00:53:30]


I've been posting a lot lately… Time for some random stuff!!!

In FireRed, I have every single pokemon except for Tauros and Kangaskan.

My gold game has no internal battery, so I can't save.

I have every Hoenn pokemon.

And I have almost every Sinnoh pokemon.

[29/06/2008 22:03:05]


i like pokemon!

and i like your mew background!

[29/06/2008 04:10:21]

Emerald Espeon

I dunno, maybe the female Pokémon fans just don't like to admit it.

Well, I've changed my XD team again. Now it's Espeon, Nuzleaf, Spheal, Vulpix, Makuhita and Flaaffy. I lack a Ground type since I replaced Baltoy with Makuhita… >.<

Speaking of, which…Baltoy for the spammifier.

[28/06/2008 21:44:57]


Hay! The Cave of Dragonflies now has over 1,750,000 front page hits! That's 1.75 million! Yay!

[28/06/2008 21:01:20]

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