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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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The moral of the Cherubi fic: Make your Cherubi evolve in case of dumb trainers. Smeargle-if only there was a way to transfer a Pokemon's base stats, then you would own. THAT'S WHY I HAVE MY BLAZIKEN/BRELOOM/GYARADOS!!!!
I don't know how to IV/EV train. It sounds really boring and hard. Is there a trick to do that when your Pokemon are level 100 in Emerald?[26/06/2008 14:12:19]
I saw this Youtube of Magikarp vs. Magikarp. I'd like to see Unown vs. Arceus.
[26/06/2008 14:07:35]
Trop, I went to Bulbapedia and got a sprite of Emerald's Victreebel, clicked on it, clicked it again, then posted the url. Plus the image needs to be 120 x 120.
[26/06/2008 13:26:31]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesWhat is the file type and how big is it?
[26/06/2008 08:31:57]
If you didn't guess, I'm talking about the forums. I assume you knew that though.
[26/06/2008 03:02:02]
Hey Blaziking, can I ask you a question? How did you put your avatar in? I tried to put my custom avatar in and it keeps telling that it's not a valid image file even though it fits the requirements.
Also, I got your friend request. Do I have to send one back? I'm kind of new at this if you haven't figured out.[26/06/2008 03:01:17]
Blaziking (V&SL)
Wow budew. That was hilarious with the Cherubi thing. I was laughing so hard. Funny stuff. Makes me wonder…
Lost guy in forest 1: Oh no! We're hopelessly lost! We need food!
LGIF 2: Yes! Let's try that bush with pink berries in it over there! *Goes over to bush and pulls out a Hoppip*
LGIF 1: That's odd, I didn't know there was a berry that big!
LGIF 2: Looks good though.
Poor hoppip. Tisk Tisk Tisk.
Speaking of which, I have a Pidgeotto for the spammifier!! I guess that doesn't have much to do with lost people eating hoppip, but who cares?
Smoked Rattata anyone?[26/06/2008 01:14:21]
Um… budew, could you NOT post six times in a row? Please?
Also, I don't think you should go through all that trouble with Smeargle. Especially since it's base stats only add up to 250. That's awful.
Rayquaza for spammifier! So dragonish… and flyish…[25/06/2008 23:53:10]
I was just wondering- Is it virtually good to get really good stats and Baton Pass'em to Smeargle that knows Spider Web, Sheer Cold, Lock-On, and Spore/Dark Void(preferred but hard to get)/Sleep Powder/Hypnosis/etcetera/etcetera?
[25/06/2008 22:05:04]
Interestingly, Mean Look's Spanish name translates to Evil Eye.
[25/06/2008 21:50:32]
This makes me wonder WHAT humans eat in that world. Someone with Tauros, Miltank, Spoink, or Grumpig might become a vegetarian. Even so, calling yourself a vegetarian might unknowingly endanger Grass-type Pokemon. The only nourishment understandable that wouldn't endanger Pokemon would be Moomoomilk, which someone could be perfectly fine going with nothing else, based on claims from the Cafe Cabin on Route 210. But the "anything else" implied in that restaurant on that route makes me wonder…
Also, Evil Eye would be a better name for Mean Look, but would that start up more Satanism claims?[25/06/2008 20:39:33]
This makes me wonder WHAT humans eat in that world. Someone with Tauros, Miltank, Spoink, or Grumpig might become a vegetarian. Even so, calling yourself a vegetarian might unknowingly endanger Grass-type Pokemon. The only nourishment understandable that wouldn't endanger Pokemon would be Moomoomilk, which someone could be perfectly fine going with nothing else, based on claims from the Cafe Cabin on Route 210. But the "anything else" implied in that restaurant on that route makes me wonder…
Also, Evil Eye would be a better name for Mean Look, but would that start up more Satanism claims?[25/06/2008 20:39:30]
The invention of Cherubi sparked multiple problems in the Pokemon world. Let me explain one of them in this short little fanfic:
Random Trainer: Bring it on Gardenia! MONFERNO GO!!!
R.T.: Monferno's paralyzed! Let's use Ember anyway! YAY! It hit!
Gardenia: My Roserade's unable to battle!! Oh no! GO Cherubi!!!
R.T.: I don't see any Pokemon. Oh look a Cheri Berry. I'm gonna feed it to my paralyzed Monferno.
Cherubi: AAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!!
Gardenia: CHERUBI NO!
Guy who stands next to the Gym Statue: What happened?
R.T.: But-
G.W.S.N.T.T.G.S.: No buts! To the slammer with you!
Cellmate: Hey doc, watcha in for?
R.T.: I was battling Gardenia, and I accidentally mistook her Cherubi for a Cheri Berry.
Cellmate: HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard!
BTW, Turtwig (who happens to be one of Gardenia's Pokemon) for the spammifier.[25/06/2008 20:28:17]
The invention of Cherubi sparked multiple problems in the Pokemon world. Let me explain one of them in this short little fanfic:
Random Trainer: Bring it on Gardenia! MONFERNO GO!!!
R.T.: Monferno's paralyzed! Let's use Ember anyway! YAY! It hit!
Gardenia: My Roserade's unable to battle!! Oh no! GO Cherubi!!!
R.T.: I don't see any Pokemon. Oh look a Cheri Berry. I'm gonna feed it to my paralyzed Monferno.
Cherubi: AAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!!
Gardenia: CHERUBI NO!
Guy who stands next to the Gym Statue: What happened?
R.T.: But-
G.W.S.N.T.T.G.S.: No buts! To the slammer with you!
Cellmate: Hey doc, watcha in for?
R.T.: I was battling Gardenia, and I accidentally mistook her Cherubi for a Cheri Berry.
Cellmate: HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard!
BTW, Turtwig (who happens to be one of Gardenia's Pokemon) for the spammifier.[25/06/2008 20:28:14]
That would be one N then :P
[25/06/2008 20:07:10]
Two n's, dear. It's "Mightyena."
[25/06/2008 19:45:28]
Commenting on: 06-22-08Oh yeah I forgot you had to read the rules lol.
I just didn't read them that thoroughly, just to see if there was something new, since I already read them before they broke.
-I hate it when there's a Pokemon who's name's hard to spell is used for validation is mightye?a spelled with one n or two?-[25/06/2008 17:55:19]
Commenting on: 06-22-08Yay! Nice to see that we're allowed to post again! Sadly I still haven't received e-mail confirmation. :-(
It doesn't matter, I have too much homework to do. I sometimes use the forum as a distraction at times like this, which I obviously shouldn't.
Wow, I got off topic really easily, huh?[25/06/2008 17:38:11]
Emerald Espeon
Yay, the forums are back :D Hopefully I'll be able to keep track of my posts in the guestbook now.
Ahh, Warriors. I used to love it, but it's gone downhill now in my opinion. The first series was really good, the second was okay-ish, but I personally find the third series to be horrible D: …And yes I'm posting this a bit late :P
Weedle for the spammifier.[25/06/2008 16:32:00]
[25/06/2008 15:39:02]
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