Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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<3 *hugs Zora really really tight*
[25/06/2008 01:07:25]
Zora of Termina
I shall certainly try. ^^
[25/06/2008 01:05:57]
Oh, Warriors is definitely a craze, all right – it's like the second national bestselling series, and popular enough that books have sometimes beat out Harry Potter in bestseller lists. The books are stupidly addictive and just about everyone I've met who I've showed even a chapter of the book to ends up getting fandomized. I showed my friend a fanfic I wrote about Warriors and she ended up getting fandomized (this was after I showed her a portion of the book, but it was still pretty cool).
The first book is called Into the Wild and… uh… *pulls up Amazon link* here is the (American) cover of the book and a little info.
It's an awesome series, and while it may seem like it at first glance, not "kiddie" by any means – I know adults who like the series. Seriously, it's terrific. You really should check it out. :3[25/06/2008 00:46:47]
Zora of Termina
I seriously wanna read those books just to see what the hype is about.
…Same with PW, but I understand a little more of why that's awesome in people's eyes.[25/06/2008 00:38:24]
It's this Warriors thing I'm doing for my website (Freewebs >.>) and it basically consists of the Allegiances that appear at the beginning of each book. … Yeah. For easy-access use for people who don't own all the books, I guess.
And yes this isn't a thread but I'm doing it at the other forums.
Something else I'm doing: squeeing at the shinyness of this brand new Warriors book that just came out today <3[25/06/2008 00:31:52]
Zora of Termina
But this isn't a thread. :/
What's the proooooject?[25/06/2008 00:28:37]
I is fine. I'm currently attempting to stop being forum-addictive and go write that project thing I'm doing for something (not school).
… I'm also currently in the mindset that we're doing "This thread goes in reverse!" because I took the idea to the other forums and now I keep on posting there. xD[25/06/2008 00:23:10]
Zora of Termina
I is OK. How is you?
[25/06/2008 00:21:41]
Leafpool :D?
Um. So. Zora. How is you?[25/06/2008 00:16:31]
Zora of Termina
*is still waiting for it to be officially up*
Yeah, I can't get the link elsewhere and googling is a pain.[25/06/2008 00:15:25]
It be upgrading. I does not want it to be upgrading. (I'm bored.)
:P Glaceon spammifier.[25/06/2008 00:12:03]
So I made my Animated Avvie, but it is too large of a file, and then too large of a picture. It's impossible to make it right! And just when I thought that it might be okay, Butterfree starts upgrading the V.Bulletin. Oh well. I'll just have to try later. It looks amazing on my computer though.
[25/06/2008 00:09:12]
Website: Ratipharos
Commenting on: 06-22-08Well, this makes me want to join. See you later!
[25/06/2008 00:06:24]
I'm very happy the forums will be up soon. :)
[24/06/2008 23:50:26]
Commenting on: 06-22-08Okay, we've got Dewgong style up. Well, the forum is almost back. We just need the syncronizer, and whatever else is missing.
[24/06/2008 23:05:04]
*is excited that the forums will be up soon (I hope)*
My biggest regret on the old forums? …Erm, it had to do with me using the guest board to hide my indentity (failing in the process, of course)…
If that doesn't remind you about what I did that I hope to forget, then ask somebody who remembers… x.x[24/06/2008 22:12:49]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesYou wanted me to judge it? If you're going to ask for affiliation, you need to e-mail me; I've got a long queue of affiliation requests and I guarantee you that I will not remember your guestbook post when I'm done with all of them.
[24/06/2008 22:07:04]
Website: ThundershockUm, Butterfree? Did you get around to judging my site yet?
[24/06/2008 21:52:07]
Which means that Shiny Umbreon will be back in buisness <3
*hugs Bagon*[24/06/2008 21:32:28]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 06-22-08Minimal Dewgong style was up yesterday, actually. I was just making the style synchronizer hack (making the forums display your selected main site style if you have no forum style set or the current main site default style if you have no main site style set either).
[24/06/2008 21:02:02]
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