Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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I haven't been posting for the past few days because my internet died. Glad I got it fixed before the new forums opened so I can help restore popular threads and stuff. :D
[24/06/2008 05:26:35]
Zora of Termina
Early enough. :D
[24/06/2008 02:40:49]
Well, the earliest one of us to register who hasn't done so yesterday will be 46th…
[24/06/2008 02:26:23]
Zora of Termina
Feh. I would, if I didn't have school during the day. Save an early spot for me, yeh?
[24/06/2008 02:11:21]
*is all jealous of Shiny Eevee* That's just not faaaaaaair DD=
You can be sure that I'll be one of the first members to register on the new ones. I'm checking up on this place every five minutes of Internet time.
*destroys everyone with spammifier Sceptile* First video game Pokemon, yay.[24/06/2008 02:00:02]
Well, you didn't scare me off.
I am making a new avvie. Same basic stuff, only the espeon will move. And it will still be Erindor with greeness and wings.
Raikou for spammy, third time.[24/06/2008 01:53:19]
Shiny Eevee
Yay! I'm really excited! ^^
*pats Anti-Spam Shinx*[24/06/2008 01:47:18]
Sorry for the double post, but… Did I just scare off everybody?
[24/06/2008 01:46:34]
So… I guess I will wait then :D
>.> If ANYBODY takes the name Icalasari, I will remove their intestines and use said organ to hang them with![24/06/2008 00:47:45]
Flora and Ashes
Oh, goodie, cause I really wanna make a Wicked Fan Club. (Don't blame me. I saw it yesterday. Best. Musical. Ever. ^^)
[24/06/2008 00:28:27]
Zora of Termina
Welp. This news pleases me. :DDD
[24/06/2008 00:28:22]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesI'm nearly done with the new forums; I'm just going to make Minimal Dewgong style and remake a couple of hacks having to do with the style synchronization between the forums and main site.
[24/06/2008 00:22:11]
Zora of Termina
Yes yes, thank you V&SE. *applies*
[23/06/2008 23:43:35]
Only three more days of school left! Yay!
[23/06/2008 23:24:24]
@Shineh Eevee: Ooo. I need one of those signs.
Spammy Delibird. Hope it isn't carrying a bomb from Butterfree. Not that I think she will kill me, it doesn't hurt to be careful.
*Moves to avoid the Delibird*[23/06/2008 23:13:58]
Victreebel & Scizor Luver
Infected cut? *Hands antioxident* Oops wrong product. *Hands antiseptic*
Abra. Hmm. I had to get one today for the stupid people at the stupid newspaper place in stupid Solaceon town. Oh well. I got free Great Balls!
…is it just me or did that sound slightly…odd?[23/06/2008 23:13:02]
arrrgh, I can't chat for very long, my mom's making me get off in like a minute v.v
[23/06/2008 22:48:27]
Zora of Termina
Yeah. Ouch. What's worse, I think it might be infected. TO THE PEROXIDE
[23/06/2008 22:46:20]
Shiny Eevee
@Leafpool: *emails*
Anti-Spam Lugia!
A-S Lugia: Hai.[23/06/2008 22:44:29]
… Oh. *stupidme*
I like seemingly passing over bits of posts, don't I? :D[23/06/2008 22:43:20]
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