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Commenting on: 06-22-08Erm, wait, I am confused…
Are we allowed to register if we don't post until it is ok? The announcement isn't very clear about that (it says register and post, which could be taken to mean that we can register, but not post yet)
Also, it looks like everybody is getting antsy… To the point that announcements are invisible XD[23/06/2008 18:46:44]
… lucky >.> *has no Wi-Fi*
[23/06/2008 18:41:05]
Shiny Eevee
… Take a deep breath, Shiny.
Anyways, that's taken my mind off my embarrassment…[23/06/2008 18:39:03]
To get off of the topic of hitting ourselves for being overexcited, has anyone here ever looked at the Enneagram of Personality?
Or did you guys already do that at the old forum and I'm just dumb? D:[23/06/2008 18:34:15]
Commenting on: 06-22-08Well, I also feel like an idiot.
At least I didn't post. hehehehe…[23/06/2008 18:30:47]
TCoDF is on my favorites list, so I went right there instead of looking for the link. Well…
*… headcomp*[23/06/2008 18:28:32]
I was happy that they were up too. I didn't really notice all of the inconsistencies like the link not being on the main page. >_>
Um.. hope to see you all there when it's officially up?[23/06/2008 18:26:58]
Yeah… When the original vBulletin forums were opened, everyone could join prior to their /actual/ release (I got position of member number 13, actually) so I thought these might be the same way.
… *headcomp*[23/06/2008 18:25:10]
Shiny Eevee
Yeah, I was just so happy the forums were up that I joined even though none of the styles or hacks were up. Little did I know I'd get yelled at for it…
[23/06/2008 18:18:49]
It was directed at all those peeps, though, and "all those peeps" includes me and Shiny.
[23/06/2008 18:14:49]
Hopefully you'll feel better soon.
She was yelling at no one in particular, so don't feel singled out or anything. It might still be a little embarrassing, though..[23/06/2008 18:12:38]
Ouch. (Gives cookie)
[23/06/2008 18:09:48]
Yeah, that's definitely a good reason to feel guilty, or else I wouldn't be /feeling/ guilty.
[23/06/2008 18:07:51]
Shiny Eevee
That's a good enough reason for me to feel guilty. =/
*pets Spammifier Pichu*[23/06/2008 18:05:43]
Shadow: Well, then you must not have heard about Butterfree's explosion. She basically exploded at us all for registering/posting when we weren't supposed to.
[23/06/2008 18:02:15]
I don't feel guilty. What could I have done to crash the forums besides participating very actively in all those RPs?
Zaaaaaaapdoooooooooos :3 First legendary spammifier.[23/06/2008 17:59:47]
Commenting on: 06-22-08It didn't take too long, but Iv'e written the extra verse, or verses, as it is. I won't spoil the surprise by posting it here, but anyone who wishes to hear read it can just contact me.
Please don't kill me, angry, vicious-looking anti-spam Hitmonlee…[23/06/2008 17:37:32]
Commenting on: 06-22-08There isn't anything to be terribly guilty about.. A lot of people did it. Mostly for the same reasons, too.
Still, it would've been nice to keep meeting people I haven't talked to before…
I was just going with the flow. People were registering and posting, so I did as well. It really shows how much trust we put in groups of other people.[23/06/2008 17:36:55]
Evoli? O.O The first thing that comes to mind for me is Ecoli. It's kind of, er, um, iffy.
[23/06/2008 17:35:27]
Yeah, Evoli does sound like a cool name. I should probably get around to looking up French Warriors books and stuff to figure out what a translated Leafpool would be… :P
[23/06/2008 17:34:28]
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