Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Ouch. How'd you get it?
[23/06/2008 22:41:48]
Zora of Termina
Man, I'm bored too. Not to mention I have a cut on my finger and I don't know how I got it and it's making it hard to use my mouse (I only type and write and all that with my left hand, see). ><
[23/06/2008 22:39:46]
I'm bored too. Actually, no I'm not.
Email chat? :D[23/06/2008 22:29:30]
Shiny Eevee
'Ccepted. I'm bored.
Ack! Another Anti-Spam Deoxys![23/06/2008 22:23:31]
Shineh, I sent you a friend request on teh forums :P
Squirtle spammifier <3[23/06/2008 22:09:52]
Shiny Eevee
*holds up a "Don't Kill the Espeon" sign*
So yeah. These random signs come in handy. :{P[23/06/2008 22:07:45]
D: Hopefully she won't kill you. I don't think she's killed anyone else yet, though (except me - new temp. guestbook name much? :P)
Ah well.[23/06/2008 21:33:06]
So, uh… *Almost dies of embaressment* I made a thread that is called T-Cod is finally back… Heh heh…
I just hope Butterfree doesn't kill me. I was gone in the afternoon (like I always am, for swimteam) and I didn't see that we weren't supposed to post until like three minutes ago.
Spammy Abra.[23/06/2008 21:31:26]
Oh, Zora, by the way: I already sent the Mafia stuff to Butterfree (… and I even made the title of the PM something like "if you don't mind getting a PM while you're still working on the forums") so yeah. *shrug*
[23/06/2008 21:11:10]
Zora of Termina
OK, OK, I get it. Go ahead and defend yourself. I'm aware that that post was unnecessarily snarky anyway. :/
[23/06/2008 20:51:39]
Waiting does not mean you have decency. I presumed Butterfree would disable registrations, but I didn't. I didn't post anywhere until today when I noticed other threads popping up. I had feeling it would be getting on Butterfree's nerves, so I was, in fact, planning to leave my account 'dead' until the forums were finished, but then I noticed people posting today and I did too…
It's not like it stops me from having decency, really. I was trying to keep out of Butterfree's way. :/
Also Zora I'm not trying to attack you or anything I'm just standing up for myself.[23/06/2008 20:47:12]
Zora of Termina.
Just when I thought things couldn't get worse
I realized I forgot my purse!
With all this stress
I must confess
This could be worse than PMS
Y'know, I had a thought. Did the old forums have a thread where you could post lyrics?[23/06/2008 20:44:13]
… xD
… I need to say something other than just a bunch of "xD"s. So, I'll post a link to a fanfic of mine – something to read while you wait! :D
Time – a Warriors fanfic I wrote in a fit of inspiration around six months ago (25 pages in the space of three days), and then rewrote back in April, adding on three pages. This is the longest thing I've written (… for me, 28 pages is good >.>) and I luffs it to bits. (Unfortunately it doesn't have any background information about Warriors, so if you end up being confused just ask or something :P)[23/06/2008 20:36:36]
Commenting on: 06-22-08Well, if we are allowed to register, provided we don't post until given the ok, then I would register just to get it out of the way
[23/06/2008 20:36:14]
Zora of Termina
Don't feel guilty. You probably didn't know.
The car won't start
It's fallin' apart
I was late for work and the boss got smart
My panty-line shows
Got a run in my hoes
My hair went flat
Man I hate that (Hate that)
…I love this song. :p[23/06/2008 20:31:46]
… Oh. *still feels stupidly guilty*
[23/06/2008 20:25:48]
Zora of Termina
I didn't mean you. I meant that guy who pretty much said "I felt evil and registered" like, two pages back.
[23/06/2008 20:23:15]
Zora… *sinks through floor with embarrassment again*
[23/06/2008 20:20:26]
Zora of Termina
The sooner the better, obviously, but at least some of us have the decency to wait until the admin says it's OK… >>
[23/06/2008 19:54:43]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 06-22-08Why do you want to register already?
[23/06/2008 18:58:20]
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