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Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Commenting on: 06-22-08Oh, I guess you were just getting minimal dewgong style up or something, then. Looks good.
[24/06/2008 20:53:53]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesJetx: This is why you aren't supposed to be stalking the forums until they're actually up. I'm debugging stuff and printing out variable values to see if they're set right. How did I predict that I'd get twenty people going 'omg what is this help' if everybody was using the forums before they were up? :/
[24/06/2008 20:37:24]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 06-22-08Terry: …um, sorry to burst your bubble, but that profile comment you made was kind of analogous to telling a person who just dropped their pencil, "Hey, I know! You can pick it up again!"
If you drop your pencil, you pick it up. If my forums break, I make new ones. Yes, obviously I was well capable of figuring the possibility of recreating the forums out on my own. It doesn't exactly take a genius to think of it. o_O In fact, I don't think you posted that comment until after I'd made the previous update which clearly implied I was going to recreate the forums.[24/06/2008 20:35:31]
Zora of Termina
Maybe Butterfree did it on purpose. :/
Leafpool: I know, and that's the beauty of it. It makes sense because it doesn't make sense :D[24/06/2008 20:31:43]
Commenting on: 06-22-08…wait, what just happened to the forums? First it was coming up with Database Error page again, and now it just says "float"
…it hasn't wiped itself again, has it? :/[24/06/2008 20:29:02]
Zora: It's not suppoooooosed to make sense! D:
[24/06/2008 20:22:54]
Hah. The forums just say the current style.
[24/06/2008 20:22:41]
Making my sig so long and pointless. I'll make it shorter this time.
Registered, but no introduction post or anything yet. That header, for some reason, is driving me away from posting.
Steel Type Eeveelution=Metleon (Not Metaleon… Metleon)
*pokes Mothim spammifier*[24/06/2008 20:11:47]
Zora of Termina
Y'know, surprisingly that makes a lot of sense. :/
[24/06/2008 20:09:51]
Let's see if I can remember this…
Clefairy comes from space.
Deoxys comes from space.
Deoxys met Rayquaza.
Rayquaza is green.
Oddish is (somewhat) green.
My friend likes Oddish.
My friend likes my sister.
My sister is weird.
Lileep is weird.
Lileep is old.
A grandma is old.
(Ariados spammyfier… um… Hourglass.)[24/06/2008 20:06:34]
Zora of Termina
Yes, I'd love to know the logic behind that. xD
[24/06/2008 20:03:55]
Wanna know the logic behind Clefairy/Grandma? :P
(oh, hey, Abomasnow. Let's name it Garfield.)[24/06/2008 19:57:46]
Zora of Termina
"Clefairy named Grandma"
I just about died. xD[24/06/2008 19:56:17]
Heheh.. it was funny, I typed in "Mag" for the first letters of my name, and up pops up my username, and the word " Magnesium! It was funny because I use the word a lot now. Well, right now I'm just crazy about Animal crossing wild world now…. yes I do relize being a boy I shouldnt like "Life" games but I dont really care.
[24/06/2008 19:26:33]
Biggest regret: Being a n00b.
… no really. I'd list some examples, but there's far too many (glad I got out of n00bishness in recent days though :P).
lol von Karma (aka Gallade) spammifier. (The name von Karma for the Gallade actually has logic behind it, some of my crazy logic that got a Charmeleon named Photobooth and a Clefairy named Grandma.)[24/06/2008 19:18:31]
Gah, I registered, too, but I didn't make any posts.
…But still. The header was there and everything. I feel like such an idiot now.
On a brighter note, I've typed up the Monotype Challenge and shall post it when the forums are up. Feel free to bombard it with scathing critique at that time.
I can't wait until the forums are up, but until then, why don't we discuss our greatest regrets from the old forum? Myself, I acted like an idiot, as some people will remember; posting in a Wi-Fi trading thread without registering, never wasting an opportunity to brag about my Silver game, and so forth.
Anti-spam Rayquaza is awesome.[24/06/2008 19:15:49]
There are various people who want to take over TCoD. I wonder why that guy thought he'd actually have a chance with it. :P
[24/06/2008 19:13:54]
Yeah, cool! I'm Texifier, anyway, and I asked you, Butterfree, to do it on Serebii! Or did you decide?
[24/06/2008 19:12:05]
SOMEONE ELSE WISHES TO TAKE OVER TCOD?? (Takes out missle launcher) HE'S GOIN' DOWN!!!
Fuddlesticks? Hmm, my new favorite word!!! :D[24/06/2008 19:11:17]
Anyway. I went and got the new Warriors books today. They be good. :D And well. I really hope the forums are back up soon :P
*is stupidly hyper for some stupid reason*[24/06/2008 19:01:22]
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