Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Lol, I love your info section before everytime you post.
Location: Behind you
That cracked me up.[25/06/2008 15:26:10]
Yup. Did that right after I posted of course. If only there were a delete button…
[25/06/2008 15:17:55]
Below the "front page hits" thing on the spectrum style there is "est dragons." I have no idea why.
[25/06/2008 15:17:28]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesYes. It would be that despite the header telling you to read the forum rules, you still haven't done so.
[25/06/2008 14:04:21]
…is there any reason why I can't edit / start new thread / POST ANYTHING AT ALL?
[25/06/2008 13:52:51]
HOORAY!! Now I can join the forums! It should be more FUN than the Psypoke forums. Bleh. Too many stiffs.
[25/06/2008 13:23:48]
Well, the Splash page also had a link to the forums ^^
[25/06/2008 11:53:45]
Let me try this nickname game.
Probopass this time…
Probopass has a mustache
Probopass's mustache looks furry.
My dog is furry.
My dog is stupid.
There is a lot of stupid shows on tv.
I like watching tv.
I like watching ESPN
ESPN has a show called NFL Live.
I like the NFL.
I like the New England Patriots.
That's it! Patriot the Probopass. Hey it's almost even the right color scheme for the Patriots. Go figure.[25/06/2008 06:39:41]
Last post on the guestbook! :D
And yes, the rules are back up! We can post! Now to kill the other banner… >.>[25/06/2008 02:57:28]
It appears to be fixed! I can access the rules now.
Oh and I'm going to play that Weird Nickname Game now. It looks fun. :D (You know this should be made into a game at the forums.)
Let's try a Growlithe!
Growlithe is a Fire-type.
Fire is sometimes red.
Arylett's favourite colour is red.
Arylett also likes dawn.
Dawn is the name of a character in the anime.
Ash is also in the anime.
Pikachu is Ash's first Pokemon.
Pikachu is yellow.
A banana is also yellow.
Let it be known that the Growlithe shall be now named Banana![25/06/2008 02:53:33]
Zora of Termina
Pleeeeeeeeease fix the forums so I can activate myself? This is killing me, cause I've been waiting for a week now. :<
[25/06/2008 02:47:12]
One other thing I like about Warriors is that it's what I think of as a "complete series". I mean, instead of just having the main series you have special editions and field guides and background-info manga books and even a MOVIE (not kidding) to go along with it. That makes for the reading quite a bit more enjoyable than just a typical straightforward series as well. :P
[25/06/2008 02:44:08]
Flora and Ashes
What Leafie said. ^^
Ash: Butterfree, please fix the forums or else Rachel's gonna make me be Fiyero singing Dancing Through Life-or worse, Elphaba. WHO MAKES A GUY PLAY ELPHABA?
…The Kabuki people?
Ash: Good point.[25/06/2008 02:39:33]
Pikachu Goddess: I can't tell you too much of the plot because otherwise it'll spoil most of the plot for you, but I can say this – yes, there are four Clans of cats that live in a forest. The first series centers around a kittypet (house cat) who's joined ThunderClan and has to prove his worth to the Clan cats who think that kittypet blood means nothing.
(It's actually not only that, there was a prophecy from StarClan – their warrior ancestors, it's explained better in the actual books – saying that "Fire alone can save our Clan", and the kittypet who joins the Clan gets the name Firepaw, so…)
The plot's really terrific, it's the sort of plot where absolutely everything and anything, even the simplest thing, can have meaning to the plot. And there's so much to like about the series, too – between the characters, the plot, and the general state of things, I think you're going to find this pretty hard to put down.[25/06/2008 02:27:11]
Flora and Ashes
Kyaah I wanna postie!!
Stupid rulies…[25/06/2008 02:22:16]
Pikachu Goddess
Everyone seems to like this Warriors series. I'm thinking about borrowing a few of them from my friend. But before I do… I'd like to know the plot. Like, what the whole quest is. See, all I know about the book is that there's a bunch of clans with warrior cats (correct me if I'm mistaken). So could someone please give me a brief description?
YamiiDenryuu: Why not? It is quite fun to join into the discussions held there. There's a lot of interesting ones, and before I first joined I felt like I was missing out. (Oh God it sounds like I'm advertising some type of cult!) XP But still, it's up to you. I'm just stating my point of view. Don't fall into peer pressure! XD[25/06/2008 02:21:56]
Zora of Termina
Crap, I PM'd her before I saw that post. ><
[25/06/2008 02:20:32]
If you want. They're an extremely awesome place to be, though. :D
[25/06/2008 02:15:37]
Ok, contacted Butterfree. So, I will tell you what is going on so she isn't swamped with pms, if any of you were thinking of pming her with the problem
[25/06/2008 02:15:36]
Hey, should I join the forums?
[25/06/2008 02:14:40]
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