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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Really? Oh, I did that yesterday. I just found something out. If there was ever a dark/psychic type (like Voldemort if he was a Pokemon) the only thing that would be super effective against it would be Bug-type moves. And that would be ULTRA effective. So basically Voldemort would get owned by a Volbeat. PINSIR FOR SPAM
[27/06/2008 13:13:45]
Everybody said that Steelix was the hardest pokemon to catch in Ranger. I found that Metagross was the hardest.
[27/06/2008 11:14:19]
I completed my pokedex or whatever you call it in Ranger. Psyduck you had to circle 32 times I think.
[27/06/2008 10:40:39]
…Nobody misses me…*cries*
But yeah,I was just not posting until things calmed down from the 'frillion posts a minute' rate.
I'm pretty sure that Psyduck is visible and not just a shadow. I remember it lying on its back and my multiple attempts to capture it.
Also, new? As in weeks ago?
Arcanine for spammifier. Is it 'AR-kane-ine' or 'Ar-KANE-ine'?[27/06/2008 10:27:07]
There's a Giratina Origin form? Wow! *Is hit with a grenade*
[27/06/2008 00:55:17]
Um… who hasn't heard of that news? Are you assuming we're THAT oblivious?
[27/06/2008 00:21:37]
Yo, who's ever heard of Shaymin Sky Form or Giratina Origin Form? They're newly confirmed pokemon by Go and check
[27/06/2008 00:06:36]
Commenting on: 06-22-08And the spammifier (I mention this because in the last post I said "overworld") for that last one is Houndoom!
OMG, the spammifier for this one is ENTEI!!!!! yay[26/06/2008 22:13:52]
Commenting on: 06-22-08I also have mastered the art of finding out what pokemon the shadow on the surface of the Safra Sea is.
Magikarp: A small shadow that doesn't really move.
Goldeen: A small shadow that has three lines over it when you go near, and tries to flee.
Remoraid: Similar to Goldeen, except it goes underwater when the three lines appear.
Horsea: Like Magikarp, except it moves more.
Luvdisc: It's basically the same as Horsea, but they cluster like the Tauros in the Kisara Plain in the bottom of the top right deep water area.
Octillery: A big shadow that does the same thing as Remoraid.
Seaking: A big shadow that sometimes does the same thing as Goldeen, but not as much. It only appears when you have captured two Goldeen.
Seadra: A big shadow that does the same thing as Horsea.
Kingdra: Same as Seadra, except it only appears after you capture two Horsea. (You don't need it, it appears in missions, but it CAN help get a high score.)
Psyduck: At the bottom left, there is a big shadow that appears when you capture two Starmie that appear when you capture two Staryu. (You don't need to capture four Staryu.)
Wailmer: Capture two Goldeen, which bring Seaking. Capture two. Then go near the top border in the middle, and you'll see the biggest shadow yet. Go there- it's as hard to capture as it is to summon.
Mantine- Go to the deep water at the top left and get two Remoraid and one Octillery. Then, a REALLY BIG shadow will appear. That is Mantine.
Note that I only listed the Pokemon that stay underwater in the overworld.[26/06/2008 22:12:33]
Oooh! Oooh! My turn! My turn!
Seadra is blue.
The ocean is blue.
The ocean is salty.
Salt is a spice.
My sister watches the Spice Girls.
The Spice Girls sing.
So does Queen.
Queen is dead.
So is Alexander the Great.
Alexander visited the Carribean.
The Carribean has seahorses.
Seadra is a sea horse!
Seadra is my spammifier![26/06/2008 22:00:09]
Commenting on: 06-22-08OMG i got lugia for spammifier, so I wanted to do this:
Lugia is white.
Vanilla ice cream is also white.
Vanilla ice cream tastes good.
So does broccoli. (I LOVE IT!!!)
Broccoli is green.
So are apples.
Apples rot.
So do dumpsters' contents.
I never want to swim in dumpsters' contents.
Nor do I want to swim in lava.
Lava is normally associated with fire types.
Slugma is a fire type.
Slugma is weird.
So are Unown.
Unown is never used in competitive battling.
Neither is Abra.
Abra is yellow.
So is urine…
Therefore Lugia's name should be Urine!
An alternative for squeamish people:
Lemonade is yellow.
Therefore Lugia's name should be Lemonade!!!!!![26/06/2008 21:53:20]
Pikachu Goddess
I don't really train with regards to EVs. My Pokémon just battle others that can give them good exp.
Summer vacation! Yay! I've been wanting this day to come for so long!
*stares at computer screen blankly* … now what?[26/06/2008 21:51:20]
EV training is quite simple, actually. Each pokemon has a certain amount of EV points. When you beat those pokemon, you get their Ev points added onto a certain stat of your pokemon. For instance, you battle a magikarp. Magikarp has a speed EV of 1. So if you beat him, you would get one speed stat added onto your pokemon. You only have a certain amount of EVs and IVs though.
[26/06/2008 21:15:25]
YAY!!! Lst day of school!!! I'm so happy!!!
[26/06/2008 20:30:18]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesNo, you can't upload .bmp images. Make it a .png.
[26/06/2008 18:03:43]
It's a bitmap. Does that not work? If so, what should I change it to?
[26/06/2008 17:57:48]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesBut what file type is it?
[26/06/2008 17:17:43]
@Budew - The only to EV traing Lv. 100 Pokemon is by killing them. *Pause* Actually, the only way to do it is by using vitamins.
[26/06/2008 15:37:43]
Well, that's not the problem because it's 100x100 and it is only 32 KB. So I'm confused.
[26/06/2008 15:00:49]
I thought it was but I'll try making it smaller thanks.
[26/06/2008 14:17:41]
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