Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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It must be annoying to wait for games, but these games are worth the wait~[15/07/2008 22:29:53]
Hey guyz guess what, Brawl and MD2 are finally out in England YAY!
Now I just need to save up £60 -.-
Man, it's been a hell of a long time since I posted on this guestbook.[15/07/2008 16:10:36]
WiFi's this thing that allows you to access the GTS and stuff like that on your DS and Wii. It basically allows you to connect your Nintendo consoles to the internet.
[15/07/2008 15:56:59]
I don't even know what that is but if you use it and it makes you happy then sure, get one.
Well, i finished another chapter of my fanfic, if you want you can read it here.
R&F, My fanfic[15/07/2008 14:38:40]
This stupid computer is so slow!
How long did it take you to find that out, Assailant? *eye roll*
Congrats, Pikachu Goddess! I have the old fashioned DS, and it's blue with broken lava stickers.
I lost my old WiFi disc, so I'm thinking of buying a new one. What do all of you think?[15/07/2008 13:57:22]
Website: Hear MiiZOMFG!!!!!!! Pokemon Platinum has been dated for a Japanese release on September 13th!
[15/07/2008 13:37:34]
TCoD forums are riddled with Phoenix Wright obsessors. >3
I has all four games~ :P[14/07/2008 20:57:45]
Commenting on: 07-13-08Raichu Marshall: Ahaha. You haven't looked around the TCoD forums much, have you? :P
[14/07/2008 20:32:17]
Yep, the Phoenix Wright fandom is quite large at the forums, probably thanks to a member named Dannichu :D It's why I bought the games.
Ah, so could you list the games you have? Personally, I have Apollo Justice, and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney.[14/07/2008 19:28:32]
Raichu Marshall: Yup, there's a pretty huge Phoenix Wright fanbase on the forums. Phoenix Wright ish win. :3
[14/07/2008 16:37:01]
Commenting on: 07-13-08Atleast the forums are back up to make up for it :P
Ooooooooh, Madrid. I've always wanted to see Madrid. 'Cept I'm going to seventh grade, and we don't get to go anywhere far away 'till eighth (Washington D.C and New York, amazingly. Better start working up 2,000 dollars to pay for it)
Good luck with the math. You'll need it, since it's one of the most tedious things out there.[14/07/2008 15:24:35]
Raichu Marshall
Commenting on: 07-13-08So you play the Phoenix Wright games too? Never thought I would see another player who also plays Pokemon. Good for you. Also, good luck.
[14/07/2008 07:21:23]
Commenting on: 07-13-08Someone I know (from Mexico) was almost chosen to go to the IMO (they choose the first 6 places people out of those who got gold in the National contest; he got the 7th place o_o;).
Have fun :3[14/07/2008 05:15:35]
I had that problem, one of my pokemon hatched with a HM move and i couldn't send it over.
It has to be responsible for everything that goes wrong so that at the end you can leave for a month then come back while your chericter is in a fit of tears.[14/07/2008 04:15:15]
Pikachu Goddess
No clue. Can't help you there, sorry.
As a result of the loads of money I got for my birthday, I have purchased a… [insert drumroll] …DS! *confetti* I picked out Onyx as a colour. ^^ I'm so happy! No more sharing with my sister's broken DS (It's busted at the hinges and the stylus doesn't stay in its holder). Yay!
Frankly, I love MD2's music. I think it's way better than MD. Well, I still like Blizzard Island's music. Takes me back to the old days… XD
And continuing on the topic of MD2, why does [insert Pokémon] have to be the one responsible for everything that went wrong?! Wahh….. *sits in corner mourning*
Ugh. Burst of randomness.[14/07/2008 02:50:34]
Website: Hear MiiYeah, what's up with the HM blocking? At least there's the move deleter….
[13/07/2008 23:30:36]
I think that the HM move-blocking migrating feature has a problem, because even when Pokemon learn the move naturally it's blocked from migrating. All I need on my Diamond to get all Johtos is the starters, the legendary beasts, Furret, (Getting Sentret was uber hard, I just need to share experience with it on a hard battle, so I'll have it soon) Magby, and Tyranitar.(Yeah, I'm too lazy to train it, so I resort to GTS)
Jynx for Spammy[13/07/2008 21:23:06]
Website: Ditto's DocksI can't get those to work. I have a hotmail address, so they don't come through. =((
[13/07/2008 18:01:53]
Oh, wow, I haven't posted in here in a while… xD
Anyway. As you may or may not have seen from the forums, I am currently holding adoptable dragons from the site Dragon Cave (similar name to this site, isn't it? xD). I don't usually do adoptables, yes, but… well, nearly everybody over at the other forum I'm on had one, and I even found a rather large group of people here who had them.
To get your eggs to hatch, you need to have as many people clicking and viewing them as possible. If you don't get them to hatch within a week… they die. I've heard there's a way to revive dead dragons (is that only with hatchlings or does it work with eggs too?), but I don't know how.
So, uh… if you guestbook people would be nice and "View" (it's a link once you get to my scroll) all the eggs located at my scroll. (If you're wondering why the blue egg has more cracks than the red and gray eggs even though the other two have more views/clicks, as you may guess, different eggs have different view/click requirements to hatch.)
So, uh… thanks in advance. :P
~Leafpool[13/07/2008 12:17:58]
Website: Gengar202nobody posted since last night. btw i am Mr. Toon and I GOT A WEBSITE!
spammfer charmander[13/07/2008 07:18:36]
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