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Pikachu Goddess
And beat as in beat the Pokémon that caused everything bad that happened. >_>
[17/07/2008 18:11:21]
Pikachu Goddess
Really? You've never mentioned that you liked Twilight, Blaziking. (Unless I missed a crap load of things in the guestbook; sorry for being absent.) It's really good, isn't it? I've got all three of the books that are out in the series so far - and am reading them for the second time in a one week span. I'm almost finished Eclipse again. And I also can't wait for Breaking Dawn.
Oh, and for those that like Eragon and Eldest, Brisigner is coming out, too. Fweeness! <3
You're already evil enough, Typhloise. ;D
Aaaand, I beat MD2. I'd like to restart as a Pikachu or a Meowth (for something different) with a Pikachu/Totodile partner, which depends on who I choose to be. Meh. Maybe I'll just go with getting whatever I get.[17/07/2008 18:09:57]
I need help! Can anyone give me ways to be EVIL?
[17/07/2008 16:09:49]
Ooh, spammifier umbreon! How are you today, Umbreon? Have you seen Flareon lately? I can't seem to find her. No? Oh. I'll have to ask the next spammifier then.[17/07/2008 15:16:35]
Oh, darn it! Now I'm even more confused! But ahwell. I think I'll just be Greenumbreon, and stay like that.
[17/07/2008 15:12:00]
Face the wrath of badly edited…
EVIL Typhloise!!!
MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Yes, writh in agony! MWAHAHAHAHA!!![17/07/2008 15:09:24]
Hey! By confusing you, I'm being evil! But don't you have a high I.Q., Greenwobbufet? That would make you a Greenalakazam!
Typhloise has his ways, Greenumbreon/Greenwobbufet/Greenalakazam. MWAHAHAHAAHAHA!!!
Hhhhhhhh…[17/07/2008 14:57:45]
No one fears you, FearedEvilMasterTyphloise yet. I don't even recall you doing anything evil! :P
And EvilMasterTyphloise takes less time to type, say and fear.
But ahwell. I can't even tell if I'm Greenumbreon or Greenwobbuffet! And It's all Typhloise's (now FearedEvilMasterTyphloise) fault!
Grovyle for the spammifier.[17/07/2008 14:31:11]
I haven't posted here in a while; I've been too busy in the forums :D.
So how is everyone?[17/07/2008 01:53:58]
Lugia's Island is back! :DD
[17/07/2008 00:49:00]
Also, I was reading the forums, and Silverwing joined! She says that she's going to bring the site back soon!
Oh, and Blaziking decided to be my (?) buddy.[16/07/2008 23:12:05]
Also, I was reading the forums, and Silverwing joined! She says that she's going to bring the site back soon!
Oh, and Blaziking decided to be my (?) buddy.[16/07/2008 23:11:46]
Yes… I like it!
[16/07/2008 23:09:28]
Hmmmm… I have to think of different ways to be EVIL. Can anybody give me ideas?
Oh, and thanks, Greenumbreon. But how about…
FEAREDEvilMasterTyphloise!!![16/07/2008 23:00:48]
Ick. I haven't posted in a while. But I have video games to play other stuff to do.
And being on the Wall of Shame isn't something to be feared, Typhloise! It is to be looked down upon. Because art thieves are a bunch of good for nothing grimers. Which is why it isn't called the Wall of People to Be Feared.
But if you want to be feared as the master of evil, call yourself EvilMasterTyphloise. ;)
Wailord for the spammifier.[16/07/2008 20:04:18]
Um… This may sound like a weird request, but…
Can I be on the Wall of Shame!!! Even though I've never stolen any sprites, I want to be FEARED!!!
Feared as Typhloise, master of EVIL!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Well, you get my point.[16/07/2008 18:34:32]
HAVE NONE OF YOU CHECKED OUT SEREBII?!?! Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia is coming out in America on November 10th!!! On it, you can trade over a Manaphy Egg, a Riolu and a Darkrai over to D/P/P!!! YAY!!!
[16/07/2008 15:10:36]
Anyway back to business, I will probably play either Brawl or MD2 at possibly the same time, now I just need to grow an extra pair of arms XD.
But seriously if I'm not playing Brawl, I'll be playing MD2 and vice versa.
OMG! SHINY MEW FOR SPAMMIFIER![16/07/2008 14:46:19]
:D twilight is amazing!!
I can't wait for Breaking Dawn to come out!![16/07/2008 09:53:10]
Holy Crap I haven't posted in a while. In the meantime, I READ AND FINISHED TWILIGHT!!! (Dances) It was made of awesomeness and awesomesauce.
[16/07/2008 00:22:23]
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