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Almost every conversation starts from spammifiers! ^.^
I like the fireplace channel! And there's even a fireplace DVD now! Yay!
I think Mewter was just Mew.
Blastoise for spammifier! My first starter was a Squirtle![21/07/2008 00:30:37]
What do you think the people thought 'Mewter' was? My vote's on Mewtwo, but it could have sprung into their imagination while they were watching the fireplace channel for all I know. And they also seemed to have gotten it into their head that everything but christianity was made by satan. But some of the stuff they say is pretty funny.
Furret for the spammifier.[20/07/2008 23:37:11]
Each phrase will be followed by my comment.
Let's take a look at how the popular game of Pokemon lines up with God's word.
Um… no. It's weird to just force a religion on a fantasy world incompatible with it.
Pokemon teaches children to depend on "psychic powers"
Actually, no one in Pokemon ever does that.
and to trust in their "Pokemon" or "pocket monsters".
Isn't that good?
The "good" creatures in the game use their occult powers (which are forbidden by God),
What God? There's no equivalent of "God" in this world. (unless you count Arceus's role as a creator) And in this world, there's nothing wrong about their powers.
to overcome "evil" Pokemon.
WHAT??? DID YOU EVEN WATCH THE ISLAND OF THE GIANT POKEMON EPISODE!???? Besides, most trainers are "good," anyway.
Pokemon creatures show a power that is of a supernatural and spiritual source. Creatures such as Hypno, Mewter, and Haunter all display psychic powers.
Supernatural? No… Spiritual? No…
(unless you count the psychic type) NOT MEWTER
Just because these popular creatures are labeled "good" in the Pokemon game, does not mean they measure up in God's word.
Okay, so animals don't measure up in God's word…
To achieve your goals in Pokemon you begin to believe it's OK to cast spells,
As far as I know, no one has ever cast a spell in a Pokemon game (besides that channeler that made a space that heals your party) and no one can do it anyway.
use psychic powers,
No, the PEOPLE don't do that, the POKEMON do. At least some, but I don't even know if psychic powers are REAL anyway.
There's no magic. (unless you count the extreme wonderfulness of Pokemon's existence)
The poison used in the game isn't even fatal!
cheat, steal, deceive or kill others.
Okay, this is going over the line here…
You begin to believe these things, because many of the people who control our entertainment have lied to you, and have told you to believe that it is OK to take part in them.
Those people have NOT told us that. Who's the liar now?
Another false promise that the game of Pokemon teaches is that you can become your own "master".
Last time I checked, being a master meant being really good at it.
Did you know that all other religions around the world (except for Christianity), were brought into existence by Satan?
Most all of these religions teach that you can become a god (master).
Remember the first big lie that Satan told in the Garden of Eden? The lie "ye shall be as gods". The Bible tells us, no one can become a "god" or a "master". This is a false promise. Satan, Adam and Eve all suffered terrible consequences for believing this lie and disobeying God.
That's different.
The New Age Movement theme can be detected once again throughout Pokemon. It is good to use your mind, but your mind should concentrate on good things, not evil things (see Philippians 4:8-9). When children play this game, many begin to get mixed-up between what is real and what is make-believe. The game becomes reality to them and pulls them into the story like they were really there. This is what the game was meant to do.
This would also be so for books, and every other video game in the world.
It is dangerous, because your mind is busy focusing on things that God hates, rather than on things God loves.
So apparently, God hates one man's imaginative dream.
Many children believe they have power at their fingertips, the power to give commands. This is magic
No. Many normal people can do that.
and it is a very destructive power that will lead only into Satan's trap.
So, being a leader is bad…
Did you know that those who call themselves "Wizards of the Coast" created the Pokemon game?
No, Nintendo did.
These wizards are calling themselves something that God has forbidden. Let me make it clear that God loves the person, but hates the practice of a wizard.
BUT THEY'RE NOT REALLY WIZARDS!!! Nor could they ever be.
These "Wizards of the Coast" are also the creators of "Dungeon's and Dragon's" and "Magic:The Gathering". These games also have many occult forbidden practices in them, that need to be avoided.
You just thought that because of the words "magic" and "dragons."
Overall, Pokemon is teaching you how to practice witchcraft and sorcery. It is teaching you to put your trust in Satan's occult forces which are in reality "demonic spirits".
Yeah right, as if. DEMONIC!??
Satan wants to attract you to these things by making them fun for you to play or watch on TV, while in a sneaky way, he draws you away from the true God who loves you.
Yeah, like every single cartoon on the planet! What are these guys on, (insert drug here)
Just remember, these things are not pleasing to a God that truly loves you!
Yeah, like fun, imagination, and happiness.
I pray that all of you who are addicted to Pokemon will decide that your Pokemon game just is not worth it!
I pray that your prayer doesn't come true.
Nothing is worth getting between you and God. If you are already a Christian, you must ask God's forgiveness from being involved in these forbidden practices.
Christians must separate themselves from these things.
If this is what being a Christian means, then I won't be one.
The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:22 very clearly to; "Abstain from all appearance of evil".
Exactly my point. Where is this "appearance" of evil?
You see, God did not put verses in the Bible to disallow us from doing fun things, but to protect us from evil.
I don't think this is what God had in mind…
You must decide who you would rather follow; God, your loving creator or Satan, the master deceiver?
Well, God, but I don't see how this whole thing's message is "follow Satan."
Do you want to learn how to follow Jesus Christ the one who loves you and made you?
WRONG!!! According to Christians like you, GOD made us, not Jesus.
As a side note, I got the Johto and Kanto starters by a trade arranged at that previously-mentioned site.[20/07/2008 23:31:35]
Can you believe that this whole conversation sprouted from SPAMMIFIERS!???
[20/07/2008 22:45:01]
It turns out that the first link submitted by GreenUmbreon was a twisted version of this, but they still chanted while they burned the Pokemon doll.
I said this before, so I'm just telling you that they didn't even THINK it was pocket demons.
LATIAS for the spammyryrtrt swfsdajfsdhjf[20/07/2008 22:28:04]
Website: Nintendo Worlds Wifi Forum (not my site, but I AM registered there as kaiougaXguraadon)Actually, my referral count won't go up unless you register… but I won't force you. I'm just telling you.
[20/07/2008 22:25:40]
First of all, thank you for agreeing with me, Greenumbreon.
It's obvious that those people didn't know anything about Pokemon. "Mewter"? "Pocket Demons"?
Being Catholic, (Alot of us on the guestbook, eh?) I can understand how certain people would be upset about Pokemon, because of certain beliefs. But I do not think that these people should try to convince other people to follow what they believe in.
Once Arceus is released, all the Christen people will probably file a huge lawsuit, and the movie will be banned. People will probably claim about how in the Pokemon games you can now "control and capture God" and that "You made up a new God! You're EVIL!".
Mr. Toon, Greenumbreon was just joking. Greenumbreon's my friend.
Or WTF could mean Wooly Toe Fluff!
Wow. That was a long post, don't you agree spammifier Numel.[20/07/2008 21:45:46]
Website: Nintendo Worlds Wifi Forum (not my site, but I AM registered there as kaiougaXguraadon)I put the referral link as my website so when people click on my link, I'll gain referrals. I did this in a way that won't be like spamming, because that is bad. But this is an interesting website. It's where I got my kanto and johto starters.
[20/07/2008 19:33:33]
Website: Nintendo Worlds Wifi Forum (not my site, but I AM registered there as kaiougaXguraadon)I put the referral link as my website so when people click on my link, I'll gain referrals. I did this in a way that won't be like spamming, because that is bad. But this is an interesting website. It's where I got my kanto and johto starters.
[20/07/2008 19:33:32]
Sorry if this seems like spamming, but this is a REALLY good site for organizing Wi-fi battles and trades.
[20/07/2008 15:56:28]
You're right, Greenumbreon. It could even stand for Why's Torterra Flying?
[20/07/2008 15:50:46]
Um, I said try not to post more than twice in a row. And Typhloise is my friend. I know him personally! So I was just teasing him when I laughed at him for spelling marshtomp wrong. He's done it to me before.
And saying WTF isn't swearing. It's three letters in a row to show confusion. The F does usually stand for a bad word but it can stand for Frig, or Fleck, or FunkeyMonkey!
And yes, i do know what the rules are, no spamming, no swearing and no offensive messages.
Sorry for offending you Mr. Toon, and happy birthday!
Buizel for the spammifier.[20/07/2008 14:07:17]
also, click my name
[20/07/2008 07:12:08]
Mr. Toon
Greenumbreon, i just like to say that your write horrible messags. Just think back when you said "just dont post two times in a row" oviously the database got wiped then. Oh I rememberd something when you said "haha Typhlosie (i think) cant spell." I dont think that was very nice at all. And for your latest sign is swearing???? DO YOU KNOW WHAT RULES ARE???? IF YOU DO, READ THEM AND I BET YOU LEARNT A LESSON
btw, You know when you possted twice…. you did it twice
btww, weedle for spammfer[20/07/2008 07:09:21]
Religious folk used to say Harry Potter was Satanic too. Now they look stupid =). Especially LauraMallory. Google her if you want, I dont feel like getting a link. But shes an idiot
I'm technically a catholic, but I just don't care what people tell me to believe. Period.
btw, Jesus has a team consisting of Noctowl, Crawdaunt, Magmortar, Sandslash, Abomasnow, and Hitmontop =0[20/07/2008 05:30:46]
Dad, maybe? Most people call their father Dad, or Papa. Sometimes Father. Or YoYo!
Everyone: O_o YoYo? WTF?
Flygon for the spammifier.[19/07/2008 20:33:51]
It turns out that the first link submitted by GreenUmbreon was a twisted version of this, but they still chanted while they burned the Pokemon doll.[19/07/2008 19:04:58]
What's weird is that they say call no one father except one in heaven, but then what do you call your ACTUAL father?
[19/07/2008 18:35:20]
And good thing the vatican says pokemon is okay. But I wonder if Arceus ever will be revealed?
[19/07/2008 18:31:05]
I'm not religous, but I still think that telling other people what to believe is mean. That isn't a nice page at all. >:(
But that Landover Baptist is a really funny website. I have to put it onto my Favorites list. (along with the other 50 or so bookmarked sites)
Metagross for the spammifier.[19/07/2008 18:28:27]
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