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Yay! i wasnt sure if you were still writing that.
[30/08/2008 16:04:18]
Is there anything wrong about the styleswitcher page? I can't switch the style for this moment.
[30/08/2008 11:48:34]
I go back to school after labor day.
[30/08/2008 11:10:52]
Finally! I've been waiting YEARS for your HTML guide! =D
Thanks, Butterfree.
^_^;[30/08/2008 10:54:32]
I've been back for a week and a half already. Quick rundown:
History: first class of the day, obviously impossible to stay awake in.
Thelology: see above
Stats: This has been fun because aboutt half of my friends from the XC team are in it and we just goof off.
ELA: I have a crazy teacher (in a good way though, she is actually kinda funny, unlike a certain biology teacher I ranted about at least five times last year)
Chemistry: A bit boring so far, but its just been the required safety rules and stuff that is really common sense but the school makes us do anyway because of laws and crap. Anyway, teacher said the cool stuff should start on tuesday (also, WAHOO three-day weekend)
Algebra: Its been mostly review from Algebra 1 (this is Algebra 2, obviously)
Latin: Awesome as usual :)[30/08/2008 07:19:31]
I love you forever for making the torkoal skin<3
[30/08/2008 06:30:05]
Pikachu Goddess
School started for me a couple of days ago. Ahh… I can find my classes easier than last year. I had to keep on checking the room number. And my crush's locker is directly behind mine! :3
I… quit playing my MD2 for a bit. I restarted my file quite a lot since I didn't really get the right feel for the new one until I was a Chikorita with a Pikachu partner. I miss my old file… ;_; Ah, well.[30/08/2008 01:22:09]
I just realized that Sableye has a Ruby, a Sapphire, and an Emerald on it's back. That's totally random and has nothing to do with anything, but yeah.
Also, my Sapphire deleted itself. T.T Just when I was going to actually challenge the Elite Four (I had challenged them before, but my levels were ridiculously low). ;_;
My new all-purpose curseword is 'Schnitzel'. :D
[/Random post][29/08/2008 19:39:46]
Emerald Espeon
I started a new game in Explorers of Time today :D But I don't think I'll be playing it that often at the moment, I've gotten readdicted to Harvest Moon DS and school starts very soon so…T.T
Latias for the spammifier.[29/08/2008 16:40:36]
Blodh Arget
Think about it…
Now, the HTML guide. Next, the new game.[29/08/2008 02:27:15]
Pikachu Goddess
Eh, I'm taking a break from Zelda. Right now on Twilight Princess I'm trying to find all the Poes so that I'll complete the game. Then I got bored so I decided to beat all of my old records in SSBM. I want to do it on my own, so if you're asking why I don't just find the locations on the Internet, it's because of that reason.
My team consists of a Torterra (girl, mind you! :D), Lucario, Espeon (both traded from my old file as their first forms), Floatzel, Drifblim (I "cheated" to get it by setting the day on my DS as Friday), and a Pikachu (of course!).[29/08/2008 01:06:20]
Commenting on: 08-27-08Wow, that's long. Updating spree! -^^-
[29/08/2008 00:50:42]
While training, I got 999,999 Pokedollars. It's weird, because it still SAYS you get money at the end of each battle, but you don't get it. I wonder if Cynthia noticed the trail of money behind me? I spent the money for a Gorgeous Royal Ribbon for my Breloom, which ALREADY had like a billion ribbons on it. It was worth the money!
I am currently training a Charizard that I hatched a few days ago to put on my team. It was the first EV training I ever did. I think I'm starting to become a good Pokemon Breeder.[28/08/2008 18:50:51]
YAY!!! We have over 1,900,000 front page hits!!! YAY!!!
[28/08/2008 11:56:25]
OMG!!! I just learned that HP is coming out with a new computer, that's touch screen!!!
[28/08/2008 00:18:46]
There's nothing wrong with revealing your team. Mine was Infernape, Lucario, Luxray, Roserade, Staraptor, and Manaphy (legally obtained).
Right now, I'm on a Legend of Zelda spree. I got Zelda Classic, and after I beat that I'll start creating my own game, using the program.[27/08/2008 22:56:23]
Emerald Espeon
Commenting on: 08-27-08Woo, first comment :D
Anyways, I read some of it. It helped :D So thanks :P[27/08/2008 19:29:36]
I prefer male starters to females- I can't picture any of them except maybe Chikorita to even BE female in the first place. I like Latias though- she's awesome, I have got a lotta females on my team, my Nidoqueen, my Togekiss, my Gyara- wait- why am I revealing half my team here?
Alakazam for spammifier.
@:meowzie-chan: Ditto- Morphic rocks though, don't you think?[27/08/2008 17:27:17]
I get female starters when I don't try. When I do, it takes about 15-20 resets. :/
[27/08/2008 16:15:11]
Emerald Espeon
For some reason I always view female Pokémon as more valuable. It's weird.
ZOMGZOMGZOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Espeon for the spammifier WOOT WOOT :P …End random spazz.[27/08/2008 16:06:07]
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