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Website: The Cave of DragonfliesYay, I finally got the update up.
[06/09/2008 20:02:37]
Emerald Espeon
The Pokémon games I have:
Puzzle Challenge
Trading Card Game
Pinball RS
I think that's all.
And I found the end of Colosseum hard myself. It took me at least a month to be Evice.
Machamp for the spammifier.[06/09/2008 17:21:48]
I shall be back from vacation around 9 or 10 o' clock at night. I think.
[06/09/2008 17:04:15]
this one was really funny to me: go into a pokemon center (any one will do), and using the walk/run anywhere code, go all the way to a wall with an escalator but stay in the normal play boundaries. the step dow on the lowest/highest point on the escalator (lowest point on the down escalator (right side of screen) and highest point on the up escalator (left side of the screen)). then move back towards the center of the pokemon center while staying on the escalator and watch what happens ;D its an endless loop
[06/09/2008 16:32:19]
also in D/P, when you get on the bike rout without going through the house (using the action replay) and get on your bike, ride through a person and youll turn sideways and slide/hop on your back wheel. also pointles except as a showoff-ee bike trick =D
[06/09/2008 16:26:13]
i found a cool tick in D/P. listen to this: when you use the action replay cheat code "RUN ANYWHERE" and you go into a mystery zone you can still get on your bike. now get this: go to a place with a rock face you can step on (i was under the bike route). step one space off the normal playing screen so that you can still see most of your character and get on your bike. when you try to move up or dow, the bike slides sideways as if you're grinding the rock. pretty pointless though kind of amusing xD
[06/09/2008 16:19:44]
Yay! How are you doing, Greenumbreon! I was wondering, when are you coming back?
I don't know why you'de want Gold back, though Greenumbreon. You can't even save on it! I only beat it by keeping it on the charger, and not turning it off for two days till I beat it! (Except for I didn't beat Red, since I only trained my Typhlosion because of the limited time period I had. I never actually thought I woul;d have gotten that far, anyway!
Blue, Yellow and Gold were all previously used. And everything else I got I bought or got for Christmas.[06/09/2008 16:03:04]
HA! the marquee of doom froze on me again so i clicked randomly around the box and somehow managed to find the link in it xD :
1139. Ian of the Plusle[06/09/2008 14:09:18]
Some Guy
My friend has only Diamond. :D
[06/09/2008 13:42:24]
[06/09/2008 13:39:29]
wow, i feel like such a n00b having only four games xD
Ralts was the spamgaurd[06/09/2008 12:18:27]
WOW! 17 comments in one night! Who woke up the guestbook? =]
So…in answer to Ian's original question, I have Red, Yellow, Gold, Crystal, Sapphire, Fire Red, Emerald, Diamond, Pinball, TCG, Pinball RS, Channel, Colosseum, MD Blue, Ranger, MD Darkness, and Snap on Virtual Console.
Snap Butterfree. Why would you need both games when they're practically the same? (I suppose you could argue the third is nearly the same, though not quite as much.)
Gloom for the spammifier.[06/09/2008 07:10:26]
I haven't posted in a long. But I've been on vacation. And I'm still on vacation. I just came across a place that had internet. Before this, my internet didn't work. Though it's probably fixed by now.
All the pokemon games I have?
Red X2 (second is unworking, But you can't blame it, I dropped it in the snow by accident and only found it the next day)
Green (Japanese)
Gold (Typhloise has it and claims it's his)
Silver (Ordered it on ebay but it mever arrived)
Ruby (was confiscated, never given back)
Sapphire (stolen, I think)
MD Red
MD Blue
MD Time
XD (actually Typhloise's, though I doubt he'll be wanting it back any time soon)
I think that's it.
Delibird for the spammifier.[06/09/2008 04:20:21]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesColosseum hard? o_O No. It's a kinda short game, but I enjoyed it for the setting. :D
[06/09/2008 01:30:39]
Some Guy
I have Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald because I had had Ruby and Emerald, butr it turned out that Ruby was really glitchy, so I was going to get a new Ruby but figured that I could just get Sapphire and complete the Hoenn Dex.
Also, I heard Colosseum was really hard. [/random thought][06/09/2008 00:35:20]
Pikachu Goddess
Butterfree: Yeah, it makes sense to do buy only one version then the extra. The only case where I have each version is RBY.
As for my collection of games, I have Red, Blue, Yellow, Crystal, Emerald, Ruby, Pearl, Red Rescue Team, and Explorers of Darkness. I really should look into getting one of the Game Cube games. My brother borrowed Colosseum from a friend and it looked interesting.
My Blue Version is the only used game I have.
Aaanyways, I've received a truck-load of homework and that keeps me from doing much Pokémon-related stuff. x_x I've only been able to write my fic and that's it.[05/09/2008 23:37:45]
35 used! O_O mine cost 25 new the day it came out at toys r us. -reads spriting guide- i really want to go sprite now but my tablet is still packed from the moove and i don't know where it is D=
[05/09/2008 22:46:32]
I have Leefgreen, Ruby, and Mystery Dungeon red.
I'd have pearl if it didn't cost 35 bucks (used)[05/09/2008 22:15:20]
Oh, and I have Gold!
[05/09/2008 22:04:34]
Oh yeah, and I have XD and Battle Revolution!
[05/09/2008 22:03:28]
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