
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Commenting on: 06-19-08

Yes! No I can have more posts than people who had registered way before me! That is, once the forum gets back up.

[21/06/2008 20:05:44]

Zora of Termina

Oh no, not that glitch again. Hang on, I'm PMing an admin about it right now.

[21/06/2008 20:01:50]


It says that guests can't make a topic and that the username I chose is already being used (by me). Now what do I do??

[21/06/2008 19:59:27]

Zora of Termina

Hehe, great. Hope to see you there. We're kinda disassociated from the main site now though, so dun be surprised if it's a lot different. We don't even know why either. But oh well.

So let's talk about lemons.

[21/06/2008 19:51:22]


Holy crap, I love trsrockin! I never really joined the forum, so I will.

[21/06/2008 19:49:27]

Zora of Termina

Alright then. Eevee, I'ma ask you to join here. Once Izz or M_C activates you (Post in the Acc. Activation forum once you've created an account}, PM a Wind of Darkness. That'll be me. We can discuss it there. You never have to come back if you don't want. Hell, you don't even have to join and we can discuss it here, but it'd be easier if we did it there. (plus they're desperate for members so. :/)

But other than that I'll try and think of a few ideas on my own.

[21/06/2008 19:46:49]


Kokiri could also be one of the races. Or Twili… well, maybe not. But Kokiri definitely.

[21/06/2008 19:43:38]


Fluffy Clouds: I'm fairly certain that only you and your starting partner can take the graduation exam.

Zelda RPG thingy: I still stick with my idea for a Four Swords-based RPG. :<

[21/06/2008 19:40:25]


Okay, but definitely exclude the divine power of the goddesses… it doesn't make sense, and it makes everything so unbalanced AND cliché :o

[21/06/2008 19:35:22]


actually, my last idea is crap also. Zora's right. But what other forum are we both on? I really only go on TCoD. Actually, Pokemon+Zelda.. eh, who knows. But, yeah. We're kind filling up the guest book as it is. XP

[21/06/2008 19:33:04]

Zora of Termina

*did not notice Eevee*

Do you think this might be easier if we were discussing this via PM at another forum? Just a thought.

But your suggestion is good too. I'll come up with a basic plot, but I need some ideas.

[21/06/2008 19:30:26]

Zora of Termina

I dunno, SE. That might be pretty good. It's definitely a though anyway. :D

[21/06/2008 19:28:22]


Uh… Pokemon? I wasn't thinking about that, HOLY SHCAMOLY SHINY EEVEE IS DEAD!

Moving on from her untimely demise, I still don't have any ideas for the conflict. Maybe, one (or more) person from each race goes every wherever Link is buried/entombed/floating in a jar of chemicals fetal-pig style and does some kind of ceremony and them something happens. What happens, I don't know. And I have no ideas. Just brainstorming.

[21/06/2008 19:28:09]

Shiny Eevee

Uh… LoZ + Pokemon = Good RP?

Maybe not. Well, shoot me. I'm seri–*shot*

[21/06/2008 19:21:51]


I have no idea what RP you guys are making a plot for, but here's an idea: kidnapping. Because kidnapping is good. ….Well, not good, per say, but…. Fun, maybe?

[21/06/2008 19:17:06]

Commenting on: 06-19-08

Zenigame - YES! How many times do people have to say? EVERYTHING has gone - members, posts, adoptable, threads, forums, the lot.

[21/06/2008 19:14:52]

Fluffy Clouds

Laughing Cupboard: I beat Dialga in Explorers of Time! That game was much more tougher than Blue Rescue Team. Now I'm trying to recruit it so I can beat the guild's graduation exam. If Dialga is banned from that, please let me know.

Roar of Time is too uber.

[21/06/2008 19:14:39]


We already said this takes place way after he and Zelda are dead. And, Typhlosie, RP is role playing.

[21/06/2008 19:11:35]


Laughing Cupboard: I just cleared the Survival Battle in PBR! When spinning the wheel to the 99th battle, I had four fainted Pokémon, and the other two itemless and slightly damaged, respectively, guess what I guess? STAT REFRESHER for all Pokémon! I was so giving up, but since giving up is bad, I didn't. And guess what? My opponent was a Scaredy-Lady who DIDN'T use Spiritomb! And luckily enough, My only Shadow Ball-user was only slightly damaged. I pwnd her!

Then, the 100th battle. I spun the wheel, and… dang. Missed full recovery. But! I did get Full HP for the entire team! I owned the boss! I am like happy I didn't have to go through all that again!

Coughing Cupboard: *hugs Flora* Here, spam-Smoochum gives you kiss.

RP: Exclude Link completely. It won't be any fun if the great and magnificent hero is in, because he will automatically become more important. Make it a slightly smaller matter, not exactly an end-of-the-world-we-need-our-hero sort of thing.

Isn't Saturday like today?

[21/06/2008 19:09:15]


If we did (hypothetically) use it, we'd need to have multiple people with each Triforce or it would only have two or three people in the RP. (That, and multiple people will want Triforce of Courage. Including me. XD) I don't like WW. Hyrule getting flooded and all. (Spoiler? Probably not..) Doesn't Ganondorf lose it at the end of TP? I dunno. And there isn't really a conflict. What would be the problem they're facing?

[21/06/2008 19:08:45]

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