
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Commenting on: 06-19-08

oh noes my 8 posts are gone forever

I do better on forums when I'm there when there's a fresh start.. I think. Maybe it's because I've known the people at the forum I go to for a long time. And stuff. I dunno.

I'll probably miss the forum being put back up and everyone will have several hundred posts by the time I notice it. Oh well.

[21/06/2008 14:51:46]

Commenting on: 06-19-08

Mm, it is a bit disappointing to lose everything, but on the bright side, I guess people can have a new start.

[21/06/2008 14:34:52]


Aw…. *also hugs*

Entirely unrelated, but there should be a Zelda RP when the forum comes back. I'd join. Hey, I might make it but I'm terrified of making topics in general. Is that weird?

*Hugs again*

[21/06/2008 14:32:46]

Shiny Eevee

@Ash…? No, Flora: That's really sad. I'm sorry to hear it. *hugs*

[21/06/2008 14:26:40]

Flora and Ashes

Ash: Rachel's off sulking at the moment, so…

SE, Castform, anybody else, do you remember the Coughing Cupboard thread about her dog?

Well…her parents had to take her (the dog) to the vet, and she might not come back. Joy.

[21/06/2008 14:15:42]


Or what you plan on doing with that team when you add the last two Pokemon. Ingame? It doesn't matter. But if you do Wi-Fi or with friends, take out the Arceus. Legendaries… just no.

[21/06/2008 14:10:31]

Shiny Eevee

@Mr. Toon: It'd be a lot more helpful if you gave us their movesets rather than their nicknames… -_-

[21/06/2008 14:04:14]

Mr. Toon

Hi its been a very very very very very very very very very very long time cos i was trying to find out how to post sprites cos i made loads of em (10) and i wanna post em……… who knows how to post sprites im getting confused

pokemon pearl team:

Inferno the infernape lv 79

slasher the weavile lv 77

earth the garchomp lv 80

god the arceus lv 85



[21/06/2008 13:45:57]

Shiny Eevee


When I re-join, I'll use Shining Eevee, but I would like everyone to continue calling me Shiny Eevee. So there.

[21/06/2008 13:38:14]


*Eating chocolate ice cream*

What's going on now? Huh? Oh hey, it's Link again! And he isn't dead! And eating pistachio ice cream! I don't have a cold anymore, yay! Still can't wait for the forum to be back.

[21/06/2008 13:29:16]

Shiny Eevee

Ah. I see.

And unfortunately, Castform, my history won't go back that far. I hate to say it, but I don't think I visited your thread often…

[21/06/2008 13:18:53]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 06-19-08

For the last time, all the data was wiped. That means users, infractions, banned members, et cetera. Yes, you can start over with a clean slate (although you'll be quick to get re-banned if you're not one hell of a lot better).

As for why MySQL went bonkers, it started with it displaying a "Too many connections" errors at everybody, then that fixed itself, and when I was trying to fix it so that it wouldn't happen again, it refused to start up afterwards. I'm not sure at which point during my attempts to get it working the actual data was destroyed.

[21/06/2008 12:06:46]

Commenting on: 06-19-08

That sucks. Good luck getting it going again, Butterfree.

[21/06/2008 11:18:55]


It's funny that the forums went down, just as I was starting to think of coming out of my months of hiatus. XD; Oh well! The fresh start'll probably give me fresh inspiration, haha. A new sprite thread and an art thread, perhaps.

Speaking of which, if anyone lost the urls to any sprites I made them, give me a shout and I'll fetch them from my Photobucket. I was gonna wait until the new forums to do this, but some people might not like waiting, and it would be easy to assume I wouldn't make a new sprite thread, since I've been dead for a gazillion years. Plus Walker's post some pages back reminded me.

And nobody requested these at all, but here's some recent-ish sprites, my Arceus icon, and a Mew with weird legs and a short tail. Both are scratch.

aaaaaa this is a huge post. Bagon for the spam Pokemon thingy.

[21/06/2008 11:03:27]

Commenting on: 06-19-08

Also, if anyone has Farroh's URL in their History, could I have it so I can search for it in that archive thingy?

[21/06/2008 08:14:57]

Commenting on: 06-19-08

Ambi - worry not, I shall continue.

[21/06/2008 08:10:21]

Website: dA
Commenting on: 06-19-08

wow, that really sucks. D: hope everything gets sorted out okay.

[21/06/2008 07:22:04]

Zora of Termina

*pokepoke* My butler is black~ *poke* My butler is bluuuueeee~ *pokepokepokepoke* 'Cause his honey got greeeeeeeen~ *pokepokepoke* Comin' out her wazooo~! *poke*

Starlight: *pokepoke* What. The. Hell. Was. That?

[21/06/2008 05:04:33]




Human: Would you stop.

Spoon: No, why would even consider that option?

[21/06/2008 05:01:20]

Zora of Termina

Starlight: Poking nearby humans? I'm in.

Me too let's go. *starts prodding a human*

[21/06/2008 04:58:27]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC