Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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What are RPs? Anyway, since there's a whole ton of people on the guestbook, I'll advertise my comic!
RubyFire[21/06/2008 19:07:24]
Zora of Termina
It's not SO bad. I mean, SOMEBODY had to get the peices after they died. Cept Ganon, he'll still be alive in WW after all.
[21/06/2008 19:02:18]
Hmm… hmhmhmhm hmmm…
I honestly have no ideas.
Maybe, it's way after the story with Link (Assuming this is TP) and some people (us) get on their hands and…
Eh, crap. That's stupid, and I don't know where I'm going with it. Ugh, why can't I think of anything that isn't terrible?![21/06/2008 18:57:50]
Commenting on: 06-19-08So, everyone's gonna have to re-register?
[21/06/2008 18:57:46]
Zora of Termina
xD at sarcasm. x3
lol i'm the smart one 8D
Mmm, plot ideas. I'm thinking it should definitely involve some sort of mysterious explosion, or maybe some sort of flyer involving the royal guard.
Come on, you need to help too.
wtf firefox flyer is a word. I think.[21/06/2008 18:49:57]
That was so ****ing epic. I can't wait all week. Argh, it's pretty much a celebration of all things Doctor Who. DO WANT. NAO D<[21/06/2008 18:49:44]
The mystery is too much to take!!!
I SOO wish we could edit posts. *embarrassed laughter* Do I get the
"Worst engrish despite the fact English is my first language" award? It would be so hard to fit that on a trophy. I'm always doing that, editing something but accidentally taking out an important word. And my grammar/spelling is perfect usually. XP
Zora, you're the smart one. Any plot ideas?[21/06/2008 18:34:36]
Zora of Termina
"We be a Zora,"
You win. I'd join that, hell yeah. You can guess why. ;D[21/06/2008 18:29:36]
Shiny Eevee
Well, I could be the judge for the first one. It'd work like this:
One person decides to be judge and says what two other people need to sprite, such as "Splice Meowth and Pikachu". Then two people will volunteer to enter. When both sprites are posted, the judge will give them a 1-10 score, depending on the quality of the sprite.
Now, this will probably result in chaos, but I'm in. ;D
Okay, this competition will require two people to splice… [spritegenerator]Absol and Mantine![/spritegenerator]
*gasp* Spammifier Regice![21/06/2008 18:12:24]
Ugh, I wish we could edit posts in this! I meant "We could be…" Sounds like engrish. *turns red*
[21/06/2008 17:56:44]
I was thinking a Twilight Princess or Ocarina of Time one, but it could be something else. The antagonist probably have to be something other than Ganondorf. We be a Zora, Hylian, Goron, Sheikah, or maybe Gerudo. That would be really fun. Whoa, that's a lot of different character races! I have no idea about the plot. Or anything. Any ideas? Four Swords would be cool, but not that many people could really join.
[21/06/2008 17:55:18]
On the subject of a Zelda roleplay, a roleplay based on the Four Swords series would be nice. We could play as one of the four links, and maybe somebody could play as Vaati, Ganon, and/or Tingle. :D?
A sprite competition among all these posts sounds like utter chaos, but I'm in anyways.[21/06/2008 17:36:19]
Shiny Eevee
Correcting my other post (Shame you can't edit), we wouldn't be able to poll them.
Come to think of it, we could just hold ones where there's a single judge, and everyone makes sprites…[21/06/2008 17:06:54]
Shiny Eevee
@Crazy Linoone: That wouldn't be a bad idea… we could hold sprite competitions, too!
[21/06/2008 17:04:16]
D: Awww… *hugs* It must have been so sad….
You know, the guestbook is basically the whole Forums now. We should, like, start some RPs or something…
Spammy Bronzong. *pokes*[21/06/2008 16:56:08]
There's… um… (goes and checks) Already 15 pages! Wow! The guestbook never usually goes up this fast!
In Pearl, my Manaphy won a master rank beauty contest! The trophy I got from Mr. E Goods was incredibly small, though. :([21/06/2008 16:17:49]
Emerald Espeon
Woah. It took me forever to find my last post xD
I have changed my mind. I SHALL make an account on the new forums :D Although I'll probably end up only making posts about like, the clue game.
Awww Flora, that's so sad :( *hugs too*
Togekiss for the spammifier.[21/06/2008 15:56:21]
Shiny Eevee
*hug hug hug hug hug hug mega hug*
That is so sad… I am so sorry… ;_;
Spammifier Ursaring: *bear hug*[21/06/2008 15:54:03]
Oh.. ;_; *Huge hug*
I might actually make the roleplay if I had any idea for a storyline.
*hugs again*[21/06/2008 15:34:14]
Flora and Ashes
…They didn't make it to the vet. She.died in the car. *cries*
Ash: *once again playing spokesperson for Rachel* She'd do the Zelda roleplay.[21/06/2008 15:29:28]
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