
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


Just wanted to thank you because now that I'm an "adult" who needs to work all day I enjoy nothing more than to forget it all and just think about pokemon for an hour or two. :)

[02/02/2017 19:01:03]


I'm so happy to see that this is still up and running well. I remember finding it when I was about 12 and have been coming back ever since. Keep up the great work!

[28/01/2017 10:08:52]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

WHOOPS. Both fixed.

[28/01/2017 02:53:20]

Website: Thousand Roads

Ooh yeah, it is working now. Nice! But unfortunately the fix might be what's making the Quest Blog display "<bound method _BoundDeclarativeMeta.reply_count of <class 'tqftl.models.Thread'>> comments" instead of "0 comments."

Also, clicking a tag causes an Internal Server Error, yeah.

(Sorry, you should actually be writing the damn fanfic instead of fixing bugs, shouldn't you? Write the damn fanfic!)

[27/01/2017 16:42:51]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Do you mean can't use as in you can't tag your own posts? That's intentional; the tags are there to make it easier to look up official statements and information on certain characters, etc., so I'm the only one who can tag posts.

[27/01/2017 05:19:37]


Am I the only one who can't use the tags on the TQftL minipage?

[26/01/2017 23:40:48]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Fixed, along with several other little bugs/oddities I discovered while fiddling with this. In other news, where did my evening go help

[26/01/2017 20:34:44]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Ohhhh, because you said "forum index" I was looking at the "Last post" links on the main forum index listing the three forums, not the thread listings for the forums themselves. Gotcha, successfully replicated, will fix. Thanks!

[26/01/2017 18:57:10]

Commenting on: 01-25-17

Everytime you do one of these minor picker updates, you should call them minor nitPICKS.

[26/01/2017 15:09:20]

Website: Thousand Roads

Sure, here's a couple examples.

Looking at the "The Quest for the Legends" board index (, the top thread is "Ask the Characters" ( The "Last Page" link in the index is (does not work)

Within the thread, the "Last Page" link is (works)

Or, from the same forum, the "Ask the Author" thread has a "Last Page" link of from the index, which does not work, and from the thread view the link is, which works.

Here's one where the link works from the index:

In "Your Own Fanfiction" (, the thread "COMPLETELY POINTLESS!But pleasant at that." has a "Last Page" link, which matches the link given in the thread view, and which works.

tbh it sounds like the same "deleted posts" bug you mentioned resurfacing to me.

[26/01/2017 12:56:38]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Pumped Aaron: Sure, I can look into that.

Negrek: Hmm, I can't seem to replicate this. The bug you describe did happen on the old ASP.NET forum, where the appropriate page was calculated by counting all the posts in the thread before this one, but for non-admins the posts actually displayed on the page were a slice of the set of non-deleted posts in the thread - deleted posts made it out of sync for regular members, which resulted in shifts of multiple pages for the longest threads, but I didn't notice it for the longest time because it worked fine for me (since I can see deleted posts). But since I did eventually notice the bug, I took care to account for it in the Python version of the forum, and even now when I try clicking the last post links on the index using a non-admin test account, they all work as intended and bring me to the correct page, which is different from the correct page when I'm an admin.

Is there any more info you can give me to replicate - the exact links that you're getting that don't work, say? I'm at a loss as to why you'd be getting different links from me, but I can't think of much else that could lead to different results here.

[25/01/2017 17:59:03]

Website: Thousand Roads

It looks like the "Last Page" link in the qftl forum is broken on the forum index (appears to go to the wrong page). Clicking from a forum index gives a "Page not found" error, but using the link from within the thread itself takes you to the correct page.

(The spam pokémon is a stunfisk! How appropriate.)

[23/01/2017 03:45:32]

Commenting on: 00-00-00

how do i do this

[21/01/2017 13:39:47]

Pumped Aaron
Website: My FA

Concerning the Favorite Pokemon tool, have you considered moving the "Pick" button a little further away from the other two buttons? You can imagine my frustration when I ended up selecting pass for several rounds before I realized what I had done.

[16/01/2017 22:00:50]

Website: Thousand Roads
Commenting on: 01-01-17

lol, no problem. Thanks for indulging all my silly fanfic shenanigans and art requests. You made my year a lot brighter, too. Hope you have a great 2017!

[04/01/2017 17:18:05]

Website: Take That!
Commenting on: 00-00-00


[04/01/2017 04:18:11]

Odie Dog has closed down now, and it's in the affliates, so you may want to take it down from there.

[03/01/2017 06:47:49]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Hopefully sometime, but I really can't make any promises about when that would be. I'm not actively working on it at the moment.

[01/01/2017 23:46:00]


Sorry for double posting, but are you ever going to finish the writimg guide?

[01/01/2017 21:17:27]


I forgot what I was going to ask so nevermind.

[01/01/2017 15:10:07]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC