Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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I couldn't get that to work… eh, maybe I just need to click even more :P Thanks anyway
[04/09/2016 12:43:39]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesYou can - just click the name and it'll place a cursor there and let you edit it.
[03/09/2016 21:21:53]
Yo, is there a way to rename custom types in the interactive type chart? If there is it either ain't working for me or I can't figure out how to get to it.
[03/09/2016 20:33:25]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesI actually just removed that feature because I wasn't sure anyone was even using it and it seemed like more trouble than it was worth to reimplement it (either do a similar hack as I was doing before, where updating the Quest Blog modifies a file that the main site reads; connect to a whole extra database on every pageview just to fetch this one piece of text that will only actually appear if the user hovers over a particular link; or make up some new, different implementation from scratch). If you actually were using it, I may have to reconsider. :P
[01/09/2016 06:36:41]
Hover-over for the Quest blog doesn't seem to be working. I use Firefox if that matters
[31/08/2016 08:39:59]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 08-08-16Fixed, thanks.
[26/08/2016 12:34:53]
Commenting on: 08-08-16the april fools 2012 page (in icelandic) isn't working
[26/08/2016 09:31:55]
Yes I enjoyed the game mechanics section a lot, I also enjoyed browsing through the forums quite a bit. Thank you.
[22/08/2016 04:38:08]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesI've been running this site since November 2nd 2002 - so, closing in on fourteen years now.
I'm not sure what you mean by "making the most" out of this website; it's mostly static content rather than any kind of service you could be making the most of. Are you just wondering what some of the best content on here is? If you're interested in the video games and how they work, I'd definitely recommend taking a look at some of the game mechanics sections, particularly the R/B/Y ones (so, the Gen I Capture Mechanics, R/B/Y Safari Zone, and the R/B/Y Stat Modification section. It's less well-known stuff than your typical Pokémon site game mechanics and I at least think it's some of the coolest stuff I've ever done (I personally analyzed some of the assembly code used by the games to get this information).
If game mechanics aren't your thing, well, what is? There's a lot of stuff on here; you could just browse around and see what pages there are.[21/08/2016 21:59:04]
Hey, i remember visiting this site a few years back and enjoying it, and i am glad to have found it again. Back then i only liked the sprites and such(especially the ones you created yourself) and i have a two questions. 1. How long has this site been running for? and this question might seem a little weird but how can i make the most out of this website? - Thank you
[21/08/2016 08:10:41]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesBecause it only goes up to B/W at the moment, and Keldeo's Resolute Forme wasn't introduced until B2/W2.
[21/08/2016 00:24:06]
Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow
Why isn't Resolute Form Keldeo in the Sprite Generator?
[19/08/2016 22:35:10]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesThere's no windzle on the list that was on the old server either. I did go through the list at one point several months ago, but that was just removing obvious spam; I guess I could have accidentally deleted you by mistake, but it's odd.
You can always enter yourself again, in any case.[13/08/2016 00:36:04]
I'm think it was in February or something, and I got a congratulations message when I did the error report thing, if that's what you mean. I remember seeing my name there before, though.
[13/08/2016 00:19:03]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesWhen did you enter it, and did it give you a congratulations message when you'd finished?
[12/08/2016 23:33:37]
I went to the Rulers of the Universe and used the Find thing to try to find myself but I don't seem to be there? I'm pretty sure I spelled it correctly.
[12/08/2016 22:58:21]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesWhoops, sorry about that! I've fixed the issue - try again. (If you don't remember the phrase, e-mail me or send an actual error report with the basic gist of it or some late parts of the marquee and I'll add you manually.)
[12/08/2016 21:58:41]
So i finished the Marquee, and tried doing the error thing. It just gave me a Internal Server Error. Help please!
[12/08/2016 03:08:07]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 08-09-16The last modified date is actually just the last modified date of the page template - so, since the poll results page template hasn't changed since February, it'll say that for every poll. Might be a smidge confusing for dynamic pages like the poll results, but that's what's going on there.
[09/08/2016 20:08:52]
Commenting on: 08-09-16The poll results page says "Page last modified February 5 2016 at 20:02 GMT". Is that an error?
[09/08/2016 19:57:01]
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