
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 03-31-16

Okay, I guess last year I was a bit late with it and didn't put it up until the morning. ~_~

[03/04/2016 05:52:00]

Website: Thousand Roads
Commenting on: 03-31-16

They aren't always dated the 31st! Last year's was on the first I checked!

[03/04/2016 04:44:31]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

As an April Fools' Day joke! I didn't make it; presumably it was Negrek.

[03/04/2016 04:35:48]



[03/04/2016 02:20:50]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

All Pokémon names were replaced with Scyther for everyone.

[03/04/2016 01:40:19]


Are the names of Pokémon replaced with Scyther for anyone else?

[02/04/2016 23:50:18]

Nick Kennedy
Website: Nick Kennedy
Commenting on: 04-02-16

Happy April Fools Day! I really love your blog.

[02/04/2016 21:37:48]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 03-31-16

All my April Fools' Day updates are dated March 31st! I always date updates on the day that it was when I woke up that morning, even when they're made after midnight. This is very useful on April Fools' Day.

(You may say this is cheating. I say look at the last modified date on the front page.)

[02/04/2016 19:44:33]

Commenting on: 03-31-16

I can't wait for the hand-drawn screenshots in the movie reviews.

[02/04/2016 03:28:21]


On the forum every Pokémon's name is replaced with Scyther.

[01/04/2016 23:18:54]

Commenting on: 03-31-16

If this isn't a joke, I have no idea how you would do Spectrum Style. O_o

[01/04/2016 21:25:33]

Website: Thousand Roads
Commenting on: 03-31-16

Heh, the way you drew the grooves in Dialga's face plate and positioned the eyes gives Quentin this great "I'm too old for this shit" expression while Charizard's over there all ":D". Looks nice! You've definitely improved a lot in three months (dear lord has it been that long already?).

But then I'm faced with… okay, so it's the first, and we haven't heard anything Daybreak & etc., so this is probably the April Fool's joke, right? But on the other hand, replacing all the art on the site with your own stuff sounds like something you would totally do? And probably wouldn't actually be that onerous? I don't have an encyclopedic knowledge of the site, but aside from the banners I don't think there are all that many things you'd need to draw? I mean, most of the images are dynamically generated or ones that it wouldn't make sense to replace with art (e.g. movie screenshots). PLUS this was actually posted on the 31st according to the header, so perhaps it's not supposed to be a joke? Or the joke is it's not a joke and there's more to come? DAMMIT BUTTERFREE GET OUT OF MY HEAD.

[01/04/2016 04:49:10]

Commenting on: 03-31-16

I see that nice Ditto drawing! HEHEHE!

[01/04/2016 03:06:36]

Commenting on: 03-31-16

OK, this time I pretty much immediately remembered the date… But I honestly think I like this style more than the actual Modern style! The pencil drawings remind me of the various artists in the Pokemon anime, especially Sammy. Fitting, since you've done a ton of research into the older games… Anyway, I hope you're going to keep it around as an option, even if it's not the default.

[01/04/2016 02:40:51]

Third Solstice
Commenting on: 03-18-16

Would love to see a Type option, just to pick our faves for a specific type.

Also feel like the shiny checkbox should be lower down with the other picker buttons as a toggle since it's function is pretty distinct from the other checkboxes (in that it doesn't reset the picker).

[26/03/2016 17:44:29]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

I think it was an issue with my theme caused by something with Tumblr. There's supposed to be a setting in the theme for whether it shows a loading indicator or not, but I'd already turned it off and it just didn't do anything. I went in and just took out the relevant block of CSS, though, so it should be working now.

[23/03/2016 13:02:37]


This doesn't really have anything to do with your site itself, but I'm having a weird issue where your Tumblr never loads. It just has the loading wheel forever.

I disabled Javascript, and it works. I'm not sure if it's specific to your layout, or if it's Tumblr-wide (because I don't really use Tumblr), but I figured I'd mention it.

[22/03/2016 17:04:28]


Why does delibird haunt my life with togetic. why.

[22/03/2016 00:58:57]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Whoops, that would be because those sprites had the wrong filenames. Fixed now!

[17/03/2016 23:03:57]


Why are Mega Aggron and Unbound Hoopa missing shiny sprites in Favorite Pokemon Picker?

[16/03/2016 20:13:13]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC