Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Website: My art tumblrHappy new year!! :D I'm looking forward to seeing what 2016 holds for tCoD!
Do you plan on offering the OR/AS Pokedex sprites (the ones used on the Favourite Pokemon Picker) as downloads with different naming schemes? I went ahead and grabbed them from the source to possibly use on my fansite-in-progress, but the filenames are woefully unorganised (as is natural of a sprite rip I suppose).[04/01/2016 10:55:50]
Website: The Cave of Dragonfliesstraydelta: Thank you! I'm thrilled you've been inspired by some of the stuff that I do and hope you continue to enjoy it.
GiraGolden: Glad you like it. I'm not really desperate for a Sinnoh remake, personally - I love the fourth-generation games, but I also don't feel like they're dated enough to need remakes. I don't really mind either way, though.[08/12/2015 11:17:36]
Ok firstly, I like this site, good job on the programming. I myself want to become a programmer someday. And a question: What's your opinion on a Sinnoh remake?
[07/12/2015 09:44:07]
I can't believe how long ago it was that I first found The Quest for the Legends on the forums. I can't even remember, exactly, but it was sometime back in middle school. I'm in my second year of college now - at least 6 years have passed now, and it warms my heart to see both that story and this site are still going strong. You've been a huge inspiration to me, Butterfree, and I think it's safe to say that had I never stumbled across your stories and those forums, I wouldn't be I the same writer I am today. So I just wanted to say thank you for doing the things you do, and I look forward to seeing more from you in the future years to come!
[02/12/2015 02:55:27]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesWhoops, that was me, I just wasn't properly signed into the guestbook.
[25/11/2015 02:58:09]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesOdie Dog/Stryke123: Thanks for sticking with the site! Hope you continue to enjoy it.
Aaaactually given like four million out of those ten happened in the past two days and Google Analytics is not aware of any of them, it looks like there's some sort of bot attack going on. Site seems to be holding up okay, but yeah, not much of a proper milestone, unfortunately.[25/11/2015 02:54:41]
Just wanted to say…
Well, I've been visiting this site for so long, it seems wrong to not sign the guestbook, so here goes…
When I was 10, I stumbled upon a link to a quiz where you could see what pokemon you were. Being the pokemon nut I am, I clicked on it, and my world crossed with the cave of dragonflies.
I realized there was so much cool stuff to see and do, and that this was no average pokemon website. (Average being a information site on pokemon with a forum/chat room) I was entranced. And here I am now, 2 years later, still just as entranced by this website as ever. This website is amazing. It has thought and research and passion suffed into every nook and cranny. And I know I'm probably coming off as extremely sappy/suckup-y, but its true. Thank you butterfree. I'm glad I'm a part of this community.[24/11/2015 02:12:54]
Odie Dog
I started using this website BEFORE you changed around some things (like the Marquee of Doom: believe it or not, I went through it A LOT of times, and still remember the traveling pants, the hairbrush and the flower of eternity)! I wasn't a Pokémon fan back then - don't even know how I got to this site - but now I am!
[19/11/2015 15:56:55]
The Arkeis link doesn't work anymore
[17/11/2015 20:11:49]
*sigh* Lot has changed and I am a gen 3 all day, I don't care if I am old. xD
[13/11/2015 15:30:02]
Wow I just returned to this site after a long time and I'm pleasantly suprised to see that it has a new look. Good work Butterfree!
[12/11/2015 02:50:55]
honestly I'm so heartened by like, those 5 brave souls who picked the "you suck" option.
[10/11/2015 22:58:46]
Commenting on: 11-02-15I remember on old-TCoD forums back in like 2006 I was one of the few people who was a third-gen child and I distinctly remember feeling like a poser because I was late to the Pokémon trend. Now of course I see my 12-year-old cousin playing Alpha Sapphire and I'm like "God I'm old"
[05/11/2015 19:00:01]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 11-02-15Jeremy: There is no link, sorry! It hasn't been posted anywhere (also, it's not a Pokémon fanfic).
> I may also be having a silly obsession with a ridiculous historical rap musical
>> ridiculous historical rap musical
You have got to be kidding me. ALEXANDER HAMILTON?[03/11/2015 23:42:58]
Joan Y
Website: linking to my fanfiction for funHi there, I just want to let you know that I really appreciate your website! I started using the page for the catch rate calculator, because the design was very clean and easy to use but just started exploring the other pages today. Quite amazed at all the work being put into the website all these years, even when we have all grown so much older from the first gen games and life is threatening to tear us away from our childhood pleasures.
[03/11/2015 16:35:26]
Website: ItsNotNearlyGoodYet
Commenting on: 11-02-15Link to fanfic?
[03/11/2015 14:48:14]
Your website is amazing and I am very happy it exists and I am staying up later than is wise reading a bunch of it and thank you for its existence over the years. <3
I just named a Muk "TCoD" and a Dewgong "Dragonfly." Feel honored.[01/11/2015 07:59:00]
The Dark Lord
Thanks! Awesome site, by the way.
[30/10/2015 17:47:50]
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