
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Commenting on: 03-09-15

Hello Butterfree!

I was a past Pokemon fansite owner but lost time to update it, even though I was still interested.

Now I notice that the fansite community is pretty dead which saddens me a lot. Any advice on how to bring back the community?

[26/03/2015 15:44:52]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

The front page updates are actually just plain HTML manually written into the file - there's no blog engine of any kind driving them. Technically I have helper functions that write out the header and comment links, but that's strictly a "less repetitive edits I have to manually make each update" thing.

The guestbook is a server-side script, but it's ASP.NET, not PHP. I'm sure there are loads of tutorials for doing something like it in PHP, though (but do be warned that it's really easy to shoot yourself in the foot with PHP, and a lot of free PHP scripts you find online are poorly secured).

[23/03/2015 00:49:19]

Hot Salsa Dip

Oh, and this guestbook too. Is that a php script?

[22/03/2015 10:30:34]

Hot Salsa Dip

Hey, was wondering how you create your blog posts for the front page. I can't find a decent tutorial on the internet. I do know html, CSS and a decent amount of JavaScript.

[22/03/2015 10:29:47]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Yes, the Zodiac works on a server-side script as well. So do my personality tests, style switcher, randomized affiliate list and featured section (but not e.g. the hangman or Favorite Pokémon Picker; you can view the source of those and see exactly how they work, although it probably won't help you much unless you have a basic idea of how Javascript works).

[15/03/2015 17:37:05]


Oh okay, but what about the zodiac? Doesn't that work in a similar way?

[15/03/2015 16:47:54]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

You can't see it by viewing the source because the hit counter is server-side - there's a script that increments it before it actually sends the page over to your browser. There are also free hosted scripts that'll do the same thing for you without any server-side scripting on your end, though.

[14/03/2015 15:00:47]


Ah yay! I do hope it hasn't too, but it has them 'coming soon' things up for ages.

Also, another question, how did you make your hit counter? I had a look in your code but it is a link to another doccument

[14/03/2015 08:53:21]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 02-04-15

Zelkova: Yeah, I tried to strike a balance between overwhelming people with too many Pokémon per batch and overwhelming people with the number of batches they have to get through to actually find any favorites, but I'm sure many people would prefer a different balance. I'll consider making it configurable.

[13/03/2015 00:03:00]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Jirachu: Hey! Wow, it's been a while. Hope you've been well.

Flea: I'm afraid I know no more than you do. If it has been abandoned it's pretty tragic, but at least the owner is still around and doing Pokémon art here!

[13/03/2015 00:01:24]


Just wondering if you knew or not. But has Arkeis been abandoned?

[12/03/2015 19:39:17]

Commenting on: 03-09-15

Thank you, I can now die happy. :) But seriously, this is very useful!

[09/03/2015 20:30:29]


I wonder if the forum is still active, maybe i'll check sometime. PS; Hi from me XD

[07/03/2015 20:07:35]


Random Awesomely Awesome Hugs For All Of You!!! :D

[07/03/2015 20:06:32]

Commenting on: 02-04-15

I would love it if I could pick between smaller groups. Starting out with ~20 at once during the early phases in kinda overwhelming. I kinda want to force myself to pick only 1 out of 5 (or 6 for the sake of being Pokemon) during the early phases if possible and would love it if it was a builtin option to show smaller groups.

If it is too much tromble then don't worry about it. I'm a huge fan of it as it is, just kinda hard to stay focus when I have to decide between ~20 Pokemon for a good while without making a mistake.

[28/02/2015 21:11:14]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 02-04-15

Megan: More styles are kind of low-priority for me, since with the little time I have to work on the site, I'd generally rather be making content than yet another style. But maybe someday.

[12/02/2015 19:54:55]


Thank you muchly

[06/02/2015 23:14:20]

Commenting on: 02-04-15

Hello Butterfree!

I have a question.
Have you thought about making a new theme for your styleswitcher? I'd love to see a new theme.

[06/02/2015 18:49:33]


I'm not using private browsing, I'm using firefox 35.0.1, and I definitely don't have localStorage wiped out when I close the browser. I haven't paid too much attention to when it disappears, so I'll try and take notes if I notice it happening again.

Downloading a save file would be cool! Saving would also make it easier to use the picker to do favourites from a certain region, or favourite Water-type, or whatever without losing your progress.

[06/02/2015 03:47:34]

Konrad Borowski
Commenting on: 01-31-15

Well, for me "released" means that players can use it, unlike "announced" or "revealed".

[05/02/2015 18:04:57]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC