
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Commenting on: 12-12-14

That article about RBY source code sounds incredible. If you work on it, I would most certainly read it.

[29/12/2014 04:25:17]


merry christmas, tcod! i've been visiting this site for years and it's still as good as ever. i hope everyone is doing well, especially you, butterfree!

[25/12/2014 21:19:20]

#1 drew lover <3

l love this site thats all I need to say. Also DREW IS MINE, Not yours, MINE.

[21/12/2014 17:26:10]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 12-14-14

Nope. Deoxys isn't a mandatory catch (it'll respawn at Sky Pillar if you faint it) so it's okay with a catch rate of 3.

[18/12/2014 23:32:48]

Charizard Catz

That looks totally random
oh well that's what Youtube
does to you.

Aggron for spammifier

[18/12/2014 23:00:25]

Charizard catz

And you're welcome,
Dr. Who fans

Groudon for spammifier

[18/12/2014 22:51:26]

Charizard Catz

Omg! I was going to put Braviary was awesome
And I got him for the spammifier! #'Murica!


[18/12/2014 22:25:23]

Commenting on: 12-14-14

So Deoxys' catch rate actually wasn't changed between XY and ORAS. That's actually kind of interesting.

[18/12/2014 20:49:41]


That's the first thing I thought of, to be honest.

I'm trying to recreate the shiny charm in Fire Red, but with the possibility of increasing the chance further (up to 1/256).

However, the problem with 1/256 is that it's a 32-fold increase, and, since even 1/256 is fairly rare, pretty much every Pokemon would have their Personality Value regenerated 32 times, which is kind of ridiculous.

I was hoping for some kind of formula that would keep the pseudo-randomness, but still increase the chance by some factor.

Oh well, I guess it's not a big deal - the PRNG is fast anyway.

Sorry for the long post.

[16/12/2014 19:22:00]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

(When I said "however many times it's allowed to regenerate the value", of course, I meant to say the total number of times that it generates the value, not only the regenerations.)

[16/12/2014 17:51:37]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

They simply check after the personality value is generated whether the Pokémon would be shiny, and if not it regenerates it, up to a given number of times. Thus, instead of the Pokémon being shiny if a single generated personality value fits the shiny criteria, it's shiny if any of several values generated fit the criteria. This leads to an overall shiny chance of however many times it's allowed to regenerate the value times the regular shiny chance.

[16/12/2014 17:50:32]


Do you know anywhere I could read about the mechanics of the Shiny Charm, or Masuda Method?

I understand how they affect the rate of shininess, but I'm interested in how they affect the generation of the personality value.

It's fairly obvious that somehow it sabotages the randomness to make shininess more likely, but I'm not sure how.

[16/12/2014 16:19:29]

Commenting on: 12-12-14

"Don't expect it to have any correlation with your results in the old type quiz, which is still around."

*Takes new type quiz*

*Gets the exact same result as the old type quiz*

So much for that. (I'm Ground, BTW)

[14/12/2014 14:53:04]

Commenting on: 12-12-14

Please do the "inside look to the Pokémon games." That would make my year, and the next one too! Maybe if you do R/B/Y, you could also explain "what happened, what was supposed to happen, and what got mixed up in-between."

I would love to see this happen.

[13/12/2014 15:19:56]

Commenting on: 12-12-14

Please do the "inside look to the Pokémon games." That would make my year, and the next one too! Maybe if you do R/B/Y, you could also explain "what happened, what was supposed to happen, and what got mixed up in-between."

I would love to see this happen.

[13/12/2014 15:13:41]


I was reading over your DP Changes, and you mentioned how hard it was to get used to the Physical / Special Split.

Anymore, at least for me, it's the completely opposite. I've been playing Fire Red, and have to constantly remind myself that there isn't one.

[12/12/2014 14:18:08]

Commenting on: 11-02-14

Happy Birthday, tCOD! ^^

I'm happy to see this website still running! It's a pitty the Pokemon fansite community is practically gone… how can we bring it back to life?????

[10/12/2014 23:06:30]


This website is absolutely amazing :D I have yet to find one that parallels the awesomeness found here :D keep it up :p

[06/12/2014 00:24:13]

Website: Mohacastle
Commenting on: 11-02-14

Happy belated birthday to the Cave of Dragonflies! It's really weird to think that I'm only two years older than your site…

[20/11/2014 16:37:20]

Website: Punch Quest

Punch Quest, infinite game race to punch clean.

[17/11/2014 22:34:46]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC