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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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I'm soooooooooooooooooooooo
happy[22/07/2014 19:04:49]
I realized something about Volcarona. It was worshipped as a god, right? Probably a sun god. Since it's found in the ruins, its followers were probably the same people who built that place. Which is now home to the very Egyptian Yamask.
So if Volcarona was legendary, it would literally be Moth Ra. (also Unova would get a proper sun god that would be closer to its people than a space fireball)[20/07/2014 10:12:55]
It has been almost four years since the latest crossword has been posted. Could you update it?
[20/07/2014 08:29:21]
uh…Butterfree I saved the nidoran female sprite from pokemon R/G by accident and can't delete it
[19/07/2014 21:20:04]
Does anyone know where to get a gameboy?
[15/07/2014 22:31:35]
Hi Everyone!!!!
[15/07/2014 20:21:50]
How about Emboar (happens to be my CAPTCHA) and Mamoswine?
I'm kinda disappointed how Game Freak ditched sprites for 3-D renderings in XY because it practically killed the spriting "industry". I mean you can't get an official sprite of a Gen 6 Pokémon.[15/07/2014 02:42:47]
What should I splice today?
[14/07/2014 21:42:44]
Hello! I was just wondering if anyone has heard of Pokemon 3D.It's a remake of the second gen pokemon games and it uses a new engine(unfortunately most of the 3D areas are made out of 2D sprites).This isn't advertising,im serious,has anyone heard of it/is playing it?
[08/07/2014 22:59:25]
Hi! Pokemon is the best!
(But EV training and breeding take forever…)[29/06/2014 17:39:42]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesSalamence and Hydreigon.
[26/06/2014 19:55:27]
Hi! What should I splice today?
[26/06/2014 18:59:29]
[25/06/2014 08:08:44]
[24/06/2014 00:17:11]
just want to join
[23/06/2014 21:16:58]
Crazy Penguin101010
[22/06/2014 20:31:48]
Hi! :D
[14/06/2014 06:26:51]
I am Umbrizard I would put an e-mail but i am only 10 and don't have one.
[08/06/2014 20:51:08]
[04/06/2014 22:10:17]
chatot lightnin
Commenting on: 05-18-14yeah but are we ever going to get gen 6 updates??? :( im looking forward to a gen 6 differences page.
[31/05/2014 18:01:08]
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Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC