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Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 08-17-14Happy: I actually think the X/Y models considerably lessen the bias compared to any generation's sprites - almost every Pokémon is in a pretty neutral pose, none are off-model, and there's basically no such thing as some being better shaded than others, etc. So I'm reasonably happy with it using X/Y models. If I do a regional Pokédex-based thing as Kevin suggested, though, it seems appropriate to use sprites from the relevant game(s) for that.
Ehhh, I don't think the story of how it came to be is relevant or interesting enough to be stuck on the page. It seems more appropriate as just a blog post. I guess I could link to it, or do a better writeup and link to that, though.[29/08/2014 15:48:26]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 08-16-14Bulbasaur: I assume you mean a partial quicksort where the higher list is always recursively sorted first? I mean, I don't expect anybody to want to use the favorite Pokémon picker to actually completely sort the entire list of Pokémon.
Mostly I think that would make the favorite Pokémon picker a lot more boring - instead of being given a fresh batch of Pokémon to compare against each other, you have to compare every single Pokémon against some random one you probably don't particularly care about. But I also suspect it's not that efficient because you have to repeatedly choose a bunch of Pokémon that you know aren't close to being your favorites, just because you still like them better than the pivot. Remember, comparison sorts like quicksort are designed around the assumption that the only way to decide the order of elements is to compare two of them at a time. Here the comparison function is a human being, who is privy to considerably more information than just which of some given two elements is smaller, but quicksort has no way of taking advantage of this: it's optimized around doing a minimal number of binary comparisons, which is not at all the best way for humans to do sorting, especially on a list of items they're already familiar with and have some prior idea of the ordering of.
The favorite Pokémon picker uses a tournament-style algorithm with free multiple selection, which I believe makes better use of the human being in addition to being hopefully more interesting for the user. Already in the first round you can definitely eliminate way more than half of the Pokémon, while something Quicksort-like would be stuck with half on average each round.[29/08/2014 14:57:12]
Commenting on: 08-16-14Do you think that a quicksort would work better for the Pokemon Picker?
[29/08/2014 06:27:06]
Commenting on: 08-17-14Having read the original post you made about this on tumblr well before, I'd be interested for you to copy over the history behind making your own version :3c I'm sure lots of visitors will recall the original that swept the web, and will be curious about the changes you made. The only caveat is it'll take away from the elegant single-serving of the page, but I'm sure no one will mind the loss :b
I can also see prev. gen sprites being an interesting expansion, given you mentioned the visual impression makes such a difference (and I immediately felt it too; kricketot, what the heck?). I guess of course that causes some problems with 'forwards' compatibility, but hey, there's probably some genwunners out there who'd appreciate not needing to deal with later gens at all :P
In the meantime, I've only got a few batches in, and each time I'm feeling the pressure of all the other things I should be doing first, but I'm just so curious.. T__T "Just one more" will be the death of me, hahaa[21/08/2014 04:32:46]
I don't know how difficult it'd be, but it'd be cool to have the regional Pokedexes in the Favorite Pokemon Picker.
It would essentially automatically dump all the Pokemon not in that Pokedex out of the running, and you could figure out, for example, your favorite Pokemon in the Expanded Sinnoh Pokedex.[20/08/2014 06:48:14]
Commenting on: 08-17-14It'd be neat if you included a Mega Pokémon option for the Favorite Pokémon Picker too.
Good job on it though![19/08/2014 17:32:39]
Commenting on: 08-11-14Would you mind if you could show us your favorites?
[19/08/2014 05:09:12]
Commenting on: 08-16-14This is a really cool game!! I've been trying to find out what my favorite pokes are for the longest and this game(although arduous) help me narrow them down. :)
[19/08/2014 04:48:47]
Hello, Butterfree! I have been following your website since 2009. Thank you for making one of the best Pokemon websites I know! :P
I got a query too. While playing the Number Game, one of the Pokemon I got wrong was Flabebe simply because I written its name without the accents. Could you probably make a second option and make it allowable for people to spell Flabebe's name without the accents or would it be easier to copy and paste an E with an accent?[18/08/2014 03:41:06]
Back Button
Commenting on: 08-16-14Is it possible to make a back/undo button for the favorites test? I've had to reset several times because of accidental double-clicking.
(Alternatively, just blocking the double-click thing if multiple Pokemon are selected could work)[17/08/2014 14:53:52]
Commenting on: 08-03-14I've been playing Colosseum lately, and watching videos of both the Orre games as well, and a question has popped up in my head. Do the legendary birds and beasts have a higher catch rate in the Gamecube games, or have I and the people I've watched just been very lucky with them?
I know there hasn't been a whole lot of research done on Colosseum and XD, but this is something I'd like to know the answer to if you ever have the time to look into it. :)[13/08/2014 03:05:59]
Website: Stareon's Hideout
Commenting on: 08-11-14Looking good, Butterfree!! Especially the contact page! What a difference!!! :D
[12/08/2014 19:37:07]
Commenting on: 08-03-14Damn.
As a math and pokémon nerd I love to see that kind of stuff and I've been looking for the sixth generation algorithm for a while now.
Well, I hope that eventually we finally get it =)[11/08/2014 16:33:24]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 08-03-14Unfortunately nobody has been able to find any algorithms in the sixth-generation games yet - ROMs only got extracted a couple of months ago, and without an emulator it's a whole lot harder to find the piece of code that does anything in particular. I'm dying to know how it works, though - it's definitely not the same as the fifth-generation games, since balls can shake twice again.
[10/08/2014 22:00:03]
Commenting on: 08-03-14Do you know anything about the capture mechanics for sixth generation?
[09/08/2014 20:53:25]
Just wanted to say this website always makes me happy :)
[07/08/2014 15:07:30]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesYes…? What is the question?
[04/08/2014 01:29:54]
Ok, first I want to say… I was having some troubles with the 'name this Pokémon' because I can't spell… On the other hand, I think this is a great site! Mostly 'cause I have none of my own, and yours is amazing!! I have a question to ask though.. I haven't been here long (Just found it today..) and I haven't looked around too much. But the question is about Black 2.
[29/07/2014 21:51:02]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesThat was never properly on the site - I was just fiddling with it and posted it on my Twitter and Tumblr. It's here
[28/07/2014 12:07:06]
Okay, I've been looking for a particular page and I can't find it. It's a game (of sorts) to help someone determine their favorite Pokemon - it displays groups of Pokemon, and you pick one or more of them to move on to the next round.
I actually found it the other day, and I remember that it only had up to Gen V Pokemon, so it's probably kind of old, but I can't find it again.[28/07/2014 04:11:30]
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