
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


Hello there, I love your site! I just read your Genetics section and I want to point out something (if it hasn't already been pointed out). As of Gen 6 (X and Y) a male Pokemon CAN pass a Hidden Ability but IF AND ONLY IF the partner is a Ditto. Otherwise, the Hidden Ability inheritance mechanic is still the same for female Pokemon as it was in Gen 5. Thanks for reading!

[03/01/2014 01:51:47]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

There isn't really much of a how. I make the styles by deciding I want a style with some basic kind of color scheme or layout idea, then editing CSS and maybe making some images until the result is approximately what I was going for. There is no useful process that I use or any special programs or tricks - just basic CSS, which is already covered in the later parts of my HTML guide.

As for The Ultimate Pokémon Center, the site kind of goes up and down. The owner has money troubles. It will probably be back at some reasonable point in the future.

[29/12/2013 23:35:47]


Okay, sorry to have to double-post. I just wanted to ask, how did you actually design the website? As in each style on the style switcher.

I cheched your FAQ and couldn't find anything in there. Aage about how you designed the site in your webmasters section would be nice; although you probably don't have time to, which is fine I'm just curious.

Sorry I made that so long xD I can't help going on


[29/12/2013 12:16:20]


Hey, I was just reading this page-

And I noticed that the link on the very last paragraph to "The Ultimate Pokemon Center" does not work. I don't know if it is just happening to me but I thought you'd want to know.

Also, may I say I love this website. It has very good information which is explained clearly.

~ E

[24/12/2013 21:09:03]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 11-29-13

I'd love to make you happy, but unfortunately these are things I could not even somewhat plausibly do in the space of one evening when I have work the next day. Please have patience for a bit!

[15/12/2013 23:50:14]

Commenting on: 11-29-13

Sooo, today is my birthday. I've been an avid fan of your site since I was like 10, (as of today that makes 9 years). The thing that would really make this day awesome for me is if you made a Gen 6 personality test and/or updated the Zodiac :) I know your probably busy a lot of the time with other things, but when you find the time you could make one of your fans really happy :D Good day to you!

[15/12/2013 20:33:41]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Kevin: I've actually considered doing something like that simply for my own amusement, although I fear I just wouldn't remember them all. It would be coolest if I could have an ordered list of all my obsessions, but there would definitely be gaps or the order would be wrong.

[13/12/2013 12:46:13]


I just realized something that made me feel very stupid.

I've been coming to this site occasionally for the past several years - not sure exactly how long, but it's definitely been a while, and I've never (until just now) noticed that your alternate username isn't simply antialias.

I've probably read the name 'antialiasis' hundreds of times and never noticed the extra syllable. Not once.

[13/12/2013 02:20:17]


I hope this isn't too weird of a suggestion, but you should keep a record of all of your "current obsessions" from your forum sig, maybe on a subpage for the About Me page.

It'd be interesting to look back on later.

[13/12/2013 01:40:36]

Commenting on: 11-29-13

I just wanted to say that as a competitive player, the 2 pokemon moveset coverage feature is actually something I've been wanting to exist!

[04/12/2013 17:57:59]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Yeah, turned out it seemed fine with four more, so why not. Thanks for the suggestion.

[30/11/2013 15:35:42]


Okay, just plain adding four more dropdowns works too. Thanks!

[30/11/2013 15:13:56]

Website: Click here
Commenting on: 11-17-13

Works pretty well to me

[27/11/2013 23:09:23]


Would having it start out with four moveslots and the option to add more help? Or would it always be as slow as the maximum amount of moves dictates, even if only a few slots are available at that moment?

[26/11/2013 02:16:39]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Yamii: Possible, although the more types there are the longer it takes for the chart to recalculate itself - I'd have to make sure it doesn't become unusably slow.

Probo: Oh, there have been issues with the forum's emailing function. Try e-mailing me a new password and I'll change it for you (and once you're logged in, you can change it again).

[23/11/2013 19:04:28]


I joined the forum yesterday but can't log into my account again. When I use the "forgot password" option my email doesn't receive anything. Is it not automatic or will I just need my password rechanged by other means?

[23/11/2013 15:44:31]


Love the interactive type chart. Just one thing- could you make it possible to add more move slots to the moveset coverage thing? It'd be useful for seeing how two Pokemon would work together in double battles.

[19/11/2013 03:24:25]

Ross Epling
Website: BetaNights - Enter The Chaos
Commenting on: 11-02-13

Wow, eleven years… I don't know how long I've been checking out this channel, but I still love this place. Thanks for the awesome years here, sir~! :D

PS) I have a Scyther named Razor and a Scizor named Nightmare in my X Version right now. ^^"

[18/11/2013 23:16:28]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 11-17-13

It's meant to be indented, as a way of indicating that it's a sub-option under "Ignore nonexistent combintions". It should be that way on desktops too.

[18/11/2013 02:39:21]

Commenting on: 11-17-13

I checked it on my 3DS' web browser, and it seems to work as you describe. The 'Symmetrical' checkbox is slightly indented, though, which may or may not be intentional.

Also, shiny Ninetales spam verification thingumajig! :D

[18/11/2013 00:09:41]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC