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I'm guessing the quiz is old, but I noticed that the What Type Are You Quiz has no way of being Fairy-type. There are 18 possibilities, but one of them is ???-type, which hasn't been seen since Gen IV.
[14/04/2014 14:06:16]
It was really just great to come upon this place. I saw multiple signatures on of people's pokemon personalities, so i tried it out and got slowpoke, but oh well. Yup, that's me. undertakers_girl.
[12/04/2014 22:07:01]
So, how is Chapter 64 coming along?
[12/04/2014 17:40:06]
I chose the psychic edition and it said I was an artist. How fitting.
[05/04/2014 22:38:43]
Website: Poliwager
Commenting on: 04-01-14Haha, I knew it! Gotta play along for those types of things. ;) I even tried to see if it was random after doing the first two tests the other day. Nicely done!
[05/04/2014 18:18:20]
That April Fool's quiz was so awesome. I'd say I'm both the lass and the ace trainer.
[02/04/2014 20:51:18]
Commenting on: 04-01-14I'm all for it being on the humor section, it's great, haha. Loved the Youngster one.
[02/04/2014 19:20:30]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 04-01-14I don't think I'd ever put this under quizzes because it's not actually a quiz in any meaningful sense if it just gives a random result.
[02/04/2014 18:25:57]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 04-01-14I liek Squirtles: Because of the Forer effect. I assure you there is absolutely nothing behind the test but a random number generator. Case in point, you can go to the result page without submitting any data to it whatsoever and it will merrily churn out the exact same random results it would if you had actually submitted some form data.
Brendan's Regigigas: Turn Javascript on and go to the quiz page; it will offer to let you take either the psychic version or the quiz. The psychic version really just brings up a button that simulates clicking the submit button on the quiz form, though. It is literally the exact same thing. When you take the psychic quiz it just thinks you picked the top option on everything.[02/04/2014 18:24:30]
I liek Squirtles
Commenting on: 04-01-14If it's so random, why did my conventional test result describe me so well? I'm not the only one. Put it under Humour, April Fools', and Quizzes. I really like it.
[02/04/2014 16:42:58]
Brendan's Regigigas
Commenting on: 04-01-14Wait, there's a psychic quiz? I didn't see that one. Where's it at?
[02/04/2014 13:42:47]
Commenting on: 04-01-14I think that the quiz is funny enough to be in both sections.
[02/04/2014 06:46:14]
Well, it's April Fool's Day, but the Which Trainer Class Are You quiz doesn't seem to be a joke. Eh, I got Young Couple which fits me pretty well.
[01/04/2014 14:30:28]
Website: Poliwager
Commenting on: 03-31-14So the first time I tried the Psychic Quiz, I got Young Couple, which was fitting. Then I did the normal quiz and got Ace Trainer. Cool! Keep up the good (and funny) work Butterfree! :D
[01/04/2014 01:51:31]
I just realized that, even though Fairy wasn't created until Gen VI, every single generation has introduced at least one.
This means that literally the only generation to not introduce at least one Pokemon of every type is Gen One (which didn't have a Dark-type).[25/03/2014 00:23:29]
Website: My Weasyl GalleryWoah, it's been years since I've been here; I'm pleasantly surprised it's still around!
[18/03/2014 05:20:04]
I have to say, I'm amused at how ruthlessly your affliates list is cut down every time I think to glance at it. :P Not meaning that in any derogatory way, of course. I just remember the heyday of pokemon fansites, when I used to think it stretched on forever. :) How times have changed, I guess. I have a lot of respect for both TCoD and your longstanding affliates for keeping at this as long as you have.
[16/03/2014 06:14:37]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesI'm just not into the TCG. I know the rules and have played it a few times, but I prefer the video games in every respect.
[04/03/2014 01:01:08]
Website: My Steam PageSay now, there aren't any pages in this website talking about the Pokemon Trading Card Game, are there?
I guess you just weren't too familiar with it, huh, Butterfree? You're still quite in-depth on the games, though, even mathmatically! That's pretty cool.[04/03/2014 00:46:31]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesIt should be exactly the same size in every style, in an analogous place.
[03/03/2014 01:47:22]
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