
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Commenting on: 09-03-13

First decent idea for a new quiz that came to my head (though I didn't vote for the option itself): what region you're from? May be a bit of a stretch but you've got things like Johto's traditionalism, Hoenn's chilled-out one-with-nature dealio and so on that could be crafted into personality types. Otherwise there's not a lot I can think of that isn't overly gimmicky. WHAT POKEBALL ARE YOU? TEST YOUR EFFECTIVENESS AT MORPHING LITTLE CREATURES INTO RED STREAMS OF LIGHT.

Apart from that, since this doesn't appear to be multichoice, I voted quiz script but more movie reviews is cool. I always enjoyed reading them, and if you're anything like me, the keldeo movie will be ripe for tearing to shreds. ;D

(Also would like to belatedly thank the people who said nice stuff about my gijinkas earlier, since I only saw the responses once people had moved onto the status of the forums. :b)

[05/09/2013 05:33:13]

Commenting on: 09-03-13

I vote for a new personality test.

[04/09/2013 21:45:08]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 09-03-13

Negrek: Given Internet Explorer 6 is rapidly becoming a non-issue, the guide's insistence on completely ignoring anything that doesn't work in it is pretty damn out of date by now. It could also use more HTML5. I'd still stick with teaching fairly basic and backwards-compatible things, but the emphases and choices of what to include are not what I'd choose today.

Karpi: Well, I'll do that either way. :P

I'm hoping Kalos will bring the total number of non-legendary Pokémon families close enough to 365 that I can fit the system around that one way or another. But I can't really start planning it out until we actually know all the Pokémon and I know the precise numbers of everything we're dealing with. Happily, mega evolutions give me even more wiggle room for how I can find that magic number in a nonarbitrary way.

[04/09/2013 15:13:05]

Commenting on: 09-03-13

What I'm honestly most excited for is to see what you do with the Zodiac after the new games come out!

[04/09/2013 14:16:56]

Website: Thousand Roads
Commenting on: 09-03-13

Heh, I was thinking the Site Poll needed updating, since you'd already done several of the options. Oh, those tricksy bugs…

I've actually recommended your HTML guide to a couple of people in the past; I think it's pretty nice, really, although admittedly it's been a while since I've gone through many of the later sections. Guess I never noticed the possibility of "horiontal" scrolling…

[04/09/2013 04:07:19]

Commenting on: 09-03-13

Had to test "You suck." In all actuality, I think it's going to be a new quiz script. That's all the majority of your traffic comes for anyway.

[03/09/2013 22:55:35]

User of Shadows
Commenting on: 08-11-13

Oh, that's fine lol. That way we can be two different Pokemon at once XD

[01/09/2013 15:11:21]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 08-11-13


I suppose I could add results to the quiz, but I might also just make a new quiz involving Kalos Pokémon, since I've kind of wanted to try making another quiz as I mentioned. Adding results to the existing quiz can only be done in multiples of nine, would be a fairly significant bother, and would invalidate everyone's existing quiz result - answering all the same things would no longer give the same result.

[31/08/2013 21:27:53]

User of Shadows
Commenting on: 08-11-13

Whoops. Extremely sorry for the double comment, thought it would edit.

[31/08/2013 13:24:51]

User of Shadows
Commenting on: 08-11-13

Hey, you know what? maybe you could add some Kalos Pokemon in the "What pokemon are you" quiz when enough are revealed. that would be nice. Also, congrats on the marriage!

[31/08/2013 13:23:45]


I must have been away way too long because I don't even remember you getting married. Probably just me being a complete moron as usual

[30/08/2013 21:06:27]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 08-11-13

Yup. I'm still getting used to talking about my husband instead of my boyfriend.

[29/08/2013 23:30:29]

A pretty cool guy
Commenting on: 08-11-13

WHOAH what you got married

[29/08/2013 20:26:11]


Okay, I laughed at that more than I think I should have. xD

[22/08/2013 01:18:14]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

I'm not that stupid.

[21/08/2013 19:39:13]

Secuity check

<script> alert('Please check your website Security') <script>

[21/08/2013 05:45:44]


It's back. Our patience paid off

[21/08/2013 01:35:48]


Still server busy. This is insane.

[20/08/2013 23:06:48]


It's a kind of vicious cycle, when you think about it.

[20/08/2013 21:06:02]


@Phantom: If you go back to the last page, you'll see that everyone there is talking about the forums dying. Eventually, a RP starts and one person says something along the lines of "This is the new forum".

[20/08/2013 20:42:24]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC