
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Thanks, I guess? By itself the rating doesn't tell me much - without any explanation, I have no real idea what I did right or wrong to deserve a 4 rather than some other number. If you have any critiques or noticed some mistakes, I'd love to hear them (but I understand if you can't be bothered).

Could you please list it at written by Dragonfree, though, rather than fyeahpokemoncreepypasta?

(As a side note, that story is not creepypasta. I know somebody submitted it to fyeahpokemoncreepypasta (initially without even crediting me) and apparently it's made its way to the creepypasta wiki from there and I guess at that point I can't blame you for including it on a creepypasta blog, but it's just a short story whose interpretation of a move happens to have horror elements. Proper creepypasta tries to present itself as if it could be a real anecdote or document. Curse is just plain old fanfiction set in the Pokémon universe; it doesn't even offer up the theoretical possibility of being real.)

[09/11/2013 17:18:11]

Website: ScaryNoodles

I rated one of your short stories here:

[09/11/2013 16:14:20]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Typo of Pokémon XD. Fixed.

[07/11/2013 01:34:58]


There's a mention of a "Pokemon D" in the fun facts page, 7th point under Generation Gap… not sure which version that's supposed to be referring to?

[07/11/2013 01:16:45]

Website: Google

I wanted to explore this site.

[05/11/2013 19:39:22]

Commenting on: 11-02-13

If I had been online at the right time, I would have written a poem like I did last year. Oh well.

[05/11/2013 18:57:04]

Commenting on: 11-02-13

Not the zodiac! My favorite feature! >:( …Just kidding, I know that's not a top priority

[05/11/2013 04:15:02]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 11-02-13

Ack, managed to type stuff into the wrong line. Thanks for noticing so soon!

[05/11/2013 01:20:49]

Commenting on: 11-02-13

Happy birthday! By the way Gligar is listed as Kalos Central 40 instead of Dunsparce in the list generator.

[04/11/2013 17:29:28]


Taking in that this is the third tCoD birthday I've seen wow. I still feel like I just discovered it woooow

[04/11/2013 05:23:27]

Commenting on: 11-02-13

Huh…your site has the same birthday as me! That's ridiculously cool for some reason…and I don't know how I kept missing this fact.

[03/11/2013 20:55:55]

User of Shadows
Commenting on: 10-16-13

I think someone said Dragonair doesn't evolve until 65 in gen 6, but I may be wrong. I'll try it.

[18/10/2013 16:38:00]

Commenting on: 10-12-13

I enjoy reading your Pokemon Origin review. You did a good job explaining out the flaws even nostalgic fans will agree on. Reading your reviews is one of my favorite things in your website and I am looking forward for future Pokemon reviews. We need more people analyzing and reviewing Pokemon instead of Critics reviewing pokemon with no knowledge it and pass of as a review.

[14/10/2013 17:54:44]



[25/09/2013 11:51:04]


Found this:

[24/09/2013 22:56:27]

User of Shadows
Commenting on: 09-15-13

Ooh, my favorite option won. :P I can't wait to see what you come up with, all of your quizzes are awesome.

[16/09/2013 17:45:36]

User of Shadows
Commenting on: 09-03-13

I voted for a new quiz. Hoping it'll be "What Kalos Pokemon Are You?", and if it is, I strongly suggest using Nyaonikusu as a result. But honestly, everything in Kalos is awesome, and I don't even care if it's not a Kalos Pokemon quiz, because all of your quizzes are awesome. ^_^

[11/09/2013 21:06:50]

Jonathan Hiller
Commenting on: 09-03-13

Glad you fixed the poll! Got my vote in for the movie reviews this time :P. Love reading those, I devour opinions lol.

[10/09/2013 16:31:04]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 09-03-13

Happy: The trouble with a region quiz is that it wouldn't be very interesting to make. :P With only exactly six possible results, the most sensible way to do it would be with a simple vote test, where each option for each question corresponds to one of the regions, and that's the most boring kind of personality test. I love making personality tests mostly because I like thinking of interesting ways to measure personality traits and then map those onto results, so I'd most like to make another fairly expansive one.

Just to make sure, you guys do all realize that "quiz scripts" is not the same option as "new personality test", right? The quiz scripts are the free personality test scripts for webmasters.

Paul: Huh? What do you mean?

[05/09/2013 23:46:41]

Commenting on: 09-03-13

If I'm not mistaken, this is the reason why I can't take that "What Pokemon Are You" quiz again. Well good luck! Don't worry about me.

[05/09/2013 20:36:04]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC