
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Commenting on: 01-26-14

I WAS a Miltank in the previous Zodiac, but now I'm a Weedle, which is a surprising change. I like Miltank and the Weedle family, but I don't tend to use either of them very much. Maybe I should try out training a Beedril like I did in Red? T'would be fun, indeed.

[28/01/2014 01:14:47]

Commenting on: 01-26-14

"I don't know if this is a coincidence or if somebody at Game Freak is a fan of my site …"

Further proof that you are Satoshi Tajiri! *shot*

But seriously, great job with the new zodiac. I got the Blitzel line for my B-day, which I like much better than the Tympole line I got last time. Also, my favorite Pokemon overall (Persian) and my favorite evolution line (the eeveelutions) are both in the reign of my favorite legendary (Mew) and right next to each other. I find this way more amusing than I should.

(BTW, the text page showing the whole zodiac displays Flabebe as Flabébé, at least in Firefox).

[27/01/2014 21:05:54]

Commenting on: 01-26-14

Just in time for my birthday :) I'm a Sawk ALMOST PALKIA

[27/01/2014 20:38:34]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 01-26-14

It's the day of the entire family, so you can just as well call yourself a Blastoise.

[27/01/2014 16:00:42]

Website: Mohacastle
Commenting on: 01-26-14

Cool, so now I'm a Squirtle instead of a bad-ass Empoleon or Prinplup or whatever I was.

*beings weeping quietly*

[27/01/2014 15:58:42]

Website: Believe In Dreams
Commenting on: 01-26-14

OMG! I got Lugia! Finally, the first time a TCoD zodiac has my birthday assigned to a Pokémon I like since the very first one! :D

[27/01/2014 03:44:31]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

I think what Kevin is asking for is not the level increases themselves but the point at which they happen, i.e. where you need to have progressed in the game before the levels go up.

I don't know of anywhere that lists when the levels increase, but I'm pretty sure it always happens when you have so and so many badges.

[24/01/2014 17:17:41]

Website: Mohacastle

There is probably not a collective chart of rematch level increases, no. However, this article on Bulbapedia has a list of all the rematchable NPCs throughout the series, whose rematch level increases are listed on their respective profiles.

[24/01/2014 15:05:29]


Would anyone happen to have any idea where I could find a list for when trainer rematch level increases happen?

Like, some trainers may level up or evolve their Pokemon, and it happens at particular points in the game. Has anyone compiled a list for where those particular points are?

[21/01/2014 22:17:57]

Commenting on: 01-02-14

Penn and Teller and Tim Minchin and Breaking Bad and Pokemon! Four of my favourite things in the world!

[19/01/2014 02:21:43]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

There's a script in the backend that stores the number of votes for each option (and the total number of votes) in a file. When somebody votes, the script increases the number of total votes and the number of votes for the relevant option, while when somebody views the results, the script reads the number of votes for each option from the files.

[14/01/2014 02:42:28]

Website: Mohacastle

How did you display other voters' results on the site polls?

[13/01/2014 21:27:57]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 01-02-14

Mewitti, not Mewtitti. The latter would be an unfortunate choice of username.

Alas, while you are also made of a lot of awesome, it would have been difficult for you to be inspiring me to make a website more than eleven years ago.

[08/01/2014 04:16:38]

Website: Mohacastle

I did too, Mewtini. I actually quadruple-checked it to make sure she wasn't just playing with your name.

[07/01/2014 20:43:17]

Website: Psychic Blaze
Commenting on: 01-02-14

I honestly read "Mewtitti" as "Mewtini".

I am disappoint.

[07/01/2014 19:20:18]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Please stop that. I'm deleting your messages; if you keep doing it I'll have to ban you from the guestbook.

[06/01/2014 03:38:52]

Commenting on: 01-02-14


[06/01/2014 02:34:28]


Hey there, just coming in to say I love this site! Keep up the good work!

[05/01/2014 03:08:00]



[05/01/2014 00:19:17]


Sorry for the double post, but I forgot to mention how I came across this new breeding mechanic in X and Y. Well, I was breeding a male Goomy with a Ditto (both from the Friend Safari), and while I WAS trying to get the Hydration Ability, instead my offspring Goomy got the Gooey Hidden Ability instead, on my first try. My Ditto didn't have the Hidden Ability Imposter, it was just my Goomy with his HA. I tried breeding my HA Goomy with a random female Goomy that I caught, but no matter what I did, Gooey didn't transfer over, leading me to believe that it only works with a male and a Ditto. Crazy right? Anyway, you may need to look into it more since I don't know the EXACT figures, but I did get Gooey on my first try, so maybe it's at least a 60% chance or so of passing it on? Have a great day!

[03/01/2014 02:25:33]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC