
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Brendan's Regigigas

Shouldn't the information about critical hits be on the stat stages page ?

[16/02/2014 19:34:35]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

365 isn't evenly divisible by six either, so that wouldn't help with the extra-day thing - actually there'd be five whole extra days.

Although hmm, technically since 366 is divisible by six I suppose it could make sense to have six seasons with leap year day. But then one season would be shorter in a normal year, instead of one being longer some years. And unless my math is off, leap year day would awkwardly be the second-to-last day of the first season.

[13/02/2014 02:28:32]


Regarding five seasons not working for six generations… why not six seasons? … No? Okay.

[11/02/2014 22:01:11]


This is a cool website. Love the Mew Style!

[11/02/2014 14:42:27]

Website: Mohacastle

Any idea what's up with the forums? I really hope it isn't going to stay like this like it did last time.

[07/02/2014 21:54:40]

Website: Mohacastle

Equilta - The Ultimate Pokémon Center is online again, just in case you were wondering.

[31/01/2014 14:45:50]

Commenting on: 01-26-14

I'm yanma. -_-

[29/01/2014 22:44:19]


I know someone born on the day of Mewtwo. She doesn't like pokemon.

[29/01/2014 22:38:51]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 01-26-14

There are no more Pokémon than those three - unless they were to literally patch the game adding even more event legendaries that aren't present in the code at all currently, which I doubt since they bothered putting these in ahead of time, we know them all.

Mewtwo gets his own one-day season because otherwise one of the other seasons would have to be one day longer than the others. There's an in-universe basis for treating Mewtwo differently, since he's a clone of a legendary but man-made, but there is no such in-universe basis for the Season of the Air to be longer than the Seasons of the Earth.

(Why not just five equal-length seasons, like the third- and fifth-generation zodiacs? Because then the reigns wouldn't have split evenly into the seasons. The third-generation zodiac had each season end with a day in the reign of Mewtwo, which is hardly better, and the fifth-generation zodiac made one reign per season longer than the others on the basis of highlighting one cute event legendary per generation, but that wouldn't work here since then there'd be six generations but only five seasons..)

[29/01/2014 21:33:01]

Commenting on: 01-26-14

Also, why is Mewtwo in his own one day season at the end of the year? Is their a reason for it, because Season doesn't seem like it is the right word.

[29/01/2014 21:22:16]

Commenting on: 01-26-14

Watch more Pokemon become released than just the three already discovered ones.

[29/01/2014 21:13:27]

Brendan's Regigigas
Commenting on: 01-26-14

Yay! I got chimecho! After spending hours searching for one on Emerald, I really appreciate them. Last time I got my second-favorite legendary, Ho-oh, though.

[29/01/2014 21:12:40]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 01-26-14

(As a side note, all my és are literal, and even if they weren't they would have to be in that file since it's a plaintext file.)

[28/01/2014 23:18:08]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 01-26-14

It's working fine for you because I already fixed it as soon as eevee_em posted about it.

[28/01/2014 23:16:39]

Website: Yellow Rabbit Apps
Commenting on: 01-26-14

eevee_emQvalador: It's just a problem with the HTTP header. All that Butterfree needs to do is make sure that the file is being served as UTF-8.

[28/01/2014 22:59:29]

Website: Mohacastle
Commenting on: 01-26-14

eevee_em: It's actually working just fine for me; the only reason it would do that is if she put an actual é instead of "é" or whatever she uses for it. But it's displaying perfectly fine for me, in Chrome, so maybe it's just weird for Firefox?

[28/01/2014 13:46:10]


On the zodiac, I'm yanma. -_-

[28/01/2014 01:17:10]

Commenting on: 01-26-14

I WAS a Miltank in the previous Zodiac, but now I'm a Weedle, which is a surprising change. I like Miltank and the Weedle family, but I don't tend to use either of them very much. Maybe I should try out training a Beedril like I did in Red? T'would be fun, indeed.

[28/01/2014 01:14:47]

Commenting on: 01-26-14

"I don't know if this is a coincidence or if somebody at Game Freak is a fan of my site …"

Further proof that you are Satoshi Tajiri! *shot*

But seriously, great job with the new zodiac. I got the Blitzel line for my B-day, which I like much better than the Tympole line I got last time. Also, my favorite Pokemon overall (Persian) and my favorite evolution line (the eeveelutions) are both in the reign of my favorite legendary (Mew) and right next to each other. I find this way more amusing than I should.

(BTW, the text page showing the whole zodiac displays Flabebe as Flabébé, at least in Firefox).

[27/01/2014 21:05:54]

Commenting on: 01-26-14

Just in time for my birthday :) I'm a Sawk ALMOST PALKIA

[27/01/2014 20:38:34]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC