
09/16/24: My glitched Jolteon

I mentioned last time that I wanted to port over some Pokémon-related articles from my personal Tumblr. The first of these is now up, and accidentally became quite a bit more than just a port of my Tumblr post: an essay about my glitched Jolteon. It is part reminiscence and part game mechanics deep-dive about the very special Jolteon that I had on my Yellow version back in the day and my efforts to replicate and investigate his mysterious harmlessly glitchy properties. I hope you all enjoy.

I have placed it under Kanto on the menu for now, but it feels like a little bit of a quirky place for it - I waffled between putting it under Opinions/Theories (possibly renaming that subsection), Kanto or even Game Mechanics given how into the weeds it ends up getting. I guess I will think about it. Feel free to opine.

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Page last modified November 3 2020 at 02:21 UTC