
09/16/24: My glitched Jolteon

I mentioned last time that I wanted to port over some Pokémon-related articles from my personal Tumblr. The first of these is now up, and accidentally became quite a bit more than just a port of my Tumblr post: an essay about my glitched Jolteon. It is part reminiscence and part game mechanics deep-dive about the very special Jolteon that I had on my Yellow version back in the day and my efforts to replicate and investigate his mysterious harmlessly glitchy properties. I hope you all enjoy.

I have placed it under Kanto on the menu for now, but it feels like a little bit of a quirky place for it - I waffled between putting it under Opinions/Theories (possibly renaming that subsection), Kanto or even Game Mechanics given how into the weeds it ends up getting. I guess I will think about it. Feel free to opine.

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Commenting on: 09-16-24

Sometimes, loving a glitched Pokemon can lead you to places you usually wouldn't go. I'm still working up the courage to rediscover and see if I can truly understand my own glitched Alakazam I fell in love with (from a glitch which involved Pokemon Blue showing Box 13 in the trade menu in Pokemon Stadium 2, and it taking data from there and turning it into a Pokemon.) I think I understand most of it - but there's still parts I want to figure out, and someday, I will. [ As an example: It had a blank name at some points, but had a mix of ? and V at other times. But perhaps I'm remembering wrong! ]

Your dear Jolteon is such a fascinating creature, and I'm glad you've finally figured out how it worked.

[23/09/2024 08:39:02]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 09-16-24

Glad you enjoyed it! If you're willing, it could be helpful if you let me know what bits you got lost on, in case I can make it a little clearer - I do want to try to make an article like this reasonably accessible to laymen.

[22/09/2024 13:37:55]

Commenting on: 09-16-24

Interesting article! I didn't understand the more complicated parts (stuff like that can be confusing to me), but it was still fun to read. I remember hearing about your glitched Jolteon years and years ago when I was a kid. I forget where, but I always kind of wondered how this Jolteon was glitched, and now I know.

[22/09/2024 08:36:22]

Shadey the Bunny
Website: Candy Cathy's Chaotic Basement
Commenting on: 09-16-24

Glitched Jolteon? Whoa imma have to check this article out ASAP!

[21/09/2024 06:18:45]

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