Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Happy birthday!
[18/02/2010 12:15:42]
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUTTERFREE (it is thursday, february 18th, 7:05am where i am, sorry if it isn't where you are)
[18/02/2010 12:06:33]
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUTTERFREE (it is thursday, february 18th, 7:05am where i am, sorry if it isn't where you are
[18/02/2010 12:06:32]
…why'd you post that? everyone knows.[18/02/2010 02:47:41]
Commenting on: 02-15-10OMG THEREZZZ A NEW POKEMON!!!! ITs Zuruba…. (Did I spell that right?) THE EVIL FOX POKEMON!! CHECK SEREBII NET, ALL OF U!!
[18/02/2010 01:51:30]
oops… sorry about the triple post… i ment to post once… but it was taking a while to load…
anyways: zorua=pwnr of zoroark, zoroark=creepy[17/02/2010 15:38:59]
hmmm… is mew a cult all of a sudden? and whats with the talk about halo? anyways… welcome, mewsie! its nice to see another obsessive mew fan! yay for mew! me-ew! me-ew!! yay!! i also got mew for the spammifier just now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! weeheehee!! mweeheehee!! mwahaha!! 'pants from mew worshipping' FWEEHEEHEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[17/02/2010 15:26:27]
hmmm… is mew a cult all of a sudden? and whats with the talk about halo? anyways… welcome, mewsie! its nice to see another obsessive mew fan! yay for mew! me-ew! me-ew!! yay!! i also got mew for the spammifier just now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! weeheehee!! mweeheehee!! mwahaha!! 'pants from mew worshipping' FWEEHEEHEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[17/02/2010 15:26:27]
hmmm… is mew a cult all of a sudden? and whats with the talk about halo? anyways… welcome, mewsie! its nice to see another obsessive mew fan! yay for mew! me-ew! me-ew!! yay!! i also got mew for the spammifier just now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! weeheehee!! mweeheehee!! mwahaha!! 'pants from mew worshipping' FWEEHEEHEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[17/02/2010 15:26:27]
Awesome, Unggoy. XD
I personally prefer Plasma Rifles (when dual wielded). Nice close-range weapon, and a swift take-down as well.[16/02/2010 22:08:21]
If the spammifiers were weapons…
How would I be able to write a poem about, say a BR55 SR Battle Rifle, like I did with the pokemon spammifiers?
My beautiful BR55 SR…
Upon recieving you, I shouted a gleeful "Yeargh!"
When you fire, you go BANGBANGBANG.
But when my foes are close, I go DANG.
For you are a long range weapon, and a deadly sniper.
Just thinking about you makes me all giddy and hyper.
Actually, that's pretty good…
At least I think so.[16/02/2010 22:03:51]
Commenting on: 02-15-10Hmm……I'll consider pre-ordering then.
[16/02/2010 21:18:17]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 02-15-10If you do it through that link, yes.
[16/02/2010 11:57:41]
Commenting on: 02-15-10If I pre-order SoulSilver, will you get any of the money? I see you DID make a new Almighty Random Poll! ^^
[16/02/2010 05:19:07]
Midnight Bear
…No official English ROMs have been leaked. Some people have made fanslations. Those have been around since the Japanese HGSS ROM was first leaked.
[14/02/2010 17:13:12]
i have arceus X3 and pikachu colored pichu on my pearl, and yes their legimite. cant wait for hg/ss im getting an SS. hey heres a spoiler. at www.*******.com they have ENGLISH HG/SS ROMS!! i think. maybe. i dont know. i like mew. mewmewmewmew.
[14/02/2010 02:09:35]
mew is yummy
[14/02/2010 02:03:52]
Typhloise: If it were made for Halo, then what would the spammifier characters be? Weapons, perhaps? And your name is fine as it is. :D (Really? A Brute?)
Oh, hey, Pikachu. Long time, no see.[13/02/2010 22:13:47]
Sangheili: I know! People always ask me, "So what's so good about Halo?" which I reply to saying, "You can jump. Really high."
Also, I just learned that Greenumbreon changed his name to Unggoy. Maybe I should change my name to Jiralhanae? No, that would be too much. The guestbook might as well then be made for Halo, instead then. ;)[13/02/2010 13:25:04]
I love this awesome website!!!
[12/02/2010 21:35:05]
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