
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


Mine's still on Scyther, but that's likely because I have the URL to switch to Scyther bookmarked as the home page, as a holdover from the days when this computer couldn't remember a cookie very long.

[04/01/2010 14:29:14]


That's odd; my style changed to Articuno as well. It's been resting on Axe Murderer for a while.

[04/01/2010 04:25:11]

Emerald Espeon

I was all excited when I came on here and it had the Articuno style, because I thought the site had randomly extracted some long-buried cookie in my browser and went to the style I wanted, but then I realized that it was just the style changing every so often like it always does. /ramble

Anyway, happy new year :P

[03/01/2010 18:01:41]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 01-01-10

Nah; there'll just be a splash for three million front page hits.

[03/01/2010 16:44:24]

Scytherian Poetry
Commenting on: 01-01-10

Time for a new splash for the new year?

[03/01/2010 14:26:19]

Commenting on: 01-01-10

Well steele, we were mentioned in general :D

=o Entei spammy

[02/01/2010 23:16:05]

Commenting on: 01-01-10

HAPPY LATE NEW YEAR! Wait…..My name wasn't on the thanks list……;_;…….Oh well.

[02/01/2010 18:48:25]


Sand Veil + Monster House + no orbs = me angry.

Seriously. Then Groudon's Intimidate…ugh. I also restarted my Sky 'cause Eevee just sucks as a partner (Whenever it got two hits she got terrified. Without fail) and Riolu isn't actually that good.

So yeah. Also, NSMBW is awesome. :3

What do you do for Mr. Mime?

[01/01/2010 23:03:39]


Happy New Year! :D

[01/01/2010 19:58:09]

Commenting on: 01-01-10

Happy New Year, friends! I hope it is an excellent year for you all! =^w^=

[01/01/2010 19:04:51]

Website: Yeah, My dA
Commenting on: 01-01-10

Yay, not first comment of 2010!

It's good to hear that HG/SS are good. I've seen a lot of complaints, and not much good stuff.

Happy New Year to any who read this!

[01/01/2010 18:34:47]

Terry. T.
Website: The major project of SPPF

One of my friends is joining tCoD. He's a GREAT friend.

Anyway, I hit 151 subbers today~

I'm off to the London Expo next year, Butterfree, BE THERE!

Time to transfer all the project UU/NU work from Serebii.

[01/01/2010 12:45:05]

Commenting on: 01-01-10

Whoo! first comment of 2010!

Happy new year's everyone!

[01/01/2010 07:13:25]


Besides, that gets boring and Butterfree writes realistic stories. But if it really bothers you so much, E-ighty, why not write the story yourself? :}

[01/01/2010 05:45:26]


I don't think your idea will work with that one exception, E-ighty… Besides, that's not really in her writing style, from what I've seen, to have a seemingly invincible, perfect character.

[31/12/2009 20:55:42]

Commenting on: 12-25-09

Okay, fine. Make a Dragonite defeat all Pokemon except for one shiny Pokemon I like… like a Charizard???

[31/12/2009 18:16:40]


Well, I don't think Curse was that morbid… but then again, I like anything dark cruel and torturous. O_o;;

Well written story, Butterfree :} I love your work!

[31/12/2009 01:56:58]



[30/12/2009 20:57:16]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Mew: No, I couldn't really do that; Spirit has already used a Ghost-type Curse and it was there shown completely differently, besides that it would just be a random complication that has nothing to do with anything and would say nothing of interest the one-shot hasn't said already.

[30/12/2009 20:25:24]


Torture makes for a good piece of fiction.

[30/12/2009 19:19:27]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC