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Midnight Bear: It's because I think that their originality's evaporating if they feel that they have to add on to past generation Pokémon in order to fill up the empty spots in a new generation.
Typhloise: Definitely different from COD. I absolutely hate the jumping in that game. x_x It's like a tiny hop and that's it.[12/02/2010 18:28:12]
Website: My Fanfiction page...CoolredsmartI love pokemons…nice site you have here!
[12/02/2010 03:43:46]
Hello. It's me. Typhloise. Haven't played Pokemon in ages, but am excited over HG/SS! Comes out March 14th, I think.
Been playing Fallout 3. One of the best games ever. Real pretty and artsy, huge world, etc. I also got Halo: CE, and Halo 2. Great games; much different than COD.
Mew: I have had Brawl for two years. It's the best fighting game that I've ever played. I don't have a specific character I play as, as I like random. However, Dark Toon Link is always fun.
Yay! Fifth generation! Just checked Serebii just in time! I don't know why everbody is so upset over the 5th gen. It's been like four years since the last one. This is exactly what Nintendo needed! Everybody will love it once it comes out I bet, and won't be complaining! Then again, I might be getting ahead of myself.[11/02/2010 02:58:05]
Midnight Bear
…So I'm not the only one who thought it looked like Shinx? That's good, I guess. Well, at least, it proves I'm not crazy.
[11/02/2010 00:15:09]
Wahey, I can't wait to use the Shinx-like baby 5th gen Pokémon. GET TO WORK, BUTTS.
[10/02/2010 18:48:11]
Midnight Bear
Why? I always enjoyed seeing some old favorites getting stronger.
[10/02/2010 05:01:43]
I just pray that the fifth generation isn't half composed of evolutions for the past generations… >_>
[10/02/2010 04:07:53]
I love the sprites and spriting guide on this site! I've been spriting myself since '07, but Butterfree is the one who got me hooked on revamping and pixel-overs. I thank her very much for that.
[09/02/2010 22:19:21]
According to Serebii, the Spiky-Eared Pichu knows "Paint Split." Must be a master of redecorating.
[09/02/2010 15:36:40]
coment about anti-anti pokemon thing, that i say to ppl who ask me why i like watching, playing, etc things about pokemon i alweys says the same things (positive question) "becuse its fun" (negative question) "Is something wrong with that i like pokemon?" when ever i asnwere on the negative questions the ppl always jus "humpf" and walks away or just say "ok"
[09/02/2010 11:57:14]
WHOO my computer died.
[08/02/2010 21:40:40]
WHOO my computer died.
[08/02/2010 21:40:33]
I will never forgive Mr Toon Version 2.1 for what he did. I am officially shocked that him and Colossal aren't banned. Sorry, I had to say that.
[08/02/2010 20:19:10]
Emerald Espeon
Well, I was hoping they'd stop milking Pokémon for all it's worth, but I'm not really surprised. I wish they'd make more different games, instead of the same old win eight badges, defeat the elite four, foil some evil team's plans, etc. just with a new 100 or so Pokémon.
[08/02/2010 01:36:16]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesWhy in the world are people surprised? Of course there's a fifth generation. Why on earth would they randomly stop at four?
I am also firmly not in the "But we have enough Pokémon and how are we going to remember them all if they add more??" camp.[07/02/2010 22:24:30]
Emerald Espeon
A fifth generation? Really, Nintendo? :S
[07/02/2010 21:46:05]
The new Pokemon almost looks like a Lucario evolution. . . I wonder how they're going to keep us from trading with IV Generation games? Maybe they'll use like a time machine thing again?
[07/02/2010 21:13:29]
L Xero
I forgot it was on OoT… I was thinking of MM.
Majora's Mask was always my favorite game. But I've always been unlucky with it.
I had the gold cartridge version for the N64, which I beat and I loved it. It got lost. This was probably nine years ago. I never found it.
When the Collector's Edition for GC came out, I got it to compensate. I beat it and got all the masks. I started working on all the piece's of heart.Unfortunately, during this, my GC memory card with the save decided to mess up. It was deleted, and anything saved to that memory card was deleted as well. That was the end of that file. This was much more recent, though I never got another memory card.
Finally, now I have a VC version of it on my Wii. I'm working on beating it right now. I haven't experienced any problems yet. I hope this will be the last time I lose my save.[07/02/2010 21:02:19]
Whenever I'm Young Link playing Ocarina of Time, I'd always wear the Keaton mask. :D
[07/02/2010 19:47:34]
L Xero
My Thoughts On The Silhouette Of The New Pokemon:
It definitely looks interesting. It makes me think of a bipedal Keaton (from Zelda), so I'm seeing it as a yellow / light brown body with a lighter muzzle. The "hair" darker.
But that's just how I see it. This isn't anything official.[07/02/2010 18:41:00]
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