
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


Yeah, Sangheili are great, but Unggoy are SO much better. I'm thinking of changing my screen-name to Unggoy, that's how awesome they are.


[22/01/2010 23:24:51]


"Yeah that isnt workking it said it hates me.O__O"

Lol Tvtropes, what a good time for your servers to blow out again. We were just about to make a new convert, too.

[21/01/2010 02:37:35]


It's alright, Mehw. XD Thank you for adding that; I can't believe I forgot… >_>

And exactly why I chose this screen name. Elites are pwnage. :D

[21/01/2010 02:21:55]

Pika for Prez

Yeah that isnt workking it said it hates me.O__O

anyway I hate the manaphy movie.

Salamance spamy

[21/01/2010 01:51:18]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 01-15-10

That's the third report about that so far, and it's a reference to an internet meme. Somehow I knew this would happen.

[20/01/2010 04:13:43]


The comment below amuses me

[20/01/2010 02:50:01]

Commenting on: 01-15-10

Whoa, typoes: "… cool guy (eh protects nature and doesn't afraid of anything)."

[near the top of the review]

This should probably be on an error report, but meh.

[20/01/2010 01:52:41]

Commenting on: 01-15-10

I caught this when it premiered on TV. My favorite parts were the commercials.

[19/01/2010 04:51:01]

Website: Poliwager

Poliwager's updated again… :D

I've only seen about 3 of the Pokémon movies, they didn't seem worth it.

Natu for spammy~

[17/01/2010 20:41:06]

Commenting on: 01-15-10

I can watch the ovie as many times as I like in a row.

[17/01/2010 07:00:28]

Commenting on: 01-15-10

I tried watching that movie, but I got bored in the middle of it. Then changed the channel. So you deserve something for being able to watch it multiple times, because I definitely couldn't.

For the short time I watched it, the setting was pretty neat, though.

[17/01/2010 02:25:34]

Commenting on: 01-15-10

Soooo, in addition to King of the Sea, how many titles does Ash have by now?

[16/01/2010 19:25:59]

Emerald Espeon

I've never played Halo, nor do I have any idea what it's about besides the fact that it's a shooter game.

[16/01/2010 18:25:01]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Nope, I've never tried Halo at all. From what I remember of that conversation, I think the deal was that you were trying to convince me to play Halo and I was skeptical because I don't really like FPS games, but I've never played Halo specifically.

[16/01/2010 14:58:06]

Emerald Rayquaza
Website: Dragons Roost

*is confused still*

Oh, is anyone here on Neopets?

[16/01/2010 12:29:03]


Wow, embarassing. Sorry Sangheili, I used your old name :o

beedrill spammy <3

[16/01/2010 05:46:41]


Sangheili are the Covenant's name for what we call the Elites.

:D Butterfree I though we talked once and you said your boyfriend tried to get you to play it but you like turn based better? :/

Pikachu Goddess forgot that The Covenant are looking for the things called "artifacts" left behind by The Forerunners, which were ironically supposedly human, albeit much smarter. No one knows how they dissapeared. What else?….. :/

Reach is mentioned alot in Halo lore, gameplay, etc etc but untill now there was only discriptions of it. Reach gets 'glassed' which is essentially burned so hot that the surface turns to glass. :l therefore obviously killing everyone on it, including every spartan I, II, and III that was on it. All of them except the previously dead ones, and John, aka. The Master Chief. I love Halo's story it is so amazing. I suggest reading all the books but play Halo: Combat Evolved, 2, and 3 first, then read the books and play ODST. I don't know what I love about it. I just love it, it's simply amazing.

[16/01/2010 05:45:36]


It's a shooter game involving a war between an alien race called The Covenant and the humans. The Covenant is bent on anhililating the human race due to their religious beliefs. You play the role as the Master Chief, a genetically modified human that is stronger and faster than other humans, and your role is to stop The Covenant from succeeding. Very fun game. (Hopefully I summarized that up well enough…)

I am so excited for Reach! :D I simply cannot wait!

[16/01/2010 05:18:55]

Emerald Rayquaza
Website: Dragons Roost

What's Halo anyway? And you would probably remember me, Butterfree, I was the one who emailed you with that award and completely overlooked the lack of award page ^^

[15/01/2010 21:05:31]


Does anyone know the answer to the first clue in Magikarp the Gathering?

[15/01/2010 18:18:26]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC