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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


Maybe when one accesses it, the one that writes it can't access it so it writes it somewhere undefined therefore resetting it? :l

[16/12/2009 06:08:44]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

The counter is a file. There is a function that reads the number in this file to display it on the page, and a function that reads the number in the file, increments it by one and puts it back in the file. What you see on the page is just the contents of that file. Basically something keeps going wrong in the function that writes to the file, most likely when two processes on the server try to access the file at the same time or something of the like, and it writes 0 or an empty string into it instead of the number of hits.

Funnily enough, as it is right now it is supposed to be taking special measures to prevent anything funny happening when two processes try to access it at the same time, but there must be something wrong with the handling of it. Or at least that's my best guess at what's going on.

[16/12/2009 05:14:54]


Hey, Butterfree, so the file writes the number to the counter each time it goes up?

[16/12/2009 04:23:11]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Aaand I made yet another fix to the Ultimate Type Tool, this time from something I realized while lying in bed.

[15/12/2009 15:26:18]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

No, it's not getting too high. If that were the case, it would consistently reset when it hit a particular number (which would be a power of two, not just any odd number above a couple of million), as opposed to randomly resetting every now and then. Odds are the code that grabs the hit counter file, reads the number, increments it and writes it back into the file is buggy somehow, but I cannot for the life of me figure out just what is wrong with it.

[15/12/2009 02:42:14]


Maybe it's getting too high. maybe each million you get you can add a mark of some sort and start at 0: so now it would be(im using a random mark) approx… ©©© 800,000

[15/12/2009 02:27:01]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

…and now the hit counter reset itself again, only this time to an empty file instead of zero. I really, really don't get it.

[15/12/2009 02:06:48]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 12-14-09

Okay, now I fixed the Ultimate Type Tool for real.

[15/12/2009 00:40:14]

Emerald Espeon

The first game I played was Ruby. But when I got Crystal, I liked it much better.

[14/12/2009 15:09:05]


HGSS Macrh 14! Can't wait.

[14/12/2009 12:37:45]


Hello People!!!!!!! i havnt posted on here in a while…. GIMME HEARTGOLD WITH A TYPHLOSION!!!!!!!!

… wow. that was random.

anybody read the series of books called the alchemyst: the secrets of the immortal nicholas flamel? it iz awsum :D


[14/12/2009 02:42:19]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 12-10-09

I'm actually already more or less completely rewriting the custom type system again, heh. At least I'm pretty sure once I get this done it will be pretty foolproof.

[13/12/2009 23:09:31]


first pokemon I ever played was Green. :l That's hardcore for leik a three yr old. :/ Plus, I had NO idea ehat they were saying. I knew what the moves were though :DDDD

[13/12/2009 18:28:58]

Website: Pikachu's Plaza
Commenting on: 12-10-09

I'm sorry to bother you, but I actuall found another problem.

Say I create the type Ji and the type Ku. Now I want to edit Ji, so I click on its name and change on one of its weakness to a resistance. (it doesn't matter what you change, as long as you change something). Say I don't want Ji anymore, so I delete it. I get this error:

"Microsoft JScript runtime error '800a138f'

'wruar.1' is null or not an object

/newtypetool.asp, line 184"

I think people would run into this error more.

[13/12/2009 18:09:37]


The first Pokémon game I've ever played is Yellow Version. I remember when I was little, I simply loved how Pikachu followed me around everywhere… XD

[13/12/2009 18:02:56]

Website: Sonar's Reign

I agree, Crystal is the best of the three. I like it because Suicune dosen't roam like the others, and most of the time I'm too lazy to go after 'em.

Gosh, its been a long time since I last came here…

[12/12/2009 23:51:35]

Emerald Espeon

I only have Crystal, and it was one of the first Pokémon games/video games in general that I ever played, so of course it's my favourite :P

Smeargle for the spammifier.

[12/12/2009 23:49:06]


I have Crystal version sitting right here. and no where to play it. I have a DS and GBAM T^T

[12/12/2009 21:41:57]


I've always liked Silver, too, but Crystal's still the better of the three in my opinion.

Yay! Houndoom! :D

[12/12/2009 21:27:12]


XD secret unlocked :D I'm going to browse all of your amazing styles. :]

[12/12/2009 19:43:13]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC