
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

I've never played Halo, or been in the same room as anybody playing Halo, so I could hardly have an opinion on it.

[15/01/2010 07:58:41]


Hi everyone, it's been quite awhile. D:

So, in GameInformer today, Halo: Reach! :DDDDD

Last I remember Butterfree didn't like Halo D:D: But WOW it looks so amazing, and the cover is so well drawn. <33

togepi spammy :D

[15/01/2010 04:44:21]

Website: Poliwager

@Jirachi: I use Dreamweaver 8 to code my site, and it's very easy to use and such. I'd recommend it. :D

Igglybuff for the spammy.

[15/01/2010 01:21:14]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Emerald Rayquaza: Well, there are a lot of people who e-mail me a couple of times about stuff, but your name rings a bell. I think.

Jirachi: I've never used Dreamweaver and personally prefer editing plaintext over fancy programs, but Photoshop is generally nice for creating images of any kind. Designing the layout entirely in Photoshop, sure, though I haven't exactly done that often (pretty much just Voice of the Forest style).

I don't really see the point in having a user system on the website; it would be an awful lot of work just to add a couple of gimmicks at the most. :/ I mean, as a user on The Cave of Dragonflies, what would you do that you can't do already? It would remove the need to specifically enter your name when you do the crossword or a quiz or sign the guestbook, but that's pretty much about it as far as I can tell, and I can't really think of a lot of features I'd like to add that would need or be better with a user system.

[15/01/2010 00:55:50]


Very good choice, Typhloise. :D

[14/01/2010 23:36:55]

Website: Skies of Light

Hello! Butterfree, I'm the one who asked for some HTML help, Kaeri. SO, anyway, I just have two things to ask/say:

1. That one-shot (Curse) was morbid and as sad like the rest of your one-shots (or chaptered stories). But still, I like the way it compelled me not to use Curse in games. (I honestly have no idea why.) OMG, WHY DID DRAGONITE'S SOUL HAVE TO DIE?!!?!? D:

2. Is Photoshop CS4 good for designed layouts and is Dreamweaver also good for coding layouts? Just asking.

And I also have a third thing to say: why don't you try doing a user system on the website too? (Even though there's one at the forums). BLAH, please ignore that suggestion I said. It's stupid. Okay, that's all for now, bye!




[14/01/2010 21:07:13]

Emerald Rayquaza
Website: Dragons Roost

Sorry about the double post.

PS: Remember me, Butterfree? I emailed you a couple of times about stuff ^^

[14/01/2010 17:42:56]

Emerald Rayquaza
Website: Dragons Roost

The update code snippet thingy was a nice idea. :D

[14/01/2010 17:40:46]

Emerald Rayquaza
Website: Dragons Roost

The update code snippet thingy was a nice idea. :D

[14/01/2010 17:40:10]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Depends on the layout. Some of them I still like after a while; others make me cringe and think about remaking them.

[13/01/2010 08:58:14]

Commenting on: 12-25-09

That was….fantastic. Very much so. It moved me, I think that story's Curse was a very nice deconstruction of the "PokeSlave" phenomenon in fan fiction, how people write about Pokemon as drones that are recalled into their PokeBalls till next battle, the way you presented that is…chilling. Very well done. *slowclap*

[13/01/2010 06:52:07]


How the layout was; the overall presentation and how it was set up.

[13/01/2010 05:41:31]


Hello People! I have restarted my Emerald and will make a team of all my forgotten Hoenn pokemon, including my favorites: Absol (my first encounter was with a female)

Sableye (i became obsessed with this one)

and Flygon (i do believe that i will name this one after butterfree's other name, dragonfree.)

so, well, ill be finding forgotten-by-me Hoennian pokemon starting now.

[13/01/2010 03:03:33]


Hello People! I have restarted my Emerald and will make a team of all my forgotten Hoenn pokemon, including my favorites: Absol (my first encounter was with a female)

Sableye (i became obsessed with this one)

and Flygon (i do believe that i will name this one after butterfree's other name, dragonfree.)

so, well, ill be finding forgotten-by-me Hoennian pokemon starting now.

[13/01/2010 03:02:29]

Website: Poliwager - Now in HTML!

I really want to thank you, Butterfree. I read your guide to HTML and CSS, and completely rewrote my site. Poliwager is now 100% real code. :D

[12/01/2010 22:53:59]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Layouts as in styles or layouts as in page structure, the way the term is used on the new Site History page?

[12/01/2010 08:57:46]


Butterfree, what do you think of your layouts when you look back on them? :O

[12/01/2010 05:32:30]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

In G/S/C, it was impossible to breed a parent with its own child because Pokémon with the same Special IV couldn't breed, and the Special IV was always inherited directly from the opposite-sex parent. I don't think there's anything preventing it in the later games, though, where there are no IV restrictions.

[12/01/2010 00:29:27]


Hi. Been a while, eh?

I've been real busy with Christmas and school and stuff. I'm writing on my handy-dandy brand-new netbook.

With money, I also bought an X-Box 360. Gonna try to get Halo 1&2 from Greenumbreon.

Haven't played a Pokemon game in a while… Hoping that when HG/SS come out, I'll get back into the swing of things…

[11/01/2010 22:40:55]

Pika for Prez

Uhhh…very disturbing and shouldnt that not work.according to the emerald guidebook pokemon keep track of family trees.

[11/01/2010 22:20:16]

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