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Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 12-25-09Maybe a little. Minus the fact that Kari is all best buddies with her Pokémon. :P They do look kind of alike in my head, but then again that's just because they're both sort of based on the Crystal girl.
[27/12/2009 00:56:56]
Commenting on: 12-25-09Kari kinda reminds me of May.
[27/12/2009 00:37:09]
Commenting on: 12-25-09Sorry to comment again, but lol, I just realized this reminds me of something: Voldemort's Horcruxes XD, maybe that's why I liked the last books so much =P
[26/12/2009 23:16:02]
Commenting on: 12-25-09Wow, that was awesome, but creepy too… Poor Dragonite….
That plot would be awesome for a book, though, it's a very interesting concept, I feel like writing a longer fan fic about it, but I don't want to steal it from you XD[26/12/2009 23:08:14]
Commenting on: 12-25-09That was… interesting! Never thought of curse looking like that, and I get how ghosts can use it unharmed because of that Morty flashback. It took me a moment to figure out one of those Morty flashbacks, but it was good. So that Snorlax was pretty much "soulless". Huh. Morbid, but I like it!
[26/12/2009 18:57:05]
Commenting on: 12-25-09I have to agree with that last post. I didn't like using curse to begin with (I usually just stick to 'wack things until they die and heal sometimes'. No strategy for me. :P), but now I'm definitely NEVER using curse EVER.
[26/12/2009 18:49:35]
Hey there, this is Maecenas, the awesome fellow who's posted once or twice here in the past. This is a bit out of nowhere, but I have a few bits of in-game humor for your excellent section on it if you're still accepting them. I would've E-mailed, but it's my policy to only e-mail people I know personally, no offense meant. If I'm breaking some sort of rule by putting these here I apologize, go ahead and proclaim "Maecenas is an idiot" from the mountain peaks.
Anyways, the in-game humor: Whenever I run across something funny in a Pokemon game, I tend to think, "Man, I should submit that to TCOD one of these days," and I've finally gotten around to it. Consider it a Christmas present…
1. In the ONBS building in Pokemon XD, there's a bookshelf behind the staircase to the top floor (it's the one with an old man standing near it.) Examining the bookshelf will lead to the message, "There's a book entitled 'Survival in the Paperless Era.'"
The irony is priceless.
2. A good many of the Black Belts in Diamond, Pearl and Platinum have amusing things to say, most often poking fun at American perceptions of karate guys. My personal favorite is the one midway through Victory Road who tells you after you beat him, "I've gotten this far in life using the karate I learned on the Internet!"
3. In the Battle Tower (and probably the other facilities as well) there's a Collector who tells you "I put this team together with my Internet buddies. It took us all day!"
If you ask me, that's a reference to ShoddyBattle users and other Pokemon fans who turn to the Internet to create ideal teams in mere minutes.
4. In Platinum, I always liked your rival's line at Lake Verity: "Hey, we don't have any Pokeballs! You know, P-O-K-accent-E balls!" Finally the series gets around to referencing that crazy accent that's caused so many pronunciation train wrecks over the years…
5. A Black Belt in Maylene's Gym will say after losing, "I lost because I didn't eat enough pizza.
…no, anything I say will sound like I'm making excuses."
As I recall, Maylene also says something about being hungry, which makes me wonder about the Veilstone Gym's training regimen…
Well, that's all for now. Sorry again if I wasn't supposed to do this, and I hope you can use some of these!
Maecenas out.
Oh, and "Curse" was well-written but morbid, just like usual. At least you're consistent![26/12/2009 15:17:37]
Commenting on: 12-25-09Hooooooooly. Curse was so freakin morbid. That was scary, man. Was the kid's Scizor under Curse too?
Oh, by the way, it was really good. Just creepy. <.<[26/12/2009 07:05:09]
I love your fake pokemon
[25/12/2009 22:24:36]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 12-24-09Oh, but I'm not telling you to buy stuff. I'm telling you that if it happens you want to buy this particular stuff, you can support me by doing it through this particular link. I don't expect or want people to buy anything to support me that they wouldn't have bought anyway.
[25/12/2009 21:19:56]
Commenting on: 12-24-09I love when websites tell me to buy things. It really makes me want to buy said things and support them.
[25/12/2009 20:54:11]
Merry Christmas!
[25/12/2009 16:53:10]
Commenting on: 12-24-09I'm not troubled in the least about it. Honestly, as long as there are no pop-ups or flashy image ads or ads that follow you or ads that give viruses I'm fine. Wow, I'm picky. I don't mind this sort of thing. Hell, get some google ads if you want. I really don't care. =D
[25/12/2009 16:43:21]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 12-24-09The Articuno style problem is already fixed; you might need to do a hard refresh for it to work (shift+refresh).
[25/12/2009 12:30:58]
Commenting on: 12-24-09I think the ads look nice! You know, for ads. They're in a good spot on most of the styles (kind of weird on spectrum).
There's no problem with people buying stuff through a link like that, since it's a Pokemon site and it's probably interesting to most visitors - and actually, now all your visitors know exactly where to buy it if they were wondering.
It's only a problem on Articuno style - the sidebar background behind the links leaves some empty space between it and the "Sibling Sites" snowflakes, and also pokes up above the Buy Stuff title, which I don't *think* is intentional since it looks silly and it wasn't like that before.
I'm on Firefox 3.0 if it makes any difference.[25/12/2009 03:47:38]
Website: Writer's Block
Commenting on: 12-24-09Oh, come on, they are just text, not images, they don't get in the way, and are barley noticeable. They're fine.
[25/12/2009 03:47:00]
I'm sorry, Mew! D:
I remember my cousin was obsessed with Buffy a long time ago. XD[24/12/2009 20:16:11]
Terry. T.
Website: The major project of SPPFWhy didn't I leave tCoD because… I know it all, so I still need revenge. I can get it.
And I'm using my logic to leave SPPF as I've got lots of it.[24/12/2009 19:41:35]
I've been here for like 2 or 3 years now. :/
I feel odd that everyone thought he/she was me.
Paras spammifier.
how…..Shroomy. :3
wow…..of all things to forget I forgot my name. :l
Ladyba spammy…>:U apparently there's an e :/
….TRAPINCH[24/12/2009 17:49:05]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesUm, it's not as if some random person in a guestbook on a Pokémon website planning to change their username is an important enough event in everyone else's lives to be particularly memorable. o_O Seriously, there is no reason to be mortally offended here.
Buffy (the Vampire Slayer) is a cult classic TV show by Joss Whedon, also known for creating Firefly, Dollhouse and Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. Angel is a spin-off series about one of the characters from Buffy. In other words, I'm being obsessed with marathoning random TV shows again.
I got a spam prevention Jirachi. Very Christmasy.[24/12/2009 17:36:26]
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