
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


Hey guys! there dont seem to be many posts since i last posted 2 weeks ago… what a shame…

I recently got Super smash bros brawl and am playing lucario on all star mode currently. yay!!

[07/02/2010 18:10:08]


And soon it will be back to life…


[07/02/2010 17:25:20]


…. Oh god, he killed it!

[07/02/2010 17:04:07]

Emerald Espeon

I find it somewhat ironic that the guestbook has died since you posted that comment about sites being dead :P

[07/02/2010 16:58:47]


Hallo! I'm just popping in to say how much I love your website. A lot of the Pokemon sites I've run across are, well, dead, which is a real shame. I just got into pokemon, (nearly 20, and I'm just now getting into pokemon, oy vey) so I'm still a little lost.

I particularly enjoyed your "Is Pokemon Dead" article. Makes me feel a little better, knowing that I'm not the only "old fogie" in the fandom. XD

[04/02/2010 16:04:09]

Emerald Rayquaza
Website: Dragons Roost

If you're on Neopets, send me a Neomail! I'm jamjar384.

[02/02/2010 20:22:40]

Emerald Rayquaza
Website: Dragons Roost

…Oops! Didn't realise Unggoy answered already! ^^

Anyone here on Neopets?

Lugia next!

[01/02/2010 18:43:46]

Emerald Rayquaza
Website: Dragons Roost

I mean on the *Please type the name of the above Pokémon into this box* bit.

Yay! Rayquaza turned up!

[01/02/2010 18:42:08]


By GOD, could it be? Coming from the darkest pits of nothingness rises…

Typhloise! Me!

It's been awhile. I've been busy with my new X-Box, playing Halo CE, and school and stuff. When HG/SS comes out, I should get back into the swing of things.

[01/02/2010 14:06:03]


Thank ye Gods! At last a pokemon website with fanfiction with some depth.

[31/01/2010 09:53:40]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Oh, you sillies and your constant demands. :P

…sure. Maybe. I mean, I already have a script that churns out alternate forms, so…

[31/01/2010 03:45:27]


Maybe you could change that for us? Like you did with the shinies?

[31/01/2010 02:55:03]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Ah, that. No, all Pokémon appear only in their default form for the spam verification.

[30/01/2010 01:46:02]


I believe Emerald Rayquaza wants to know if Arceus can appear in any other form than its normal form as the spammifier.

[30/01/2010 00:08:03]

L Xero

Do you mean like when you fight it above Spear Pillar? If so, only Normal.

[29/01/2010 12:36:55]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Can it do that where? o_O

[28/01/2010 19:11:40]

Emerald Rayquaza
Website: Dragons Roost

Niice. Love the new styles. *huggles Volcaryu* ^^

WOOT ARCEUS!!! Can Arceus appear in any Forme or just Normal?

[28/01/2010 19:08:04]

Commenting on: 01-23-10

Kays, sorry for being nitpicky. ^^

[27/01/2010 04:30:18]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 01-23-10

Oops, forgot to edit that. Will do it in a sec.

[27/01/2010 02:49:56]

Commenting on: 01-23-10

The typo's still there… D: [/OCD]

[27/01/2010 01:52:47]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC